, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f8c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : You have earned the right to go to the Ascension, and it can not be taken away from you.



You have earned the right to go to the Ascension, and it can not be taken away from you.


Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message,

April 05, 2019

5th April 2019. Mike Quinsey.

                                     Resultat d'imatges de mike quinsey

Behind the scenes so much is taking place in a massive joint effort to take away the power of the dark Ones by removing the source of their funding, without which they will quickly lose their power to control events of the world. They never dreamt that they could be defeated and will still fight to the last. The Forces of Light have not been idle and for many years have planned the downfall of the Illuminati. It is time for them to release Humanity from the web of deceit that has plagued them for many years. It had its beginnings a few hundred years ago, and over time has been like a cancer eating away at the establishment and foundation of all that was clean and worthy of placing before the people. The cleverness of the changes for the better is down to keeping them quiet and silently building up a formidable force for good and the Light. This extract is very uplifting and covers knowledge that would not normally be known or made public.


The 9/11 event was the one that put compassion on this planet within moments of its knowing all around the world. Because of the outpouring of compassion that people showed it moved the Earth and the Crystalline Grid changed yet again. The outpouring of compassion because of what those scenes showed will never be forgotten and changed everything. The irony of it is that it took terrorism to create it and that is an old energy, and is what is going away. The old paradigms, even the dark Ones have come together to create a confluence of positive change upon this planet. Sometimes you take two steps forward and one backwards, but at the end of the day you crossed the marker. I give this information as advanced as it may be so that you all hear it, and know there is a plan and you came in willingly.

Be circumspect and wise and know that some of these things that you would call science are directly from the Creator, given to you to save your life. We need your Light and we need you to stay. The very footsteps on the planet of your wisdom changed all slowly and incrementally, you are needed and when you leave you will return. I will tell you why you are going to return, because you are going to do so with a different instinct of humanity, you are going to return with the knowledge you have learned this time around, and you will awaken early by yourself. You will not have to go through what you have gone through this time. It will be instinct that you are a piece of the Creator, this is new and it is called the evolution of DNA. I Kryon and those around me are in love with you, and if you could see what we can see, you would know exactly why we feel like we do. You cannot for it is hidden from you in certain ways so that free choice will be yours to make, without the influence of second, third, fourth and fifth sight and that even makes it more special.

When we look at you and even without what we know, you trust the path and it is working, you love the unseen and that is good enough for us. It is working and do not be dismayed by things that appear to go backwards that might occur, see them in the grander scheme of a longer time frame that marches forward slowly to a marker where you will have peace. It is in the works – how soon I cannot tell you for it will occur as it develops and be created by your free choice, but the ball is unstoppable – that is where it is going and that is what we wanted to tell you. Not filled with information as it is filled with gratitude, with love and with purpose. We want you to know that when you leave you are not alone you cannot be it is impossible, we are with you the whole time and would not have it any other way


All along the Forces of Light have been silently working to bring an end to the activities of the dark Ones, and it has started by taking away their power in many different ways. Financial restraint is the most effective means, and curtailing their access to assets they have obtained through fraud and dishonest means. The loopholes are being closed, and in desperation they have stolen assets through devious means. However, action has been taken to thwart their efforts to continue their nefarious activities. Their days as a power able to dictate the future path of Humanity have long gone, and the public in general will be both shocked and amazed at the true history of mankind.

The plans for a most acceptable future have long been agreed, although it is true to say that that with your freewill it cannot be said exactly how success will be achieved. Be assured that you will be strongly influenced to follow a path that is laid out before you. You have earned the right to go all the way to Ascension, and it cannot be taken away from you. Meantime you can commence planning for changes that will move you on the right path, so that you can reap the rewards for having passed the marker. Great times lie ahead and plans are well advanced to set up changes that will announce the coming of a New Age. Many times attempts have been made to give you the advantage of new technologies, but hitherto the dark Ones have prevented them from being introduced. You have had much to contend with but have proved your ability to bounce back with even more determination.

Each of you are privileged to have a life in this particular time, when many souls desired to have the experience knowing it would speed up their evolution. As you would probably realise, each of you has something to offer that collectively has enabled you to progress. Even those with negative intentions have their place in the plan, and are at the root of events that have inspired you to rise up and overcome the challenges. Someone has to play the role of the “opposition” and in so doing the can also make progress, it may appear to be an odd concept but it takes the Light and dark to bring out that which needs to be addressed. The truth is that things are arranged so that you help each other to evolve.

In a relatively short time since the commencement of this cycle, you have lifted up your vibrations and are well placed to continue. Many of you have placed your feet upon the Ascension path, and your focus is powered by your determination to succeed, and you will. All the effort you have put in has been well worthwhile and soon you benefit from it. Keep looking ahead and not back as the past can no longer influence your future.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.

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