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The revolution could begin in France when the crazy Zionists try to start World War III

 The revolution could begin in France when the crazy Zionists try to start World War III

April 16, 2018

Zionist madmen religious fanatics who have tried for years to start Armageddon   have failed again in his last attempt, this time in  Syria  . Now they face serious repercussions, perhaps from a revolution in   France  . 

Before going into details, let us remember what we face. It is difficult for healthy people who depend on reality understand how is establishing  Western politicians and financiers have been kidnapped by religious fanatics who try toimplement their interpretation of biblical prophecy with the murder of 90% of humanity and subjecting survivors to slavery. However, the overwhelming evidence shows that this is exactly what is happening. 

We do not expose all the tests again; only we see what made the son of President Donald Trump,   Jared Kushner  . The Kushner family bought a building on   Fifth Avenue in New York to 666  above market price. 

Kushner bought the building in the photo at 666 Fifth Avenue in NYC shortly before the 2008 recession. 

And yes, despite great efforts to scrub this information to websites that no " conspiracy  " can confirm that   Lucent Technologies   was present and was developing a   chip   RFID   implantable   (right). Here 's an article in a scientific journal about what these chips are intended for:

also remember that   Kushner   is a member of the radical sect   Chabad   that It aims to have 2,800 slaves for each of his followers after the rest of mankind was killed. In other words, you can actually confirm that the son of the president of the United States is part of a group that is trying to transform into reality the following Bible prophecy come true:    
Revelation 13: 16-18

16   also forced everyone, young and old, rich and poor, free and slave, to put a mark in their right hand or forehead. 17   No one could buy or sell if no bore the mark, ie the name of the beast or the number corresponding to your name. 
18   Here is wisdom. Who has intelligence, calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man; and his number is 666. "
At this point, it is worth reminding readers that this verse comes from the   New Testament   , not the  Old Testament   Hebrew, so this is not a Jewish plot and these people are not real Jews, but they   worship Satan  . Once again, the old adage, "The  truth is stranger than fiction  " is becoming a reality.
A delegation of rabbis of the Chabad Lubavitch movement-President Donald Trump visit to the Oval Office on March 27, 2018. (White House)

Now we can start connecting to recent news. First, take a look at the photo at the next meeting link   Trump   with  leaders of Chabad   March 29 Office /

after meeting these people,   Donald Trump   said his reluctance to follow his crazy by announcing that the United States would withdraw from Syrian history. And then what happened? Why Trump suddenly ordered the attack on Friday on all 13 dates? 

The answer, according to the CIA and other sources, is that the   Zionist Jewish KhazarsDesperate for the collapse of its control network, have implemented a massive campaign to force the   United States   and   Russia   to start   World War III  , and then begin the  Armageddon  planned   
The key was the raid on the offices of attorney   Donald Trump  ,   Michael Cohen  , on April 9. The aim of the raid was to find evidence to blackmail Trump and then force him to order an attack against Russian troops in Syria and start World War III, according to sources from the CIA and the Pentagon. From Trump casinos in   Atlantic City failed in 1991, 1992, 2004 and 2009 as Trump was probably saved by Russian gangsters and other shady characters certainly it had much blackmail material. 

The US military landed on the next picture the night of the attack.

"  The message is that solid behind President Trump is the US military   " and " the message to the elite is indicated by 9 left and 11 right  "   say Pentagon sources. 

However, the United States Army went ahead with the April 13 attack against Syria because ...  
according to the Russian army and the Syrian government, the sources explained. In this agreement, the US army. UU. He has received three authorized within Syria , a building demolition abandoned airfields and two empty- Zionists to deprive an excuse to expose the dirty laundry Trump the same time, a world war was averted. 

In addition, the "Syrian missiles hit pave the way for the withdrawal of US troops, and Trump twita mission accomplished 'was addressed to George Bush Jr. and the criminals behind September 11  ", according to Pentagon sources.  

Satanists khazariani (Zionist) also shouted wolf said that the Syrian government has attacked its own people with poison gas, so many times (at least 6) that even most indoctrinated and do not believe their lies. a meme that runs after the last attack showed how ridiculous the official version, stating: "  we are bombarding Syria because Syria is bombing Syria  ."  

Then   Sean Spicer  , secretary of the white House, which said "the aim of the United States ... be sure to destabilize Syria  . "  

The US military has also launched another mass movement against Khazariano Control forcing   Martin Sorrell  , head of   WPP  , the advertising company the world's largest , to resign last week, say Pentagon sources. in addition, the scandal   Harvey Weinstein   has "  wiped the presidential ambitions of CEO of Disney, Bob Iger ,  " they note. 

Now there will be a more serious recovery after this attack based on lies easy and widely felt. The first victims are likely to be governments   slave   mafia   Khazar   in the   UK   and   France  . 

The situation in France is becoming particularly critical. Fabrice PJ Dubordieu Advisor Foreign Affairs of the   National Transitional Council  , on behalf dl Council, said the army and the French police are on the verge of open revolt against their "  impostor government  ". 

According to   Dubordieu  , once the French president  Emmanuel Macron  It has come to power through a stolen election immediately by a fight, imposed on the "  highly esteemed Generale   Pierre de Villiers  , resigned on July 19, 2017.  " for a yes-man Generale replacing   Francois Lecointre  , whose reputation is tarnished by his involvement "  in various dirty operations in Africa "  
and that "  no respect from their peers  " is "  one of many  " reasons of tension with the army, says the director. The transitional council reported that strikes in   France  They have been actively involved both the judiciary, riot police and regular police. 

Judges and lawyers are upset and are organizing strikes because the so - called "  judicial reform  " are eroding their power and limiting human rights, which report that the   Compagnies républicaines de Securite  , or riot police, are not allowed by law to strike, so they have collectively become ill because they are tired of repressing the French students, trade unionists and environmentalists, many of whom are members of their families. 

The   National Guard   French, 100,000 men, does not have good relations with  Macron from the beginning of his government and prepared to arrest all the regime, says the Council. 
The situation has become so serious that Macron has recently allocated 500 EU troops to the gendarmerie of the French Guard at Versailles, they say. 

Not only that, but the council is receiving reports of mercenaries stationed along the Belgian and German borders with France. "Hiring foreign forces and / or irregular for riot security is actually a manual betrayal, if not by law, is at least in the minds of our staff and military personnel , " says   Dubordieu  . 
The  order of Syrian attack   Macron   aggravates the situation says. "Our government imposes and blames Syrian President Assad, citing intelligence information which can not be accessed" he says. In the end, the French army denied sending its only aircraft carrier to participate in the attack "because he was in the dock for repairs", while a smaller boat fired some symbolic missiles. 
In any case, the transitional council says it is growing a big wave for May 5th. "Students from the universities of Montpellier and Strasbourg, during their general assemblies, voted in favor of the occupation of the Elysee Palace" on that date, he says. "Probably will follow students from other universities , " he adds. Macron  , meanwhile, plans to hide in the remote South Pacific territory of New Caledonia on that date, he says.
"The French Republic is certainly entering a severely degraded mode!" The transition is coming , "says   Dubordieu  .
The British media reported that the situation with the Government of   Theresa May,   in the UK is increasingly fragile due to the attack  "obviously  unwise  " to   Syria  , with the support of less than a quarter of the population. He executed the attack without Parliament's vote because "  he knew he would lose  " ...  

Theresa May addresses the media during a press conference following the military action in Syria. Photography: Will Oliver / Pool / EPA

The Japanese government slaves   Shinzo Abe  , but does not participate in the last Syrian farce, it is in the balance due to Abe's participation in  corruption and war crimes  . Now there are huge daily demonstrations against the Japanese parliament demanding his resignation.

Saturday, tens of thousands of people gathered in front of the   National Diet Building   in central   Tokyo   to protest the growing scandal surrounding the administration of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. -turnout-in-Tokyo-rally demanding-abe-waiver /

Meanwhile, while the old order continues to collapse, there have been large movements towards a more cooperative world in the congregation of several marinas in the  South Pacific , accordingCIA sources based in Asia. 
Here is his report:

  • "The real reason why fleets should go in the Pacific Ocean is a huge rare earth elements [Vault  Rare Earth]   (REE) used in the secret space program has recently been found about 600 miles south and east of Tokyo Japan, enough metal to keep the space program that lasted decades.
  • "The problem is the collection of these metals up to 3,000 meters deep, which was working on a retired captain Frenchman   Jacques Cousteau   when he died. Now his old ship   Calypso   was repaired and updated with the latest technologies and located in the region to help you understand along with US military, Chinese and underwater systems armed with high - tech radar Russian ships.
  • "Apparently, there is also a very large deposit elements   rare earth  deep South Sea China, including a large amount of platinum mixed with PGM (Platinum Group Metals).  This is another reason for the" Underwater Great China wall "around the perimeter of the Nine-Dash line established by China in 1947".

In an action related to this resource, Pentagon sources say that "  the eruption of Vanuatu volcano could dissuade China from building any military base too close to Australia  ." 
Https:// -volcano-erupts.html

One final note,   Barbara Bush   is dying. luzione.html

by Ken

pedophiles are continually rounded. This guy is a big fish that will ever larger.Peter Dalglish CM (born 20 May 1957) is a Canadian humanitarian and founder of the charity Children International Street and Senders Youth Initiative program.

Until 2015 he was the representative to paísde UN - HABITAT Afghanistan

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