
7 de abril de 2018


Part 1 

Dear friends, Here is another message that contains much needed information that is important for those trying to raise your vibrations. Kryon touches awaken the God within, the awareness of a new energy, we can hope for healing and change, and is creating balance. Kryon says "Compassion is the King". There is surprising news about our ancestors, and we have the first indication that tens of thousands of entities and beings come to Earth to help us , and it is flooding of Light. 


God is within every human being in the fullest extent permitted humans. Instead of sharing his thoughts, his prayer time or channeling, is always there, always available, so it's not just a church experience is not an experience report Sunday, is an experience of 24 hours / 7 days a week. 

While you sleep is a blessing of your dreams and when you wake up in the morning, you feel it and know there is a change to be made by a human being, he wants to honor God.

What can you do for this planet, your being here it is enough? You know what it means for the planet have a human dynamo, a light generator living here with the experience you've had, where you've done that you? have solved the problems, and have had thousands of lives in both genders, they have done, and their very existence is light for the planet.

I'll give you some attributes to make the light shine when we need it, because this is your time, but never ask what to do, what you've done. No matter what your age, no matter, light is multidimensional, take the gap of death. Some of you will plant things that will remain on the planet forever, because consciousness is maintained. The things you do and say are remembered by humans and sometimes change their lives, just the way you say and how you act and what you do.

Sometimes there will be a person who will accompany watching you how you react to someone else on the highway may not be so kind, and never forget your reaction compassion instead of anger, they may even be molded after you and you will. never know. You are so influential you are, experienced and proven and what is mancharte often does, and you know it does and expect more people. It's not about what you do then it is how to be.

You are beginning to awaken the God within, and has many ways because there are so many civilizations for which you have passed. Relax and know you are here for a purpose and being here is enough. Fear will close, but eventually you will be chased by holding the light at home, at work, playing and practicing compassionate action on this planet. Do not despair, that is the primary acceptance of a quality that has not been here before.

This energy is creating benevolence in all aspects of your life. Your consciousness and change it, and your belief in it, and your acceptance of it trigger things that have not been here before. Now there is energy on the planet flooded with light. Actually, there are tens of thousands of people and entities at the speed of light, you could say to your benefit and has no description for them and there is nothing you have ever told about them.

But not to change who you are, you have help.You walk outside and walk on Earth and it's different because you're an old soul. Your choice has given you a head start for the first time of a new energy consciousness is happening, and this legion of light beings begin to help you in all things. Today there is more acceptance of the general civilization of his shamanic energy and compassionate spirit than at any other time in human history.

Believe in the benevolent source that will help you in your next step, never before have had.Begin pressing the doors they closed believes forever, and what they could do, or what others might think of you, and now find acceptance. Do not be surprised if your light is seen differently than it was before. Do not isolate yourself from the world. Your personality is becoming softer, less critical, more loving, more benevolent.

As soon as you start looking at things differently and you tell your cellular structure your Merkabah, into God, I'm changing, I'm more compassionate, I am more aware, I am what I am, all lights and you no longer walk in the dark because those who need to see your light will be attracted to you, and entities that have spoken and all those who are flying to Earth to help, they will be attracted to this consciousness, and you'll be up and be easier. Do the hardest thing you can do, go back and be with relatives and be peaceful with that.

Some of them know what you represent, maybe you left the fold, he left his religion, abandoned the belief system. Sometimes you see strange and weird, that's changing with compassion, because the action you have to be compassionate is what you will see. Do not tell them anything about Kryon, do not tell them anything about the Pleiadians, do not tell them anything, show them love. Your compassion will do more for the planet than anything else, it is the light source.

is not your job to come to a meeting, it is not your job to take a human being and convince them that right. is not their job to do anything but love humanity, such an attractive way you'll want to be with you again, and someday you look, ask, "What have I do not have to have not been? You can tell them have God in without a doctrine perhaps without a building maybe. this is the Army of Light will win this world.

The truth is that consciousness is above physics and is always able to change it His compassion will be seen as a driving force on this planet. Compassion is the king; You'll do more with compassion than any channeler or healer. Sound, conscience and color, all these things have energy. Your conscience with your voice talking to your reality in your cells, saying the things you want to hear, do it in the first person, "I am". 

Maybe you should wake up in the morning and say "I am cured," "I'm sleeping well", "I'm happy and celebrate this day." Say every morning , "I am happy", meaning he is happy with his life, and are celebrating the day.

Develop positive affirmations in first person and start saying out loud "let your ears hear who you are". In its cellular structure there are data that have antennas waiting for the boss responds. Say "I'm healthy, I'm benevolent, I'm compassionate, I am happy in my life, is Well With My Soul" That is powerful, and everything you do along that line will collect light. 

You will begin to change faster than you've ever changed, expected to healing and change in your life are faster than ever. Let my words proof is in how fast it happen, and know that a benevolent energy that sticks to you are so good. God will get bigger for your Lightworker, Army of Light.

More and this is difficult, it is out of your culture, your civilization is out, is not your tradition. I want you to begin to honor your ancestors, want you to be abstract (without reference to material objects). Your ancestors are your spiritual family, and some of them are you in past lives. I want you to keep the process of descent. Reincarnation begets families then reincarnated: some of them are their ancestors, do not know their names, can not imagine not even have pictures, but the concept is to honor those who came before you, some of you you are and do everyday.

It is a return to the old traditions, is honored by God, is a way your choice says I understand that the system is beautiful, it is benevolent and respect. It could not be clearer and we have not heard that from you in this society hundreds of years. In the morning, somewhere where it can not be heard, thank your ancestors for bringing him here now at this time. It is personal and the point I wanted to mention is that the energy of the future is not about great things about you today.

Think about these things, keep in mind that if you work with this, dear Alma Antigua, get results. I promise that if you have the pure intention to make it work, you will see results. It's time for you to stop worrying about the drama, stay away from what I would call negative attributes volunteers, is negativity in which you participate voluntarily and may not even realize it.

What's on TV offends his heart and then shut it , and if you need to know what is happening in the world, get a magazine or Internet use.You can go at your own pace and see what you need to see, not what others think you need to see. If you are in a room and want togossip, do not participate negativity, go if you can not be compassionate instead of criticizing, not partakers of negativity and off. 

Dear, look what happens when you do not participate in the circle that moves and turns, stops. These are things you can do every day as a Lightworker, when you walk into a drama. If you see developing it , stop itfor compassionate action, do not defend yourself, no help.

Be compassionate if someone calls you by name, it is their problem, not yours, have mercy on having a bad day. Dear, there are ways that you can change who you are and realize they will not say, but you will see a little more mature than they are and will be surprised if they decide to emulate it because it is really attractive, light is attractive, benevolence and beauty are more attractive than ever, and the old soul knows more than anyone about how to make it work, and it is.Kryon. 


I leave you with love and blessings, and that the Light illumine your days and your way to the consummation. This message comes through my higher self , my Divine Being, and every soul has the same connection with God.

Part 2:

Dear friends, I found this message on my file, and in view of the period of change just introduced, is now more relevant than ever, giving us a clear idea of what we can expect in the near future. 

COUNCIL Andromedan 27 November 2011. 

Questions asked Andromeda Council. 

How will the people of Earth as we become new human 4D?

ANSWER: The most important is to realize that transformation, the transition from 3D to 4D, a 3D person being a person 4D will be a "perfect" smooth process, "painless". This experience will be a simple transformation of the cell structure, the vibrating 3D slower, dense and heavy body existing today. - a vibration velocity 4D higher, faster and lighter. Have a body that is higher, literally lighter in terms of mass, weight and density, about one-tenth of what you weigh now. Note that the molecular cell structure of your body will actually change. Think crystal based molecules. Their existing 3D cell walls transmuted into a crystalline base. Its 4D body based on crystalline molecules, and not based on carbon, but glass base. Within the nucleus, the center of each cell will be infused with light. Your 4D bodies really are very translucent. This is a natural state of the 4th dimension, 4th density.

All will be relatively tall and slim stature.This is simply the nature of a crystal having cellular structure. It will also be "lighter" in terms of being infused light, not opaque as it is today, not completely translucent, but very translucent. Your children will also be transformed. But in terms of appearance of age they will continue to develop as young adults, only now over and adjusted normal "timeline" of thousands of years for people 4th dimension. For most adults who chose to remain on Earth during this time of change, it will be approximately the age range of 32-35 years. In terms of height, for comparison, a 3D average male will be about 7 feet. high, this is the average height for a man 4D. 3D will literally eradicated diseases. full of light.With its solar system and migration of the Earth to the space area of ​​the 4th dimension, 3D will literally eradicated diseases.

If we are so healthy, and the eradication of diseases Earth 3D, how long we will live as human 4D Earth?

ANSWER: You'll like this answer. Usually as timing on Earth, human beings living 4D spend at least 6000 years, up to 10,000 years, living a life of fourth dimension. We also understand that there are 12 octaves of knowledge and learning in each dimension, from the fourth dimension 4D onwards.There is much to experience Note that the use of these numbers, is to give an approximation based on how people of Earth Times today.However, we also note the way we currently measure time on Earth will change once the Earth to become a planet completely 4D. View, measure, experiencing time: it practically disappears. In any case, you will live very, very long lives before moving to 5D, 5th dimension.

We understand the complete healing of physical health. But again, what about people with autism, retardation, syndromes, people with mental illness?

A: Certainly, I understand the seriousness of this problem. "Medical / health in primary biosphere that help team, assist and advise people who are having difficulty adjusting to the differences in the life of the 4th dimension, and also what we would consider serious psychiatric problems, deep emotional problems, shock or trauma, or people with autism, retardation, syndromes, varying degrees of mental illness, people with these afflictions which you are legitimately concerned, have the ability to choose (or a responsible party can choose them), to heal your stuff fine conscience, what we call "mind" where these problems staying. Understand that this is literally a matter of spiritual vibration, and equipment "medical / health" primary, or any of the other 11 biospheres marked by the Andromeda Council stationed in the solar system the Earth biosphere, these teams can use several frequencies and sound techniques resonant to reduce, adjust and correct the "failures" and repair fine broken tracks "wiring" of matter from the minds of these people are a variety of methods that can be used in combination to help heal these people. They are curable. It will take some counseling, some extra care and kind attention after the "doctor" work, initiations are performed and completed. These people, like everyone else, will be fine. the minds of these people. There are a variety of methods that can be used in combination to help heal these people. They are curable. It will take some counseling, some extra care and kind attention after the "doctor" work, initiations are performed and completed. These people, like everyone else, will be fine. the minds of these people. There are a variety of methods that can be used in combination to help heal these people. They are curable. It will take some counseling, some extra care and kind attention after the "doctor" work, initiations are performed and completed. These people, like everyone else, will be fine. a little extra care and kind attention after the "doctor" work, initiations are performed and completed. These people, like everyone else, will be fine. the minds of these people. There are a variety of methods that can be used in combination to help heal these people. They are curable. It will take some counseling, some extra care and kind attention after the "doctor" work, initiations are performed and completed. These people, like everyone else, will be fine. a little extra care and kind attention after the "doctor" work, initiations are performed and completed. These people, like everyone else, will be fine. the minds of these people. There are a variety of methods that can be used in combination to help heal these people. They are curable. It will take some counseling, some extra care and kind attention after the "doctor" work, initiations are performed and completed. These people, like everyone else, will be fine. It will take some counseling, some extra care and kind attention after the "doctor" work, initiations are performed and completed. These people, like everyone else, will be fine. It will take some counseling, some extra care and kind attention after the "doctor" work, initiations are performed and completed. These people, like everyone else, will be fine.

If our present bodies are being transformed into new 4D bodies, and you said that illnesses 3D Earth will be eradicated, what about those with damaged teeth or missing, several syndromes, muscular dystrophy, ALS, cerebral palsy or people with mental disorders? disease, those of us who have returned from the various wars in the Gulf and Afghanistan with the hands, fingers, arms, legs missing. What about us?

ANSWER: From Chief Medical Officer of the biosphere Andromeda Council, she says: "Many people have made these kinds of questions Yes, transforming three -dimensional body in a 4D body eradicate existing diseases and all diseases and their bodies. including birth defects, various syndromes, loss of limbs, defective or missing teeth, hearing problems or eye defects and aging. all these will be remedied. again, remember that you are being transformed. you will have a full body, full and healthy . 

What do you mean you had to 5D, the fifth dimension? when we die?

ANSWER: No, no, you misunderstand. That is the point. Remember you do not die, time does not exist from 4D, the fourth dimension upward. You do not have time. And people, people on Earth who live a life 4D does not die. A person can choose for really extraordinary to be "extinct" circumstances, but this is very, very rare. When a 4D person reaches the point where it has between 6,000 and 10,000 years old, when he feels he has learned enough and contributed enough to society, when it is the right time for them, simply choose to go ahead and the transition to 5D , the fifth dimension, a slightly higher vibrational frequency of consciousness. For a new set of challenges, a new set of learning experiences .It is a transition, a change in vibration. This transition of 4D, the fourth to 5D, the fifth, is simply moving to a higher vibration and capabilities when the time is right for him / her about. Additionally, the actual capacity that one has once becomes a 5D, a human fifth dimension, they are only a couple of degrees above improved capabilities upper 4D, the fourth dimension.In any case, moving from one dimension to the next just about having many experiences, learn many, many things and then make a simple choice to go forward, to change. Do not die, I repeat "do not die", but experience a transition to a new lighter body. moving from one dimension to the next just about having many experiences, learn many, many things and then make a simple choice to move forward, to change. Do not die, I repeat "do not die", but experience a transition to a new lighter body. moving from one dimension to the next just about having many experiences, learn many, many things and then make a simple choice to go forward, to change. Do not die, I repeat "do not die", but experience a transition to a new lighter body.

End of message. 

I feel pretty excited to think about the changes that are coming. Ill health and death will be removed and enjoy all the benefits that a new era can bring. The Andromedans are one of the four major groups of aliens who are closely connected with us and our development. 

It is encouraging that our future path is already underway. It may be far away now, but it is awaiting our arrival. Light on Earth is increasing and away from all that is of the lower vibrations. Think positively and helps manifest our higher vibrations and as quickly as possible peaceful future. 

In love and light. 

Mike Quinsey. 

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

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