
6 de abril de 2018

Cosmic Consciousness

Gravity when observed through our own Quantum View, shows us so very much… so here, I share with you!
These Cosmic encodements are “targeting” THE GRAVITY OF ALL, shifting our Gravitational Fields (another pole flip) and how our Physical/Universal and Cosmic Realities occur. These will “shift” the vibration and actual density of physical matter in our physical bodies, field and physical realities too.
Here’s just a few ways to SEE, how this plays out/presents for you:
“The Event” is a deep inner personal experience that each “accomplishes” through various Embodiment processes of Pure Source Light. The fact that March became a “Collective Event” Experience available to each open and ready for this, is huge, because of what it means for each and collectively as well. It’s where each no longer “gets sucked in” to the old unconscious ways, can feel the density/gravity of all and doesn’t have to “go back” to Old Earth Realities IF each can maintain FULL CONSCIOUSNESS and HOLD their own Light in every exchange, with every thought, action and where LIGHT fills that SPACE inside for continual expansion to occur. Collectively, this means a huge shift for HUmanity, because the Pure Ones fulfilling multiple roles as Gatekeepers, Gridkeepers, Frequency Holders, Stabilizers, Light Keepers, Guardians, Ancients/Elders, LeMUrians, Angels, Christed BEings, Sacred Pure Light BEings, Evolved Galactics, StarSeeds, God Particle Aspects, Atlanteans and more are able to Stabilize these energies easier, within their own physical body form, so that each becomes a more pronounced anchor point (and contributor) for our Highest Dimensional NEW Earth Experiences on a grander collective scale than ever before here. It means that Earth 3 (a “holding station where each transitions to a Cosmic Citizen of our NEW Earth here), opens up to more, where dark matter/light matter/anti-matter play different roles and where “dark matter” can’t “get through”, because it’s visible and actually “shape-able” and transformable by each, because the LIGHT within each is so PURE that it obliterates, dissolves and unifies all that is not yet of the purest form of Love, just through Presence where anything “not pure” becomes visible instantly and is no longer allowed to “play out”. This is where EACH replaces the old programs (and systems) with new ones (Re-Purpose & Re-Form), where new foundations are created and shaped, where REALITIES are BUILT on a whole new foundation that is PURE within itself, without the distortions of unconsciousness anymore. This is where “going back” (unconscious) is no longer an option, because it’s no longer desirable as a way of living/existing, where all realize all is now CHOICE, where duality is visible by each on an Energetic Level, so that the physical can be brought fully into alignment through Purity Consciousness from deep within each’s own SOUL. It’s where separation programs can be observed and resolved/unified SIMPLY and instantly, through a deeply inner-connected sacred Love so pure, that lack of anything within no longer exists at all. This is where the seeker stops seeking and connects so deep inside, that everything else falls away and all becomes PURE SOURCE LIGHT. It’s where the external is observed as an “Energetic Mirror” reflecting BACK what each needs to finally SEE, in order to bring all fully into alignment from deep within each. The beauty is that the “mirror effect” through Event Horizon that each completes, is that each can turn that mirror back outwards THROUGH LOVE for all others to SEE too, while transmitting LIGHT from “the other side” through the VORTEX, from the Heavens, Galaxies, as another Universe (part of our multi-versal existence), alternate dimensions… to SHINE THE LIGHT, BE THE LIGHT AND HOLD THE LIGHT so all others can finally hear, see, feel and REALize all as they are open/ready too. As each embraces fully, on their own, for their own reality to finally shift to a much higher timeline of NEW EARTH together here too…. without the need for anyone to impose anymore, because a NEW RESPECT for each’s own realities replaces the “need” for everyone to have the same reality anymore. This is where each is “allowed” to go their own way and come together (later) as appropriate and in all new ways. The only reality that’s REAL, are the ones that are completely pure, where the profoundness of Pure Divine Love brings tears of re-connection and Remembering through every galaxy/cosmic cell of our physical forms, so that every particle of our body is activated to finally REMEMBER too. Once the whole body LIGHTS UP and all can be FELT fully throughout, then each can fully under/inner-stand and start to “take their place” at the helm in order to UNITE through Divine Pure Essence, in order to fulfill much higher purposes together here.
There is more, there always is. Each “body” (mental, physical, emotional and energy) shift/change your Gravitational State. Your “new DNA” and “Genetics” give you the ability to AFFECT PHYSICAL MATTER (the physical) with great ease, through your own FULL CONSCIOUSNESS and because you are in-tune vibrational with every breath. Your own constant unification gives you the ability to AFFECT all as Highest Vibrational Light and bring all fully into alignment and keep it there with great ease, because LOVE is where you function from and Unity is how you exist. ♥
Your Consciousness (or unconsciousness) dictates your abilities, access and physical dimension that you occupy with your body, in order to CREATE your experiences here.
Pay attention to the “gravity” and “feeling” of everything, as this will show you DENSITY and LIGHT in all new ways, so that you can fully understand what all represents, how much of you is “tied up” in that which anchors you to the physical reality you allow yourself to experience here, and so that you can actually see how FREE you really are and where you have distortions held within you in order to clear easier and instantly now. Photonic light amplifies all. ♥
I love you! More as we flow. Cosmic Activations, Upgrades and Alignments continue to increase every moment now, with the March Corridor opening up all like never before. It’s going to take Gatekeepers a bit to complete this one still, while all new Gateways have opened, there’s no “completion” and starting point anymore. Everything is Wide Open, which I will write/share through a March Overview of Immense Cosmic Gateways opened/activated, as well as an April Quantum Cosmic Energy Forecast/Report separately, as these are huge and we are still completing the integration of massive template overlays embedding into our cellular/physical bodies, Gaia’s, Galactically, Universally, Cosmically that shift all to a much higher (and Light’r) dimensional experience as each anchors all fully within themselves and LIVES as their own whole reality here. ♥
Every moment that you are fully conscious to OBSERVE, you have the ability to affect/bring more light through, to be the ONE that makes a difference, through your own PRESENCE and by showing ALL the POWER OF LOVE and what can be done as each holds/comes from this place/space in every moment too. ♥
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
Re-Educator through Avatar/Cosmic/Diamond/Rainbow/Crystalline/Unity Consciousness for our Highest Consciousness HUmanity/NEW Earth Existence here.

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