
24 de abril de 2018

The Urantia Book Paper 108 The Organization and Administration

For all we know, Adjusters are organized as an independent working unit in the universe of universes and are apparently administered directly from Divinington. They are uniform in the seven superuniverses, all local universes being served by identical types of Mystery Monitors. We know from having observed that there are numerous series of Adjusters with a serial organization that extends through races, over dispensations, and to worlds, systems, and universes. However, it is exceedingly difficult to keep track of these divine gifts since they function interchangeably throughout the grand universe.

Adjusters registration is only known at the headquarters of the seven superuniverses (outside of Divinington). The number and order of each Adjuster indwelling each ascending creature are reported by Paradise authorities to superuniverse headquarters, and from there the headquarters communicates local universe concerned and relayed to the particular planet. But the local universe records do not reveal the full number of the Thought Adjusters; Nebadon records contain only the number of placements in the local universe as it is appointed by the representatives of the Ancients of Days. Divinington only known the real meaning of the whole number of the Adjuster.
Often human subjects are known by the number of Adjuster; mortals do not receive real universe names until after Adjuster fusion, union indicated by the provision of a new name for the new creature by the destiny guardian.
Though we have the records of Thought Adjusters in Orvonton, and though we have no authority over them or administrative connection with them, we firmly believe that there is a very close administrative connection between the individual worlds of the local universes and the central location of gifts divine in Divinington. We know that after the appearance of a Paradise bestowal Son, an Adjuster Custom is assigned to the corresponding evolutionary world as a planetary supervisor of Adjusters.
It is interesting to note that local universe inspectors when carrying out a planetary examination always planetary chief of Thought Adjusters, just as they do orders to heads of seraphim and leaders of other orders of beings related to target the administration of an evolving world. Not long ago, Urantia had a regular inspection of this type by Tabamantia, the sovereign supervisor of all life-experiment planets in the universe of Nebadon. And the records reveal that in addition to delivering warnings and processes to various heads of superhuman personalities, also conveyed the following message to the chief of Adjusters, whether located on the planet, or Salvington, or Uversa, or Divinington, we do not know exactly, but said:
"And now I appeared itself to you, superiors far above me, having been placed in temporary authority over the experimental planetary series; and I wish to express admiration and deep respect for this magnificent group of celestial ministers, the Mystery Monitors, who have volunteered to serve on this irregular sphere. Whatever the crisis, you never falter. It is not found in all records of Nebadon nor before the commissions of Orvonton any accusation against a divine Adjuster. You have been true to your trusts. You have been divinely faithful. You have helped to adjust the mistakes and to compensate for the limitations of all who work in this confused planet. You are marvelous beings, guardians of the good in the souls of this backward realm. I bow to you, even if you are apparently under my jurisdiction as volunteer ministers. I will I bow in humble recognition of your exquisite unselfishness, your understanding ministry, and your impartial devotion. You deserve the name of the Godlike servers of the mortal inhabitants of this strife-torn world, afflicted by suffering and affected by the disease. I honor you! I adore almost! "
As a result of many suggestive lines of evidence, we believe that the Adjusters are well organized, that there is a profoundly intelligent and efficient directive administration of these divine gifts from some far distant and central source, probably Divinington. We know they come from Divinington to the worlds, and undoubtedly return there when his subjects die.
Among the higher spirit orders it is exceedingly difficult to discover the mechanisms of administration. My order of personalities, although busy in meeting our specific duties undoubtedly unconsciously participating with numerous other personal and impersonal sub-Deity groups who unitedly are functioning as the vast universe correlators. We suspect that we serve in this way because we are the only group of uniformly conscious of the presence of numerous orders of prepersonal entities personalized creatures (aside from Personalized Adjusters).
We realize the presence of the Adjusters, who are fragments of the prepersonal Deity of the First Source and Center. We sensitivity to the presence of the Inspired Trinity Spirits, who are superpersonal expressions of the Paradise Trinity. Likewise unfailingly detect the spirit presence of certain unrevealed orders, arising from the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit. And we are not totally insensitive to other entities, which have not been revealed to you.
The Melchizedeks of Nebadon teach that the Solitary Messengers are the personality co-ordinators of these various influences as recorded in the expanding Deity of the evolutionary Supreme Being. It is likely to participate in experiential unification of many of the unexplained phenomena of time, but we're not sure consciously work this way.

Presented by a Solitary Messenger of Orvonton

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