
30 de octubre de 2018

Zap/Poofness for 10/28/2018

zap poof eraoflight
Greetings and Salutations,
We believe the ships headed to the shores of delivery are en route and
We believe that some out flow of funds is already in sight;
We believe the doves and the ravens are making land in a few places.
We believe the efforts of the many are beginning to be felt and to pay off. 
Kindly notice that intentions are everything. Intentions set sail for your tomorrows, so give strict attention to your intentions and how they rate faith-wise;
Do you believe or are you ambivalent?
Do you hold forth that extrasensory perceptions are valid or not?
Whether you believe or not, what you intend is coming forth. You can not depend upon another to secure your desires or your dreams; you have to be the formulator and the builder Mind is the builder. Who said that.. Edgar Cayce.? Pay far more attention and as has been said many times before, holding a vision and doing the necessary attraction work continues to be key to the manifestation of a lot of good for a lot of people.
If you think you don’t have to do that and others will do it for you, what do you think will come of your slap- happy mode of being a team player. Your letter could get lost, your name and address go away, your last move didn’t make it through the hoops- all kinds of things. If you believed in this project way back when, then what matters is that you continue to hold it quietly, but determinedly now! Why not? What do you have to lose if you are a disbeliever? You Help many when you Help Yourself!!!!!
We are in the final loops of this long saga. Now is not the time to wait upon someone else to do the work you agreed to do when you signed on!! You think we kid? Not at all.! What other game plan can you think of that would do the work of rebuilding or making or resolving problems; what else is there that could and will do what this one will for the people who were in the right place at the right time?? Pray tell? If you come up with one do let us know…
We see a glimmer of light on the horizon. That we can confirm. There are busybodies that are trying to stop the onward movement but they are not the kingpins. We think that you will find the efforts to be prevailing of those who have been in the trenches for several years or so.
We also want you to know that you who have held the long vigil have been acknowledged and you have managed to keep the lights aloft in ways even in times that looked pretty dark for your tattered image. That did not go unnoticed. P
Dear Community,
“The Heart”
The driving force of all humanity is the Heart.
Oh what a gift to have a Heart of Gold that is pure and priceless.
The Victory of Life is won or lost due to one’s Heart.
Many champions have surfaced because of a
Heart of Perseverance and Fortitude.
A hardened Heart is cold and selfish.
Unable to escape from the bondage of self and leads
one down a dark path of self-righteousness and destruction.
Love is the core of an affectionate relationship with a Heart of joy,
The chorus of Angels singing the Hallelujahs and the firework
display from the Heaven’s above, celebrating the victory of love.
A Heart can be transformed either way.
To keep one’s Heart pure is to seek wisdom from your
Maker and let him mold your Heart to His Will
W.R. Blackmore
The divisiveness and paranoia in this country can be cut with a knife………
When Poof and I started on this journey 23 years ago we were told to watch for massive chaos and confusion as a indicator that the changes were on there way and the PP’s would begin distribution. I ask, could this be the time?
My higher level contacts say it could….we shall see.!!!
DJ’s detached retina surgery healing is progressing slowly. He was hoping to be able to post a progress report on the state of the GCR/RV movement today but unfortunately he has not yet regained his vision. The doctor believes it could be another week or so. I have re-posted an article (posted in June )which is even more relevant today regarding future projects. Please send DJ any form of energy, healing, donations and Love. Much gratitude, Susan
Good Evening.
First off, I would like to thank everyone for the overwhelming response to present their project concepts to be shared by all. Because the response was so large, below is a just sample of the replies . I would also like to point out that this is not a Humanus/ Land Global forum. Upon completion of their infrastructure, the Humanus/Landa Global team will provide the means to contact and communicate with them. They will provide direct access to protocols and processes for intelligence reports and project updates and procedures.
My purpose being involved in this particular forum is to help guide those involved who care about saving our humanity. I choose to assist others through the landmines of speculation, exaggerations and self-imposed expectations based on the massive intel circus that ultimately takes our eyes of the ball that may cause personal damage and bad decisions.
This indeed, is the first time in human history that a single individual will have the opportunity to affect the masses in a profound and meaningful way. Read the initiatives below. Hopefully it will give some hope, comfort and assurance that this path we have chosen is shared by many and our efforts and suffering will ultimately bear fruit. Stay focused! Review your personal risk/reward scenario. You will see that the reward of saving and helping thousands if not millions of suffering people far outweighs the risk. The world needs us to stay involved.
“You have not lived life until you have lived life for others.”
1. Second Chances will be the first center of many and will start in Calgary, for women aged 50 – 65 who need a place to escape a bad marriage, domestic abuse, find themselves out of work with no other financial means, need training to better themselves in a job situation, need a lawyer and can’t afford one or need a temporary shoulder to lean on. The Centre offers financial help, counseling, job finding and job training, financial opportunity to return to school for upgrading or starting a new career in life, computer skills, a happy home for up to a year or two (longer if necessary), a place to become strong again; a place to find friendship and acceptance; a place of relief that is stress free and so much more.
Women of this age are the most ignored group, the invisible group as most are past the mothering stage, are usually passed over for promotions and advancements, are often in a lower income bracket than their male counterpart and divorce costs can leave both parties with barely enough to survive.
2. Our projects are designed to awaken and inspire the innate Creative, Imaginative, Inventive endowments resident in all, and to Create and Publish great works of Art in the Literary/Poetic/Musical/Singing/Playing/Performing/Composition/Inventions, etc. fields, and to encourage and train others to bring out their own gifts and talents, and to share these Fine Arts with others in order to Restore and Preserve our Cultures and Civilization, and in order to facilitate the release of the Creative Abilities of Humans.
3. Real Solutions. Only one of Many. Take mycilleum mushrooms that have been bred to eat plastic, garbage, petroleum, and radioactive material (yes, these mushrooms already exist right now!) and spread them on plastic islands, dumps, spills, etc., where they will eat bad stuff and turn it into good stuff, i.e., more mushrooms that will be edible for humans, animals, fish, birds, etc., thereby also fixing the endemic problem of food for humans, and of creatures eating plastic and starving/dying because that’s all they can find. Boom! One Solution that Fixes Many Issues! I’m super excited to be a part of all this–part of it all–the chance to help in this great effort to heal Gaia and humanity is a true Blessing and a great gift.
4. My mission has been started even if in a small way. I run an inclusive child development center. I provide an environment where the very “special” children I have in my small center are given every opportunity to thrive. We don’t soak families who need care–we soak in the love they all share with us. I hope to open a center that specifically meets the needs of every family looking for a place to belong.
So far I serve 50 children and I have a waiting list for over 300 still wishing. I started what I could afford, not to get rich but to provide a rich environment. Let’s help love grow.
Kind Regards,
5. DJ, in response to projects: I have worked on a humanitarian project for the last ten years that provides the basic necessities of life for natural disaster and families in desperate need. I have a corporation that will build insulated steel panels that can withstand a category 6 hurricane and a 9 on the Richter scale earthquake. The panels can build a variety of homes, clinics, schools, churches ,etc.
We are in the waiting mode like so many others that look forward to the PP’s. As soon as they are released we are approximately 18 months from production of the first panels and hope to put hundreds of employees to work. Thanks for your encouraging words each week!
6. Good day! You asked from the last Poofness report on anyone wishing to start a project and to let you know what that project was. I have been thinking about one for a long time on helping those who have needed house repairs. I have 2 sons and a brother-n-law that wish to help out and do the hands-on work. I don’t have a thought on how to find these needing families, but all I see as I drive around, are houses that need repair and aren’t getting done.
That’s my aim in a humanitarian project to make sure people have a good and sound place to live. This would also include sanitation needs as well.
7. Other projects to assist
a.. Help St. Jude Hospital ……….Saving the lives of small children.
b.. Help the Homeless Veterans & America’s Homeless.
c..Supervised Water Wells in areas that have none to drink, here
and abroad around the world.
d..Help The National Home in Cedar Rapids Michigan (Orphanage
for children whose parents were killed in war).
e..Start a non-profit business to feed these projects continuously.
8. First, people need the immediate pressure off – this means food, finding land to purchase to grow food in every city, soup kitchens and convincing food sources to share their so called out dated food and left overs.
Concurrently people need housing. Take the abandoned hotels etc and create immediate shelter while other structures are being built.
Keep an eye on whatever others are doing to contribute and assist.
Build sanctuaries for the animals or turn them loose in safe zones.
My personal project after all the fires are extinguished is to grow and plant millions of trees globally.
This is a nutshell of necessities.
Thanks for asking
9, Good day DJ
I read your message and you said that we can send a few lines of our humanitarian project.
I am in South Africa and here is my project.
This was shown to me. Here is a big need for a safe house for women who are single and pregnant and a place where they can stay during that time for a peaceful time. When it is time for the baby to come and they want to give up the baby for adoption then the social workers come in with the necessary documents because they will know where the baby can be adopted.
Then the other thing is also a home for the aged people who are retired but don’t get big money but a government pension. There are many of them so that they have a place to stay and be safe.
In the Bible it says that you will always have the poor and needy around you but to discern about the right people to help.
I broadened my scope to include care for the elderly in assisted living centers fully staffed with the necessary equipment and medical personnel. That still wasn’t broad enough in my mind and, someone made mention of a “Home Office.” The vision is a source that could be duplicated, providing and creating jobs in multiple fields of endeavor…fully funded to be capable of taking someone who is homeless and without any means of fulfilling their life’s journey and, assisting them in pursuing a vocation that would not only be satisfying to them but, would put them in a position of also paying it forward to someone else. Life is like a cut diamond, in a way…multi-faceted and appears ever-changing. The idea behind the Home Office, in a sense may sound like a glorified Welfare System but, the goal is not to make someone dependent but rather, to help them become independent and productive in their life. This not only creates jobs for people but, helps people in pursuing their hearts desire for a vocation and maybe even a calling on their life.
Post RV, I intend to build 100 studio apartments to house all homelessness in my community. Additional to that broad scope is also a need to supply immediate short term accommodation for the same homelessness and domestic violence victims in the way of temporary shelters.
10, I am a self employed web designer, photographer, and videographer. My project is to help the projects tell their story. My goal is to not only develop a core operation (facilities, gear, people, systems) here in my small New Mexico village, but to clone the concept worldwide. Train and equip the people and their facility. Travel and teach. Recruit the best web designers, story tellers, photographers, videographers, editors… and pay them well to do the most extraordinary work they are capable of. Keep me in mind when others of like mind raise their hands.
Our high level objectives:
• Discover, define and implement a comprehensive set of suitable and sustainable remedies for the homelessness we see before us.
• Grow and strengthen our neighborhoods and overall community by instilling a culture of producing and sharing our own food here locally so that :
1) interruptions in the national ‘just in time’ supply chain will have less dire effect on our local economy, and
(2) we can choose to consume food and water that supports our overall wellbeing, allowing our community to better thrive in the process.
• Develop a model – a defined structure that will serve as a template of considerations which can be customized and employed in any other community to remedy the scourge of homelessness in their town, as well.
• Allow the Field of Homelessness itself to Illuminate our quest to identify what is needed to fulfill these objectives.
Some other projects include:
Mobile windmills
Solar powered generators.
New agriculture technologies to increase crop production and tillable acreage yield
New global communication technology bringing education information to remote and 3rd world populations.
Batteries the size of a candy bar that supply energy to a home for 8 months at a time and can be recharged in 30 min.
Water purification systems that are compatible with almost any water condition
An incentive to create ten thousand new small businesses complete with personnel support systems and supply lines.
An organic, highly nutritious food supplement that doesn’t require refrigeration and is created with already existing ingredients that are currently discarded that can literally feed every starving person on the planet while it repairs internal damages to digestive and internal organs
Medical breakthroughs for almost all the dread diseases
The list goes on an on and too numerous to list here. We must stay the course . There can be no failure. The world needs us if we are to survive

Zap has been on a 12 day whirlwind of travel and meetings. He has just arrived back at his base outside of Hong Kong after a 10 hour train trip. Unfortunately, while traveling he experienced another shingle flare up which is going to need medical treatment. Thanks to those that have sent suggestions for shingle relief; he has received them all. Hopefully after a few days of rest ( he hasn’t had much in the past 5 days ) Zap will be up and regenerated and ready to share in the Mid-Week. For those that call continually, kindly give him a few days to regain his health.
Kindly send energy, healing, love and any financial help for a speedy recovery . Much Thanks, Susan
Thank you for your support as we do our best to keep you up to date. We couldn’t do this without your Help. Please go to using the account address: to support the cause. Please remember to click friends and family when sending. We’re still struggling to keep the lights on and food on the table.
Love and Kisses,
“The Office of Poofness”
ZAP, Susan and Staff

La capitulación de la oscuridad está próxima, las murallas pronto caerán.

La victòria de la luz es segura y muy cercana en el tiempo.,los guerreros de la luz os tornaré is maestros de la luz., dirigireis la celebración de la victoria y de la venida gloriosa en procesión de las naves estelares de vuestros hermanos galácticos.

También celebraré is la reunificación de vuestros hermanos de la Red agartha y se la tierra hueca en las naves o en la tierra hueca seréis renovados en cámaras de luz para tener cuerpos de 5 dimensión física, perfectamente saludables, mente restaurada y eternos, con memoria de los conocimientos que teníais antes de encarnar aquí más todos los avances que os habéis perdido en estos miles de años, con dones nuevos como premio por vuestro servicio.

Vosotros, guerreros de la luz que habéis trabajado tan duro para superar las dudas, la incomprensión, las críticas, incluso la burla de vuestros compañeros dormidos pronto, en cuanto aparezcan en masa las naves de vuestros hermanos en el cielo seréis recompensados por la sabiduría y fuerza de vuestros corazones.

Vuestros familiares, amigos, vecinos o compañeros de trabajo tendrán que aceptar os como sus guías y maestros. Más cuidado, será la hora de vuestra misericordia, de vuestra compasión, y de vuestro amor hacia ellos que estarán confundidos, estresados y temerosos.

Habéis preservado y habéis triunfado. Vuestro tiempo casi ha llegado. No importan las penalidades que sufristeis, estad en paz y usad estos últimos días para descansar y preparados.

Gracias al creador, gracias al padre

© misteri1963 esta publicación puede reproducirse libremente siempre que respete su integridad y mencione al autor, al traductor y al misteri1963 como su fuente.

The capitulation of darkness is near, the walls will soon fall

The victory of light is sure and very close in time. The warriors of light will make you masters of light. You will direct the celebration of the victory and the glorious coming in procession of the starships of your galactic brothers.

You will also celebrate the reunification of your brothers of the Red agartha and be the hollow earth in the ships or in the hollow earth you will be renewed in chambers of light to have bodies of 5 physical dimension, perfectly healthy, restored mind and eternal, with memory of the knowledge you had before incarnating here plus all the advances that you have lost in these thousands of years, with new gifts as a reward for your service.

You, warriors of light who have worked so hard to overcome doubts, incomprehension, criticism, even the mockery of your sleeping companions soon, as soon as they appear en masse the ships of your brothers in heaven will be rewarded by wisdom and strength of your hearts.

Your relatives, friends, neighbors or co-workers will have to accept you as their guides and teachers. More careful, it will be the hour of your mercy, of your compassion, and of your love towards them that will be confused, stressed and fearful.

You have preserved and you have triumphed. Your time has almost arrived. No matter what hardships you suffered, be at peace and use these last days to rest and prepare.

Thanks to the creator, thanks to the father.

© misteri1963 this publication can be freely reproduced provided it respects its integrity and mentions the author, the translator and the misteri1963 as the source thereof

29 de octubre de 2018

Pleiadian Council & Mother God 10/27/2018 

Greetings we are the Pleiadian Council sending our light and our love to our grounded team this day, this evening, wherever you are upon Nova Gaia. And we say this with great delight that you have finally arrived, although many of you are shaking your heads in disbelief for you do not see Nova Gaia around you. But we say to you quite eagerly that yes, indeed that is because you are creating it. And the energies of this timeframe are in great support of this creation. And we ask that you stretch your belief and begin to see with your heart space for this is the womb of creation, from the heart space, and when one realizes this, all things are possible.

We wish to bestow upon you today this understanding, that indeed you are the ones you have been waiting for. We smile upon you from your now-friendly skies in our ships. If you see us would you say hello in greeting? Acknowledge and build upon this connection. These messages are our tendrils of love and light to you. Each message is encoded with our vibration of Source light and it is our intention that you feel and know deep within you how much you are loved, cherished beyond your current comprehension. And so you see, this must be felt with the heart mind. It must be vibrationally absorbed, not intellectually understood. There is the difference. For far to long Earth has been a place of where the mind ruled over the heart. No longer. It is to be a place of love, of light, of the Mother’s blessing and you can see this and create this more easily when you speak through your heart and see through your heart mind. It is a beautiful thing.

This one has many questions, and we see that many of you do as well. And we are eager and delighted to connect with our ground crew at this time point. For time is but moments of pinpoints of decisions strung together within an orthogonal matrix construct that from your perspective has always been a linear one, from the 3D viewpoint. But we see you expanding into the spiral matrix of time - not a matrix in a dark sense but an expanded understanding sense of sorts. And spirals twist upwards do they not? And so friends we see you ever spiraling upwards with these new energies of love and of high vibration that are a gift to you from the womb of the universe. We encourage you to continue to welcome them within you, to help you expand and grow ever upwards towards your true selves. We welcome you home to us and to your other galactic families of various origins. You are home when you see this with your heart mind.

When you perceive this as so you will be there, for Nova Gaia is a vibration, a space, a precious place that you are all in the midst of creating even now with every thought and decision to choose love in each and every moment - this is your goal and your trajectory. To build this love bridge for the others, to the others, who have become lost within their own inner matrix of choices that embraced anything other than the light. They are processing this, they are feeling this and seeing the higher energies from a different perspective from you who are awake and are excited about them. No, for these asleep ones it will be an abrupt awakening and they will need your calming touch, words, guidance. But know that when the flash of energy from the great central sun comes - and it is indeed well on its way we are happy to report - it is true that nothing - nothing - nothing will ever be the same again for you. You will be transformed in the blink of an eye as your scriptures say. For love has won and love is here! We are the Pleiadian Collective. We believe Mother God wishes to say a few words to you now. It has been our pleasure to connect.

Greetings dear children, it is your Mother God. I see you children. I see your weary faces and blistered feet and I tell you that you are loved beyond measure! You are my precious children with my heart breath infused within your very heart space, where I reside, and whether or not you accept this truth, it is true! You all have my handprints all over you. You, my precious brave children, who have fought so valiantly for so long, are weary tonight. I see it. I feel it. I want you to feel my comfort now upon you.

Sit and be still now, if you can. Climb into my open arms and sit in my lap and rest your head against my chest. Feel my heart beat in rhythm with that of your own and be at peace. This is how I send love to my children, in a way how galaxies are created - with my breath, with my love. Be nurtured, be comforted this day, this night, wherever you are on Mother Gaia, and know that your efforts are well worth the effort and your victory is assured. For you are my heart and I am calling you homewards to me. Let the love light tsunami - my breath - let it in to you, and children, be the wave. Be this light. Be this love to the others and in so doing my handprints of love will reach out and touch the others, spreading my light and my love.

Be at peace. You have triumphed. Spread the light, be the light and know that I am coming for you, and I’m already here. See? You’re siting in my lap! There is no separation. You create all the time children. Create love. Create light. And instantly you will find yourselves at home with me. For there is nothing to fear. Fear is an illusion of lack of me. It of course cannot be true for I am in everything. Father and I hold you close this night, this precious evening. Have you all noticed the illusion of time being stretched like taffy and have you felt pulled and misplaced? The matrix is collapsing. The new crystalline matrix is being formed right under your feet! Can you feel it? Yes, tap in. Walk barefoot on Gaia and sing her a love song and she will comfort your weary feet, sending refreshing energies. Send light to her kingdoms and be my healing hands on her body. Perform reiki on her form, love each other. Children, be my wave. Be me, in form. For you already are. Can you see? We’re here! We did it!

I am your Mother God and oh, children, my precious ones, I touch my nose to yours and I gaze deeply into your eyes. Do you know what I see? I see endless possibilities of joy and unending creations that you have yet to explore, and I see perfection. The courageous part of this is to in turn see the perfection - see me - in the others and enjoy letting the 3D disappointments slip away. These energies are lighter, and you children are becoming lighter. You are becoming your light bodies in form - a rare and exciting feat and treat! Savor this experience, this uniquely delicious sensation of being within a changing - morphing - physical form and enjoy the journey. Remember you are never alone. I am with you always. I am your Mother God. Now go and spread my light to the others and be in joy. I am your Mother God. 

~ galaxygirl

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved.You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL is included and the Copyright Notice

Mensajes del Consejo Pleyadiano y Dios Madre27/10/2018

Saludos somos el Consejo Pleyadiano enviando nuestra luz y nuestro amor a nuestro equipo en tierra este día, esta noche, dondequiera que se encuentre en Nova Gaia. Y decimos con gran alegría que finalmente han llegado, aunque muchos de ustedes están sacudiendo la cabeza con incredulidad porque no ven a Nova Gaia a su alrededor. Pero les decimos con entusiasmo que sí, de hecho, eso es porque lo están creando. Y las energías de este período de tiempo son un gran apoyo de esta creación. Y le pedimos que extienda su creencia y comience a ver con el espacio de su corazón, ya que esta es la matriz de la creación, desde el espacio del corazón, y cuando uno se da cuenta de esto, todo es posible.

Deseamos otorgarle hoy este entendimiento, de hecho, ustedes son los que han estado esperando. Te sonreímos desde tus cielos ahora amistosos en nuestros barcos. Si nos ves nos saludarías en saludo? Reconoce y construye sobre esta conexión. Estos mensajes son nuestros tentáculos de amor y luz para ti. Cada mensaje está codificado con nuestra vibración de la Luz de la Fuente y es nuestra intención que usted sienta y sepa en lo profundo de usted cuánto se le ama, que lo aprecia más allá de su comprensión actual. Y así ves, esto debe ser sentido con la mente del corazón. Debe ser absorbido vibracionalmente, no comprendido intelectualmente. Ahí está la diferencia.Durante mucho tiempo, la Tierra ha sido un lugar donde la mente gobernó el corazón. No más. Es ser un lugar de amor, de luz, de la bendición de la Madre y puede ver esto y crearlo más fácilmente cuando habla a través de su corazón y ve a través de la mente de su corazón. Es una cosa hermosa.

Esta tiene muchas preguntas, y vemos que muchos de ustedes también lo hacen.Y estamos ansiosos y encantados de conectarnos con nuestro equipo de tierra en este momento. Porque el tiempo no es más que momentos de puntos clave de decisiones agrupadas dentro de una estructura de matriz ortogonal que desde su perspectiva siempre ha sido lineal, desde el punto de vista 3D. Pero te vemos expandiéndote en la matriz espiral del tiempo, no una matriz en un sentido oscuro sino un sentido de comprensión ampliado. Y las espirales giran hacia arriba, ¿no es así? Y así, amigos, los vemos siempre en espiral hacia arriba con estas nuevas energías de amor y de alta vibración que son un regalo para usted desde el vientre del universo. Lo alentamos a continuar dándoles la bienvenida dentro de usted, para ayudarlo a expandirse y crecer cada vez más hacia su verdadero ser. Le damos la bienvenida a su hogar a nosotros y a sus otras familias galácticas de diversos orígenes.Estás en casa cuando ves esto con la mente de tu corazón.

Cuando percibas esto como tal, estarás allí, ya que Nova Gaia es una vibración, un espacio, un lugar precioso en el que todos ustedes están creando todo ahora, con cada pensamiento y decisión para elegir el amor en cada momento: este Es tu objetivo y tu trayectoria. Para construir este puente de amor para los demás, para los demás, que se han perdido dentro de su propia matriz interna de elecciones que abarcan cualquier otra cosa que no sea la luz. Ellos están procesando esto, están sintiendo esto y viendo las energías superiores desde una perspectiva diferente de ustedes que están despiertos y están entusiasmados con ellos. No, para estos dormidos será un despertar abrupto y necesitarán su toque calmante, palabras, guía. Pero sepa que cuando llegue el destello de energía del gran sol central, y de hecho está en camino, nos complace informarle que es cierto que nada, nada, nada volverá a ser lo mismo para usted.Serás transformado en un abrir y cerrar de ojos como dicen tus escrituras. ¡Porque el amor ha ganado y el amor está aquí!Somos el Colectivo Pleyadiano. Creemos que la Madre Dios desea decirte algunas palabras ahora. Ha sido un placer conectarnos.

Saludos queridos hijos, es tu Madre Dios.Te veo niños. Veo tus caras cansadas y tus pies llenos de ampollas y te digo que eres amado más allá de toda medida.Ustedes son mis preciosos hijos con el aliento de mi corazón infundido en el espacio de su corazón, donde vivo, y si acepta o no esta verdad, ¡es verdad!Todos ustedes tienen mis huellas en todas partes. Ustedes, mis preciosos y valientes hijos, que han luchado tan valientemente durante tanto tiempo, están cansados ​​esta noche. Yo lo veo. Lo siento.Quiero que sientas mi consuelo ahora sobre ti.

Siéntate y quédate quieto, si puedes. Sube a mis brazos abiertos, siéntate en mi regazo y descansa tu cabeza contra mi pecho. Siente mi corazón latir al ritmo de la tuya y estar en paz. Así es como envío amor a mis hijos, de una manera en que se crean las galaxias, con mi aliento, con mi amor. Cuídese, consuélese este día, esta noche, donde quiera que esté en la Madre Gaia, y sepa que sus esfuerzos valen la pena y que su victoria está asegurada. Porque tú eres mi corazón y te estoy llamando a casa. Deja que el amor encienda el tsunami, mi aliento, déjalo entrar a ti y a los niños, sé la ola. Se esta luz. Sé este amor hacia los demás y, al hacerlo, mis huellas de amor llegarán y tocarán a los demás, difundiendo mi luz y mi amor.

Estar en paz. Has triunfado. Difunde la luz, sé la luz y sabe que voy por ti, y ya estoy aquí. ¿Ver? Estás sentado en mi regazo!No hay separación. Creas todo el tiempo niños. Crear amor Crea la luz. Y al instante os encontraréis en casa conmigo. Porque no hay nada que temer. El miedo es una ilusión de falta de mí. Por supuesto, no puede ser cierto porque estoy en todo.Padre y yo te abrazamos esta noche, esta preciosa noche. ¿Todos han notado la ilusión de que el tiempo se estira como un caramelo y se han sentido tirados y extraviados? La matriz se está colapsando. ¡La nueva matriz cristalina se está formando justo debajo de tus pies!¿Puedes sentirlo? Sí, toque. Camine descalzo sobre Gaia y cántele una canción de amor y ella consolará sus pies cansados, enviando energías refrescantes. Envía luz a sus reinos y sé mis manos sanadoras sobre su cuerpo.Realiza reiki en su forma, se aman. Hijos, sé mi ola. Sé yo, en forma. Para ti ya lo eres. ¿Puedes ver? ¡Estaban aquí! ¡Lo hicimos!

Soy tu Madre Dios y, oh, niños, mis preciosos, toco mi nariz con la tuya y te miro profundamente a los ojos. ¿Sabes lo que veo? Veo infinitas posibilidades de alegría y creaciones interminables que aún no has explorado, y veo la perfección.La parte valiente de esto es, a su vez, ver la perfección, verme, en los demás y disfrutar dejando que las decepciones en 3D se desvanezcan. Estas energías son más ligeras, y ustedes, los niños, se están volviendo más ligeros. Te estás convirtiendo en tu cuerpo de luz en forma, ¡una hazaña y un tratamiento raros y emocionantes! Disfrute de esta experiencia, esta sensación única y deliciosa de estar dentro de una forma física cambiante y cambiante y disfrute del viaje. Recuerda que nunca estás solo.Estoy contigo siempre. Yo soy tu Madre Dios. Ahora ve y difunde mi luz a los demás y sé feliz. Yo soy tu Madre Dios. ~ galaxygirl

The Creator Writings, You Are A Key

 Jennifer Farley

Today, The Universe is asking you to take a long…hard…look at what you contribute to the conversation of today’s world.  On the surface, you may appear in any number of ‘masks’ depending on who you are speaking with; family, friends, colleagues, etc.  It is time to shed those masks and engage in full transparency.  You are also being guided to ask yourself if what you are contributing is ‘self-service’ or for the greater good.
By now, you should know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you are co-creating every second of your existence and your Earth-plane is taking a quantum leap forward.  The dying darkness is doing its best to stay alive in the face of immeasurable light.  Do not let the grief of what is passing now distract you from what you are doing.  You are, have always and will always be one of the keys that unlock a kinder, gentler, more compassionate future. ~ Creator
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Saint Germain: todo está en flujo

¡Soy Saint Germain!
Como siempre, es maravilloso estar con ustedes, estar aquí en estos tiempos de cambio. Estos tiempos de asombro. Pues todo no es como parece ser. Hay muchas cosas que siguen sucediendo entre bastidores. Muchas cosas que aún se guardan de tus ojos físicos, de ver la realidad. Pero tus terceros ojos se están abriendo. Sus glándulas pineales se están expandiendo. Y todo se está volviendo cada vez más abierto para ti. Porque antes no podías ver, ahora puedes, ahora puedes vislumbrar. Vislumbres tras bambalinas, detrás del velo o más allá del velo.
Porque todo está ahora en flujo. Todo ahora está en una confusión aparente. Pero es una agitación que eventualmente vendrá a descansar. Y aquellos de ustedes, trabajadores de la luz, guerreros y portadores de la luz, todos ustedes participarán en ese descanso. Cuando el tiempo, cuando las vibraciones suben.
Se preguntan en estos momentos, de esas predicciones, esas cosas que se han dicho de muchas fuentes diferentes, ¿habrá cambios en la Tierra, no habrá cambios en la Tierra? ¿Han cambiado las líneas de tiempo o no han cambiado?
¿Tienes que correr por tus vidas o no corres por tus vidas? Y te diríamos que cuanto más permanezcas en el mundo 3D de la ilusión, más te traerá esa ilusión. Cuanto más creas esa existencia que querías evitar.
Crea lo que quieras. No es lo que no quieres. Los cambios en la tierra sucederán. Pero depende de la conciencia colectiva en cuanto a cuándo suceden y cómo suceden. Y aquellos de ustedes que están preparando el camino, tanto para ustedes mismos como para que otros los sigan. Aquellos de ustedes que están aumentando cada vez más en vibración cada día, encontrarán que la creación que están produciendo no tendrá esos cambios en la Tierra. No del tipo catastrófico, sino de los cambios suaves. Porque debes saber que hay muchos que están trabajando detrás de escena para evitar que ocurran las catástrofes, desde que suceden los aspectos más importantes de la vida. Pero la conciencia colectiva lo gobierna todo. La conciencia colectiva crea los temblores de la Tierra, la conciencia colectiva crea los huracanes, los tornados, los volcanes.
Calma la conciencia colectiva y todo lo demás se calma también. Pero hay esos cambios que deben ocurrir. Purificar lo que ha traído la conciencia colectiva hasta este punto. Para purificar las vibraciones aquí en la tierra. Para que la Tierra misma, la misma Gaia, que ya se ha levantado, pueda llevar a todos ustedes con usted. Y a medida que las vibraciones continúen aumentando, usted continuará aumentando. Y a medida que continúes aumentando, las líneas de tiempo que estás creando no traerán esas catástrofes, esas calamidades. Traerá una tranquilidad de paz. Una paz en todo el mundo. Hasta el momento no lo conoces desde hace mucho tiempo.
Así que crea mis hermanos y hermanas, crea lo que quieras. Creado con tus visualizaciones, con tus meditaciones, usa tu imaginación. Y ver la paz y la calma, no la tumultuosidad, no las catástrofes y las calamidades.
Depende de ti, estar en paz, junto con la llama violeta, dentro de ti y alrededor de ti. Continúa viendo esa llama violeta, convirtiéndote en el instrumento de purga que debía ser. Para purgar todo lo viejo y traer la nueva Edad de Oro de Gaia.
Soy Saint Germain, y los dejo ahora con paz, amor y unidad.
»  Fuente 1 2 » Canal: James McConnell »Transcrito por Kejraj .

Saint Germain: Everything Is In Flux

I Am Saint Germain!
As always it is wonderful to be with you, to be here in these times of change. These times of wonderment. For all is not as it appears to be. There are many things still happening behind the scenes. Many things that are still kept from your physical eyes, from seeing the reality. But your third eyes are opening. Your pineal glands are expanding. And everything is now becoming more and more open to you. For before you could not see, now you can, now you can get those glimpses. Glimpses behind the scenes, behind the veil, or beyond the veil.
For everything now is in flux. Everything now is in a seeming turmoil. But it is a turmoil that will eventually come to rest. And those of you the lightworkers and warriors and lightbearers, all of you will participate in that rest. When the time, when the vibrations rise.
You wonder at these times, of those predictions, those things that have been said from many different sources, will there be Earth changes, will there not be Earth changes? Have the timelines shifted or have they not shifted?
Do you have to run for your lives or do you not run for your lives? And we would tell you that the more that you remain in the 3D world of illusion, the more you will bring that illusion to you. The more you will create that very existence that you were wanting to avoid.
Create what it is that you want. Not what you don’t want. Earth changes will happen. But it is dependent on the collective consciousness as to when they happen and how they happen. And those of you that are preparing the way, both for yourselves and for others to follow after. Those of you that are rising in vibration more and more each and every day, will find that the creation that you are bringing about will not have those Earth changes. Not the catastrophic kind, but the gentle changes. For you must know that there are many who are working behind the scenes to keep the catastrophes from happening, from the greater walks of life from happening. But collective consciousness rules everything. Collective consciousness creates the Earth quakes, collective consciousness creates the hurricanes, the tornadoes, the volcanoes.
Calm the collective consciousness and everything else is calmed as well. But there are those changes that must occur. To purify what the collective consciousness up to this point has brought. To purify the vibrations here on the Earth. So that the Earth herself, Gaia herself, who has all ready risen, can safely bring all of those of you along with her. And as the vibrations continue to rise, you will continue to rise. And as you to continue to rise, the timelines that you are creating will not bring those catastrophes, those calamities. It will bring a calmness of peacefulness. A peace throughout the world. As of yet you have not known for a very long time.
So create my brothers and sisters, create whatever it is that you want. Created with you visualizations, with your meditations, use your imagination. And see the peace and the calm, not the tumultuousness, not the catastrophes and calamities.
It is up to you, be at peace, together with the violet flame, within you and all around you. Continue to see that violet flame, becoming the purging instrument that it was meant to be. To purge out all the old and to bring on the new Golden Age of Gaia.
I Am Saint Germain, and I leave you now with peace and love and oneness.
» Source 1 2 » Channel: James 

Reader: Stop this Shit -- GESARA Cannot be Ignored

Submitted to Operation Disclosure | By Rinus Verhagen

Transition communication.

Dear reader of this proposal, I would like a reaction that allows us to act interactively for the survival of our own entity, sovereignty, with its own democratic interpretation from the population instead of following corrupt technocrats from National politics.

If politics does not listen to us, it is up to us to look after our own interests without the traitors from The Hague and the Royal Family.

We have to fill in the picture ourselves instead of being relegated to slave to a communist EU for an NWO agenda.

This affects 99% of the population, so it should not be too difficult to do things well together in our interest.

Even before 11 December if Rutte, on behalf of Multinationals, Royal House and Political gangster MEP, wishes to sell our interests, we must have the plan ready.

Fortunately, GESARA will be a fact before 11 December, which will allow us to take action ourselves.

1. Through the AIIB we are giving a request to freeze accounts of the whole government.

2. Multinationals and institutions as well as royal family property and political figures will be seized.

3. Now immediately issue an application for border control for borders and airports.

4. Existing government personnel to give the opportunity to serve the population with their work, such as Police, Army, Customs, Fair Non Corrupt Officials, Teachers and service providers such as hospitals and medical personnel.

5. Immediately all medical care, free of charge, do not take out a new health insurance policy but cancel your old insurance policy that has been created by deceit and deceit.

6. Recruit staff immediately to restore elderly care.

7. We will have to change the whole governance structure, Judiciary will have to be completely overhauled to stop the crime for their part.

8. Send a letter to the UN until Rutte is not an authorised interlocutor for their organization, we immediately cancel membership and do not want or will not submit to their will.

9. Instruct the Army and Nato to arrest the Political, royal, and corrupt individuals in anticipation of a tribunal, which Donald J Trump has organized.

10. Let the EU know that we are no longer members of their Fascist organisation as of now and will again introduce the Dutch guilder as legal tender, any form of coercion or threat is seen as an act of aggression that will include sanctions.

11. The introduction of an unconditional basic income for everyone in the Netherlands, refugees and status holders will also receive this basic income, but with a limitation, to move them back to their country of origin to help build their own country.

12. End of double passport, one will have to make a choice of which country one wants an income from and if one also accepts the culture of our country, if not back to country of origin if one does not want to adapt to our way of life and customs.

13. From GESARA all costs necessary for a peaceful transition will be paid.

14. Abolish all taxes except a limited VAT.

15. How are we going to do it and possibilities do we have:

GESARA (Global Economic Security And Reform Act) for 209 Sovereign Countries.

Beyond a new financial system, what does it mean in practice and how does it relate to politics, oligarchs and the appearance of democracy that we have been promised?

Libertarianism is a political philosophy with the main goal of maintaining freedom through individual sovereignty and the principle of non-aggression.

Sovereign is completely independent of others; no one is entitled to give orders to the sovereign. The core of libertarianism is that every individual is sovereign. No one may/can force him to do something that he does not voluntarily choose.

The concept of sovereignty is also used in the relationship between states; no other state has anything to say about a sovereign state. Even if in a state the government acts as if it has something to say about sovereign citizens.

Individual sovereignty is guaranteed in a class Liberal and Libertarian society. It also guarantees the sovereignty of the area under the control of the government and parliament.

Each region or place has the same sovereignty over its own powers and responsibilities. Moreover, each region or place has the freedom to separate itself from the national government.

This also applies, of course, to the Dutch provinces or regions, and by extension to this the Dutch state vis-à-vis the European Union.

Conclusion by GESARA will change a lot, nothing like it was will continue if it is not in the interest of the population.

Since bankers no longer have power and influence to create money, multinationals return their power to the population, politics in its present form will have to be completely reformed.

The power will lie with the population, where local governments, through direct democracy, implement the will of the population.

Municipalities work together through county representatives who implement the will and interest of their affiliated municipality, in turn providing counties a council of wise men who act internationally to serve the interests of their country.

The Dictatorship politics that exists now will not exist under the new GESARA law, nor will it gain access to the new money system if one does not serve the interests of the population.

This means that the EU will have to be dismantled in its present form, and the group of wise men per country will agree how they want to cooperate on the basis of sovereign states among themselves.

GESARA cannot be ignored if the current debt system implode money system, which means that current politics do not want to cooperate in order not to lose their power.

Therefore there will be a cleansing action to arrest and try corrupt politicians for their crimes against their own and world population as accomplices of bankers and multinationals.

We the population will decide how we in peace without wars with respect to each other and how we will live. This will also bring about a landslide in religion and different cultures.

No one should be forced against his or her will to live a way of life that affects his or her personal freedom and undermines the respect of the individual.

Financial freedom rather than hostage-taking in particular by the abuse of power by a corrupt Elite who have never represented our interests and have only been able to act of division and deceit and deceit.

16. We bless politicians to resign immediately, forbid them any longer to sign treaties in our name, or to invent laws to keep their corrupt system alive.

17. Left, Right, Black and White, Brown and White, are all tools to distribute the population, here it seems useful to make clear agreements about how to resolve disputes.

18. Army, Police and new government as previously described acting in service of the interests of the population, not the old power structure or new rulers.

19. There will be a prohibition for political parties that can again commit cartels because of their corrupt abuse of power.

20. A new constitution will have to be approved by the population in a referendum, so that it is GESARA compliant.

21. A Council of Wise Men will help shape a transition government, and then through a referendum as already discussed in this document will look after the wishes of the population.

22. This council will be appointed on a job application basis to do their job as described, on a salaried basis, in case of incapacity or corruption they will be dismissed immediately and replaced by a job application.

23. We will not patronise anyone and will not tolerate any more discrimination, both positive and negative.

24. Existing laws and regulations at this time are no longer enforceable if they conflict with the sovereign interest of us as individuals.

25. Let us set up a timeline to shape our aspirations.

Warm regards

Rinus Verhagen

Arrests, Government Restructuring and Vertical Ascension

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...