
9 de octubre de 2017

Starting Tuesday, two governments will cohabit in Catalonia and finally the one who controls SANITY will win.

First of all, as a prologue, I would like to remind our Catalan leaders that if there is no independence there will be a prison for them. And not only that, they must pay with their patrimony the organization of the referendum as we have seen with Artur Mas y cia. The PP and the Spanish society will not agree on any "surrender", they will be judged and period. And it is possible that, after that betrayal of the Catalan people, they will no longer have the support of the independentistas. Nobody will accompany them to the courts ...These days we are hearing voices that speak of summoning other plebiscitarias. And they ask the same people that if we win again would ask for a referendum ... and so to eternity ... Although it is also true that controlling a country is not an easy thing if the invading security forces decide to stay.

So the title of the post, and let me expose something that sounds likedystopia . Let us take the case that Puigdemont fulfills the mandate of the people and declares independence. The next day there will be a legitimate Government and a provisional one, in which Enric Millo (who apologized ...) may be in front of him. Two legalities coexisting. Some practical examples: As in the Baltic countries, there will be double border control.Spain will be in control with France and a few miles down there will be a control of the Mossos. And maybe a few kilometers further down a toll for drivers to pay the Catalan vignette ...

Airports at the moment may continue to be under the command of AENA unless it tries to harm the Catalan economy more than it already does.That means that the Catalans will continue to have the Schengen area secured ... 
The same with the port, there will be a Spanish customs control and another Catalan. The coast is very long and the government of the Catalan republic will be able to expand the ports to receive imports or to be able to send their own exports. Even with this provisional system of "one state two governments", Barça will be able to continue playing the Spanish league (something that many worried them ...).

Banks should distinguish between clients with Spanish nationality and customers with Catalan nationality.They can not refuse because the new republic could approve a law prohibiting, all of them, eviction by default of mortgage ... 
And pay Catalunya the tax by bank deposit of the Catalan clients  But the biggest problem is in taxes. In thatimpasse there will be companies that have moved the headquarters and that will pay their payrolls from Spain, until the social security to the Spanish piggy bank. And there will be others that will do it to the Catalan tax and social security agency. At first all officials, doctors, teachers ... will be in Catalan.

Obviously, you can not force a company to quote in Catalonia, more than anything because some will be out and others will simply refuse ... But here is where HEALTH appears. 
If there is no quote to the Catalan social security, there is no health card. There are no doctors, there are no operations. 
Therefore, all those who work for Spain will have to get a private insurance, an "Adeslas" ... Logically, so that they do not call us "Nazis", any urgency will be taken care of, but only that. In the same way it will happen with Education. Catalunya will give compulsory education to the children of those who do not trade in the new republic. But, to access scholarships or the university, you will need a Catalan income statement ...

Careful, no one will forbid the son of a unionist to study in Catalan universities, but must pay for it.

Being able to have this card will be decisive ...

Something similar will happen with the Catalan DNI, something voluntary that will give right to be able to vote in the republican elections. In this interim situation in Catalunya, those of us who have Catalan citizenship will be able to vote in the republican elections and still in the Spanish elections (if we want and we want), not the Spaniards who live in Catalunya and have not taken their Catalan passport ... But, I repeat, the most important thing is the health, not being able to go to the doctor will force the workers to acquire Catalan citizenship and pressure their bosses so that their contribution is in Catalonia.

By the way, retirees will continue to collect their pensions from the Spanish state until there is a pact. Of course, Catalonia will have to take care of the new retirees who apply for the Catalan pension. A retirement that could be higher due to the few benefits. 
The same will happen with unemployment ... Let's say that by "decantation" people will move to Catalan legality. ECONOMIC PART. Of course, surely you have thought that in order to maintain the part of the Catalan republic, at least we must have the income that up until now provided us with being a region expoladas. Without social security, Catalonia collects for Spain (mostly IRPF, VAT and corporate tax) about 38,000 million euros. And in own almost 3,000 million.

About 41,000 million of us in total pay the Catalans in taxes. 
The budget of the Generalitat for 2017 was 22,000 million (29,000 counting payment of debt). 
It is clear that we must ensure that we can collect between 60 and 70% of taxes. Logically the budget of the Republic of Catalonia will not have a deficit due to the Catalan surplus that will have its share of social security and the lowest expenditure in Health and Education. Remember that the Republic may impose taxes that constitutional overturned.

It is possible that the Spanish government threatens to the whole world that if it does not pay taxes to Spain it will have it and that, perhaps, it will be necessary to pay twice to him if finally Madrid takes control of Catalonia. Well our answer should be just as strong. Tell the inhabitants or companies that do not pay Catalonia exactly the same. That they should.Then whether it is done or not will be another story. I suppose some will say it sounds like a science fiction novel, but I'm afraid the thing will in principle be like that. It will even cohabit a law and some Catalan judges for Catalan, and another Spanish for the Spaniards. And a register of Catalan and Spanish property ...

And, while that is developing, Catalonia must be creating an army although in the beginning are reservists and militias. To function as a state although, as Artur Mas said, we do not have everything controlled at first. You see, finally, being able to have a doctor or a hospital will be crucial for people to leave the Spanish. They will pay taxes in Catalonia and, if they wish, continue to have Spanish nationality, although they will not be able to vote. Perhaps the most complicated problem will be the powers of each police. On what citizens can act and under what orders from whom ... Perhaps a solution would be to create a hybrid on issues of public disorder

Surely each of you will have your doubts or questions about the possibilities that I have drawn in this article, because that's what the comments are. 
In short, it would be a way to avoid the conflict, to declare independence leaving the citizen to choose its legality. 
But the Health for the one who suffers it.

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