
30 de septiembre de 2019


People with blood type A have as D'Adamo Speaking generally, we insist a vulnerable immune system, stable good adaptation to environmental and nutritional conditions, physical activity wellness or relaxing sport, a fragile digestive system that tolerates bad meat, wheat flour, milk and dairy products, and recommended that a vegetarian diet is rich in cereals and legumes
people with blood type a have as D'Adamo Speaking generally, we insist immune systems vulnerable, stable good adaptation to environmental and nutritional conditions, physical activity wellness or relaxing sport,a fragile digestive system that tolerates bad meat, wheat flour, milk and dairy products, and recommended that a vegetarian diet is rich in cereals and legumes . Type A people should therefore:

1) Basing your diet on the consumption of fruit, cereals, legumes and vegetables.
2) Consume only small amounts of fish (carp, grouper, cod, hake, salmon, sardines, trout) excluding flat fish such as sole and plaice.
3) Limit or avoid eating meat ye sausages, meats especially if salted or smoked foods (meats, canned meats, salted foods ...) and are conservative.
4) Avoid consumption of milk and dairy products. However, soy and derivatives thereof are particularly beneficial to him.
5) Do not eat cooked foods.
6) Eat regularly oilseeds and nuts but avoiding Brazil nuts and pistachios.
7) Reduce consumption of products made from wheat flour.
8) Practice relaxing physical activities (yoga, Tai-Chi, cycling, swimming, hiking ...).
9) Use in case of discomfort or phytotherapeutic chamomile tea, milk thistle, Echinacea, valerian, aloe, burdock and hawthorn but avoid corn beard and rhubarb.
It added that foods that support the volume increase in people of type A are meat, dairy foods, beans and wheat excess reduces volumenmiento favoring vegetables, vegetable oils, soy and pineapple.

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It is important to understand this information because it is partially supported by the ignorance of people who once dissipated, also alerts the public People now awake to carry out its legal duty.


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