
17 de abril de 2018



Greetings, bearers of light! Greetings, flames of life! From the Crystal Heart of the Earth, my voice rises settling in the Star on Earth, this chakra beneath your feet. 

From the farm calls yado Earth Star, filling my radiation spreads your body, filling the planet, vibrating through the endless cosmos. It is from this chakra, the symbolic union with my own spirit, as this is the key binding of your energy matrix with the crystalline matrix of the Earth.

 I push and rippled water, fire, air and earth celebrating another Ritual of Awakening. The elements need to be agitated, the elements need to be driven in their environment to ward off the power of inertia to move and dissolve obstacles to shake attachment to form, to bring some light to the psychic world of human beings. My bob is through solar and extra-solar winds that come to penetrate this planet, showing and proving by the action of the elements, the impermanence of this dream life, impermanence sleep, the fallibility of human constructions.

In this Ritual Awakening awake a gift, a souvenir virtue, I share a blessing from the Earth Star, your chakra connecting with the crystal lattice of the planet. This gift, this virtue, this gift, this blessing is the Law of delivery. Recognizing this potential, having invoked the grace, you have to open space, you must let grace take account, leave the impetuous or gentle action of grace comes to dissolve the bonds of attachment to the phenomenal world in which you apparently exist. Grace will have that power in your life, in your consciousness, if you can wake up inside and implement the Law of delivery.

Delivery is letting go of control of things, is giving up personal desire, delivery is to leave room for nature lead your life. At the same time the true surrender is not a passive position, is not carelessness, indifference or carelessness regarding their spiritual process. True surrender manifests as the real responsibility, because it is the addiction delivery, delivery of all aversion, is the delivery of their ignorance; is assuming command of this ship! This apparent contradiction arises when we begin to awaken the Star of the Earth, this chakra linked to Inturi-Kertena under his feet, can be solved when you understand that the purpose of existence is finally awakening, it is to transcend the notion of an existence fragmented, personal, individualized and separated. The purpose,

Beloved, every ritual of Awakening comes as rain, like a flood, fire or earthquake or even as a Gentile move comes as the ether. According to its position, or the intensity of your poisons, or according to the strength of the resistance to flow of the Spirit. Anyway no matter the position, no matter your choice, or the way, the action of the elements and the Spirit come to push them to recognize at least the impermanence of life. From that recognition, and as you release the attachment, leaving more and more room for the Surrender to dispel their addiction, their aversion and ignorance or not; or reaffirm their attachment to a passing world and phenomena dissipate, clinging to an "I" that never existed,

Do not worry about your sisters and brothers, I am the Great Mother all my children care very well. Worry, however, or better get busy with all the zeal own way, condition and state of mind. I invite my agents of peace in the world, I invite you as ambassadors of my grace on this planet, as examples of the power of wisdom in his heart, to be then channels the fire of liberation. as Sean, living examples of the action of wisdom by dissolving ignorance and return to the original state of complete bliss.

Delivery. Delivery, delivery of the notion of self, delivering their personal truths, deliver attachment to the world and attachment to the pleasure of the world, delivering the attachment to suffering and the escape from suffering, surrender their personal strategies and dislikes, give their aversions , lamentations, delivered his notion of impotence and incapacity. Everything delivered! Surrender yourself in the flow of the fiery and passionate grace. Surrender letting the fiery grace flowing from the Heart of the Earth - which is called central inseparable from the central flame awareness sun and the cosmos, that fire, dissipating what must be dissipated, lapide what should be stoned to death and then burning and shining jewel of your Immaculate Heart.

Contemplate the Immaculate Heart Jewel, and the blazing fire burning inside. Hagan true surrender, which is the resignation of staff. Assuming the true and correct action, which is the effort to look more and more deeply the transient nature of the world, the transient nature of the self and the immeasurable peace that lies waiting inside your burning heart.

I ask them delivery, I do not ask inaction. I ask them delivery, do not ask them lightly. I ask you not surrender and indifference. I ask you real delivery, which is the delivery if the burning fire inside, leaving then that his life is driven by the burning urge to liberation, his and other beings. I ask you to surrender the burning love that flows from the Heart of the Earth to yours that will manifest itself as a sincere and ardent practice that permeates your life at every moment. Let more and more space for love to flow through the channels of your energy body. This love manifests as the radiation of the heart of the universe, permeating the electromagnetic field of the sun and comes to bathe the magnetic field of the Earth and your own.

Let the love flow, do not show resistance! The more they cling to their truths, their small desires, small projects, with a perfect view of the world in this dream, all these visions are obstacles to the action of fire of liberation that comes down with fierceness and rage to dissolve ties that hold beings in this dream.

The action of this fire that comes from outside, represented by solar and extra-solar energy waves, will definitely not release them; but it can be a big boost to liberation if you take the opportunity that now brings them - by the inconstancy of his own world, unsatisfactory and ephemeral nature of planetary reality, as you witness it - when released. The world seems unsatisfactory, the world seems so conflicted to show the true nature of this dream of ignorance suffering, death, hatred, intense addiction, despair. And you can not have the beautiful face of this world without that hideous and grotesque face. The world built based on the illusion of self is a world of both sides and these two sides always be present in the dream.

But the action of this external fire to burn not meet the internal fire in your heart will produce pain, chaos and suffering. You need to embrace the fire coming from the chest open, empty hands, with the aura expanded to embrace, accept, honor and liberate himself and all beings. So you will be able to see happening miracles and will be able to truly live that transition and the challenges of cyclical changes - in a world that is a dream world, transitions are transitions within the dream, but still affect life of the ignorant ones, you can experience all this as servers, such as fields and generating sources of healing, peace and harmony for the world, for all beings; but more than that, as beings who are finally waking up,

I invite you to this goal and glorious goal, I invite you to join me in singing celebration in this Ritual Awakening is delivered. Blessings and peace, welcome radiation Earth Star, the chakra beneath your feet, like a stream that comes propel make the Law of Delivery here and now.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...