
3 de abril de 2018


THE term “New Age” was restricted, until the late 1960s, to a relatively narrow group of people, although the New Aeon concept has been present in esoteric circles from the beginning of the Twentieth Century. The popular culture of the 1960s brought the idea into focus for large numbers of people, which have continued to increase.

One of the first ventures beyond the immediate confines of the occult movement (which had a hard core of mere hundreds) was in Guy Warren Ballard’s I AM movement. The term I AM became, for many years, a kind of “cipher signal” held in common by those ‘in the know’ about the New Age movement. In the 1960s, the term I AM began to be replaced by the metaphysical cipher WE ARE ONE.

Both terms can be linked, through New Aeon Qabalistic Cipher, to Frater Achad.

FRATER ACHAD = 117 = CLEAR LIGHT. The Value 117 also makes specific reference to the predictions in The Book of the Law, which was dictated at the very dawn of the New Aeon, that C.S. Jones (Frater Achad, or Frater Parzival) would provide the key to decoding the Cipher.

FRATER ACHAD = 117 = A FEAST FOR A-L-W (the first three letters of the code); LETTERS; ORDER & VALUE; NEW SYMBOLS and I WHO SHALL SAY “NOT”. The word “NOT” is a major key to the cipher.

The other magical name or motto mentioned, FRATER PARZIVAL (the name Jones used as an O.T.O. member and eventual chief), has a value of 175.


FRATER PARZIVAL = 175 = LIGHT IN ME, suggesting a cipher link, just as the names are linked in the concept behind the Tarot Card “The Fool” which represents the completely blank slate on which the lessons of life are written.

To appreciate “I AM” as used here, we must recall the Biblical account of the incident of the Burning Bush.
“(Moses) gazed, and there was a bush all aflame, yet the bush was not consumed.”
We are informed that this was a messenger of the divine.

In this Close Encounter, Moses, asks the name of the god to whom he is speaking.
God said to Moses, “Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh.”
He continued,
“Thus shall you speak to the Israelites: ‘Ehyeh’ sent me to you.”

“This mysterious and numinous phrase has puzzled scholars for generations. The phrase is translated variously as I AM THAT I AM, I AM WHO I AM, I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE, etc."
Whatever it means, and the JPS Hebrew-English translation leaves it untranslated, I AM is the standard translation, and the phrase that became the New Age “cipher key” in Ballard’s movement.

It is rumored that Ballard’s son Mark, who virtually disappeared during a period of legal trouble for his father, resurfaced as the famous trance channel Mark Prophet, one of the key players in the modern “New Age” movement.

I AM = 45 = NOT. I AM was replaced by the phrase WE ARE ONE = 112 = WHO AND WHAT I AM. It is also the value of Ballard’s student George Hunt Williamson’s magical name MARK III. WE ARE ONE also equals WORD OF THE LAW. NEW AGE = 79 = WILL KEY.

“Will” or, more properly the Greek form, “Thelema” is the Word of the Law of the New Aeon.

NEW AGE = 79 = ABRAHADABRA, the eleven-fold magical word that is the key to the rituals and to decoding the Cipher of the New Aeon.

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