
11 de septiembre de 2018

* Open letter from a retired Political Parties: *

* We are not asking anything that is not already ours. * 

* Everything you see now around you we did. * 

* We raise a country that came from a dictatorship. * 

* We had to be healing wounds that did not heal, but found . a way to live with them * 

* we help our parents until the end of his days: There was no aid, were the children who drew the chariot *. 

* we take forward our families with many children and few resources *. 

* work from sunrise to sunset in towns and cities. And we build today Spain gobernáis you, as if it were just yours. *

* Took up our children to one, we have mitigated economic crisis, bringing our grandchildren, sharing macaroni, weaving family not crumble in despair . * 

You have no right to ask for more sacrifices. * 

* We have what it behooves us: a pension that allows us to live with dignity *. * Honorable Members Get to work as we did and resolve their problems. Review all their salaries and annuities. His travels, their diets, their advisors, their fees added contracts. Reduce expenses starting with you . * * Do not go on the street now in the demonstrations, to make electoral propaganda. *

* Do not use Congress as if it were a circus, a tawdry comedy, insults, insults and bad jokes. Does not make us any funny to see how aggressive tone of rage, use in their debates- can say the same with education and keeping his composure . *

* Prove they are worthy of the trust we have placed them. * 
* And if not they do, they will find their parents on the street. They would have to drop their heads in shame. *

* We are a generation of fighters. They will notablekeepmouths shut. It would be terrible to have to be us again that we have to take the bull by the horns. *

* Demonstrate all facts, looking for this group of retirees and let us live with dignity, at this stage of life. *

* Enjoy yourself, we are outraged and offended many: for q our voices heard, and they drop their heads in shame *.

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