
26 de enero de 2019

The New Scriptures written by Sananda Chapter 1

 / Jesus-Kathryn E. May


I am, Sananda.
As many of you know, we are preparing and delivering on any of these days, Prosperity Funds for the good of all mankind, to free all from the clutches of economic slavery. Slopes are only a few details that have to do with bankers Vatican. The we are convinced that release their control over the funds and enable distribution.Pope presented them an offer they can not refuse, and as you know, has already issued the decree allowing detention, dated September 1, 2013. Which was done deliberately to give them a few weeks to give them the opportunity to voluntarily change their way of thinking. It seems that some of them have already begun to weaken its grip.

Like everyone else on Planet Earth who are dealing with the old rules and regulations, Vatican officials have been engaged for centuries in secrecy and absolute financial power over the whole Western world. Most people have no idea of ​​the enormous wealth and civil edicts, which still apply, which gives the church ownership of all lands that have been under dominion of the Crown of England, and all lands were allied with the Axis powers, and the whole of South countries, which have adopted the beliefs of the Catholic Church America. This includes most of Europe and the Western Hemisphere. Therefore, as you may have suspected, the Catholic Church is the most powerful on the planet consolidated political force.

To loosen its grip on bank funds, Treasury guards are well aware that would be the end of his personal power, and the end of the myth that the Catholic Church as an institution was a religious order with good intentions. 

Of course, there have been many very devout and well - intentioned priests, bishops and lay believers, including the current Pope Francis I, but the institution in Rome has always been interested primarily in the political and economic power to control the world. This is coming to an end.

Many who are not religious in his present life, are unaware of the implications of the dissolution of the Catholic Church will have on the lives of all inhabitants of the planet. That is inevitable, the complete dismantling of the Church, with all its splendor, pomp and wealth. It also means the end of the psychological and religious oppression they had in their village. so I can not stress the enormous consequences this may have for free the mind and hearts of the people enough.

It may seem strange to some of you that it is I who came to earth as Jesus, who is at the forefront of this apparent attack on religion, which allegedly was established in my name. I assure you that I will never and have never supported the establishment of a large organization calling itself "Christian." I opposed the construction of large temples; This was an important part of my teaching. Above all, I have never supported teaching, designed to enslave the thinking and behavior of any of my disciples.

I, Jesus, Yeshua ben Joseph, grew up as a Jew. He practiced the principles and ethics that I learned in the lap of my parents, and never gave up the essence of those teachings that encourage strong ethics and a devout way of life. But he was interested in expanding the boundaries of Judaism to create a practice based simply on the understanding that Love, love the Creator and other creatures was the only one needed to live a good life principle. I taught to move away from dogma and mechanical practice of any kind of rules, the first step is to go to God. As you can see, in terms of the usual practice when I lived, I was a free thinker, a radical and libertarian agitator.

This was the reason why the powerful hierarchy of the Roman Jewish community and wanted me to delete. 

Any and all other fundamentalist sects operating in the area where he taught also opposed to what I teach, because I was in favor of the freedom of each individual to communicate freely with God, without the obstacles posed by dogmatic human opinions or Ideas prejudiced. I showed that there was no need for priests or intermediaries, all human beings have the innate ability to communicate telepathically with his God, his angels, and even with their ancestors. Does this sound all this extremism of some of the stories New Era?

Well, the New Age have also spread their own misunderstandings. Mainly, that spirituality is supposed to make you feel good as an end in itself. Later talk a little more about that.

Let's focus on the first lesson we send them through Kathryn, who has collaborated with me in the past to write the chapter of his book entitled, "The Christ that you never knew." I am asking that begins directly present my teaching, transcripts, unadulterated, without editing, unlike the documents that have been available until today. we are less constrained by the language now because more people who speak English than 2000 years ago spoke my language Aramaic, and we will have more control over translations that I had at that time.

I pray that these lessons are distributed in its entirety without editing, without comment. Translations must be authorized specifically for me. There will be first twelve chapters, which will function as a single Book of Teachings. 

To the extent that these standards are met, freely available to the world. Also we welcome questions from readers and Kathryn Anne DeHart. I will answer them gladly, after they have fully understood the first six of these messages. This is a new phenomenon, it is not about your ability to read the "scriptures" as they are writing with my own words. Very soon I will be here to say these words in person, but it has been decided in the Council to some preparation would be very helpful to all of you.

Kathryn, Lady Portia, has given their permission to be the scribe who present these teachings worldwide because of our long relationship that dates back to the creation of this galaxy, and because of its deep intuitive understanding of the concepts I will present here and its ability to capture with precision the words and their meaning. I have chosen carefully, and I have tested the limits of their endurance. She has been firm on the principles of Unity, which I teach, regardless of the challenges we presented to him. Now I feel completely comfortable in asking him to do this so important to us at this historic moment work, and has agreed to take responsibility.

Now that is complete our introduction, let 's start with the first and most important lesson I will present in these pages: 

God is Love me, Sananda, the representation of God, I am Love.. 

I speak the words that the Prime Creator breathe in my mouth, as I will do as my life and soul continue eternally. 

No other version of my words but these are the words of the Father directly through me. Many of the ancient texts have been reinterpreted or distorted in order to serve the wishes of those in power to remain in power.We must begin again. If you want to quote me, please use these ancient texts better than teaching.

I will speak only words of encouragement that serve to enlighten and uplift humanity over fear, separatism and hatred that have been the way of life for thousands of years on Planet Earth. 

I did not come to establish a new religion, any name. I teach the True - way communication with God and with all sentient beings in Love, Compassion, Harmony, Forgiveness and Bliss. 

Any teaching that creates feelings of fear, guilt, separation from others, superiority over any other living creature, or any rift between the individual and his True Self, is not the word of God, and I can not find my words.

I am one with God, just as you are. WE ARE ONE. This is the lesson that I bring in that and endless love.You are God, just as I am. We can not separate us , because we are not. No physical distance, no idea or belief that can separate us We are destined to live in harmony in peace, absolute love. So be it. 

I am Sananda, and I approved this message with jubilation and hope in my heart. 

Kathryn E. May Transcribed by 16 November 2013, 

Sedona, Arizona, USA © can always share messages that do not alter or modify the content thereof or the form or the order in which they are established, respecting the sources and their translator.

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