
25 de abril de 2018

Qanon of the Rothschilds and Satanism

- Trump's secret alliance with Putin

Qanon is telling us that puppeteers, Rothschilds, Saudis and Soros are Satan's worshipers. On the cusp of this satanic sect are the Rothschilds, according to Qanon.

It's worth repeating from Part 1 that Dr. Deagle told us Guy de Rothschild to be the Pindar, CEO of Earth in 1992, which I have discussed in more detail in a previous article. This corroborates what the Qanon revealed about the Rothschilds being the leaders of a cult followed by the puppeteers.

Before his death in 2007, Guy de Rothschild organized for the leadership of the Rothschild family to be transmitted to his son, David René de Rothschild, in 2003. Recently, David de Rothschild announced on April 17, 2018 that the leadership of several Rothschild companies that in turn can transmit to their son, Alexandre de Rothschild.

According to the Qanon and Deagle have revealed, it can be concluded that the role of Pindar (leader of a satanic sect) had transmitted from individual to David de Rothschild, and that Alexander is being prepared to take over the position at some point.

Qanon refers to a temple on Epstein's island with underground levels that the Satan worshiping Rothschilds, Saudis and Soros, along with his followers and committed politicians, visit regularly. Committed politicians include the Clintons, who are deeply involved in the events on Epstein's island as evidenced by Bill Clinton's frequent visits there - 26 of which have been documented in flight records.

Qanon refers to how the Clintons were compromised by Soros, and how the evil was done through his association with the Rothschilds:

What kind of "BAD" activities are carried out by Epstein's Island, the Rothschilds' Black Forrest roots, and other places such as Bohemian Grove, California?

Qanon said the Saudis are in control of sex and trafficking of children. There are several witnesses who describe the satanic ceremonies that involve the sacrifice of children. John DeCamp, a former senator from the state of Nebraska, wrote The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebrask (1992), which provides the best documented and researched book detailing child abuse and ritual sacrifice in satanic events in all the United States.

In an article in which he summarizes several interviews with children who survived the satanic abuses and ceremonies, De Camp wrote:

The essence of the story of the children said, was that they were used in a coordinated ring of child abuse. When we say that child abuse, I do not mean that traditional child abuse of social workers about yak, but serious, big league abuse of children. They are used as drug couriers, as sexual objects to engage this or that politician or employer. They are used in the grossest way possible, including ritual murder and the like. I'm talking about the most unbeliev able things, but after having seen enough, I know they exist, in an organized manner, and not committed by the sleazes in the bars and the guys in the alley. I 'm talking about the most prominent citizens, the most respectable.

De Camp gave an example in his book of how children are exploited in satanic ceremonies held in private places, such as Bohemian Grove:

Paul was taken by Larry King [not the talk show] and others to a wooded area in California - identified after publication as the Bohemian Grove. There Paul and another child were forced to perform sexual acts with and consume parts of a child who had been observed to be killed by members of the cult. The body had to be solved by "the men with the hoods.

Now back to the last comment on Qanon's November 11, 2017 message:

"Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan".

Here Qanon is pointing out that President Putin is fully aware of the Satanism practiced by the puppet masters - Rothschilds, Saudis, and Soros - and that there is no coordination between the secret military intelligence of the United States and Putin in the response to the deep state.

This is why Russia has repeatedly stressed down its US military forces despite military provocations in Syria, Ukraine, and elsewhere in Russia's sphere of influence. Putin knows that the Deep State is intended to foster World War III.

Putin is also aware that the Deep State Trump has been pressing since the beginning of his tenure, and now blackmail Trump through the material acquired from the Cohen raid. However, Putin / Russia and Trump / military intelligence are coordinating to avoid military clashes that could escalate rapidly out of control due to deep state actors embedded within each of their administrations.

This scenario is corroborated by a comment given by the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, who said in an interview on April 20:

Speaking about the risks of a military confrontation, I'm 100 percent sure that [the US] and Russia] military won 't allow this, and of course neither will President [Vladimir] Putin or President [Donald] Trump.

Qanon's revelations have been of great help in understanding the puppeteers behind the Deep State, their connection to a satanic sect that has compromised the political systems in the US. and around the world, and how military intelligence Trump and the United States are secretly coordinating with Putin 'the Russia to face these multifaceted challenges.

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