
20 de abril de 2018

Organ trafficking: the sins of Israel never Purged

A business under the false name of "extractions" from Palestine to Italy, passing through Brazil. The reality is a social construct. 
However, it is impossible to hide the truth. Italy is the country where demand and supply of human organs move from the shadows for many decades. 
And this, thanks to the impunity that covers illegal activities and Zionist criminals, who have been protected by members of the military intelligence services of Tel Aviv.
Beards and wigs fine hide the Star of David are guilty of great atrocities. Among these, incidentally, kidnapping and disappearance of Mordechai Vanunu in 1986, in Italy. Here the Mossad (the Israeli HaMosad leModi'in ulTafkidim Meyuhadim, Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations) does what he wants more than half a century, as demonstrated by the massacres of Argo 16 and Ustica.
Trade in human organs is also protected by the high command of the Italian political caste. Go the -typical match in Italy, according to the Interior Ministry reports, since the end of the 1980s the number of children (including those Italians) and never missing and never found, resulting in exponential growth.
In Rome at Fiumicino Airport, on 6 June 2013, police in immigration stopped and imprisoned Tauber Gedalya and extol command of the Tsahal (Tzava Hahagana LeYisrael, the Israel Defense Forces), and sought a code red by Interpol.
The executioner was not in Italy for vacation but for business, or rather to hunt fresh meat, as in Italy a network of human provisioning is found exclusively in reception centers for minores migrants who are unaccompanied it is active, true "concentration camps 2.0" are under the direction of Palazzo Viminale (Ministry of Interior headquarters of the Italian government).
No political force in Italy, from the Council Chairperson Matteo Renzi to the former Interior Minister Alfano, from the forces of the alleged opposition from the M5S to Salvini, never and have never presented in all these years not even a parliamentary act concerning this matter. 
Why the prosecution or the Italian parliament did not open an investigation to open Pandora's box? 
And above all, why Italians do not fill the streets to stop this slaughter of human beings?
One of the last relations of the ministry of social policies speaks for some of disappearance in the first five months of 2016 5 000 241 minores age, defined "untraceable" but that no Italian authorities are seeking. 
In 2015, according to government and institutional data, in Italy they were missing more than 12 thousand children.
The Israeli criminal mentioned here was arrested by chance, through a tremendous gut feeling of an Italian police, Antonio Del Greco, which tell something suspicious was in the passport. 
A nervous look on the passenger Boston-Rome flight of the Italian company, then Alitalia, control over the internet and already had the answer. Man 77, Tauber, in hiding since 2010, was wanted by police around the world and after an international arrest warrant issued by the Brazilian state of Pernambuco.
The "Lord of the organs" stood to this criminal organization over 10 years ago from the eastern northern regions of Brazil, taking advantage of the serious social situation and organizing the supply of human organs operated in at least 19 citizens of that country, since only this number of people have found so far the tests.
The methodology was simple. After identifying the target, the siege was done through a proposal in money, between 6,000 and 12,000 US dollars. Then he got under medical care (a series of tests in clinics). 
And after signing the contract, he had flown to South Africa, where with the complicity of a few clinics and doctors work was finished extracting kidneys.
Also Rabbi Levy-Izhak the Rosenbaum, a New York resident, was arrested in 2009 on charges of trafficking in human organs. In 2012 he was finally sentenced to only two years and a half in prison. An investigative report emphasizes that the Israelis are the key players worldwide in the international organ trafficking.
The US newspaper The New York Times published an article -in August 2014- in which it is documented that intermediaries in the sale of organs in Israel have profited large sums of money.
According to another research Times on the most important cases of sale of organs since 2000, the Israelis have played a leading role in organ trafficking.

On the issue of unauthorized withdrawals of bodies, by Israel, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI, for its acronym in English) US has also investigated for nearly 10 years. In this case not only the Palestinians were victims.
We must go back in time, until 1992, when the then minister of the Israeli health, Ehud Olmert, launched a campaign in which he tried to solve the problem of organ failure, integrating organ donors a record. 
Since then, Palestinian youths began to disappear from several villages and towns in the West Bank and Gaza. The Israeli military returned lifeless and open bodies.
For many years, since 2001 until today, circulate not a few accusations against the Israeli state pathologist Yehuda Hiss, suspected of organ theft. Hiss was head of Abu Kabir Forensic Institute in Tel Aviv. 
The discovery of the presence of human bodies preserved in illegally in the institute led the member of the Knesset, Anat Mayor, President of the Scientific Committee of Parliament, calling for the immediate suspension of the director, Professor Yehuda Hiss. 
The authorities were put on alert about the suspicious behavior of Hiss since 1998, but until 2001 not opened any investigation against him.
In 2001 an investigation by the Israeli Ministry of Health found that Hiss was part for many years organ removal in children, such as legs, ovaries and testes without parental approval. And then he participated in the sale of these organs in medical schools, which were being used for research and university courses.
Hiss was appointed head of Pathology in 1998. Hiss was never charged with those crimes, but in 2004 was forced to leave the management of the national morgue after many years of protests. 
However remained the chief of pathology and in a few years, he returned to assume leadership of the Forensic Institute, although in 2009 was accused of having collaborated in the removal of bodies of Palestinian martyrs again which had participated in military operations against Israel, in order to sell them in Israeli hospitals.
Alessandro Pagani *

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