
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Catalonia. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Catalonia. Mostrar todas las entradas

17 de diciembre de 2018


The ECB stops buying PUBLIC DEBT .. BYE, BYE 

already confirmed what we all knew, the ECB stops buying government bonds next January 1, 2019 ...Which is an important issue for Spain (for Italy) we are covering. 

When talking about it, many Catalans Unionists, ignorantly oblivious pass the subject and do not see the crudeness of reality, which is why we'll explain in a simple way what it means for Spain ... 

Spain has spent 10 years with balance negative primary, that is, your income is less than their debt without spending ... to understand it , it is as if we charged less than what we spend and above the mortgage and loans that we have we need ...No need tobe very smart to see that this is not feasible and ruin us. 

The ECB to allow countries like Spain could recover the situation (enter more than they spend but with payment of debt included), created the QE, ie, various support schemes, within which was the purchase of debt public. 

We would leave money to someone 10 who can not repay their debts does and does not reachend ofmonth? ...course not (who thinks it does buy a beret to go to play)

But things change ifappears a third actor, a bank, and tells us that it will buy all the debt appears that individual, that is, that if we do not pay us, we know that the bank itself that it will ..... to understand it is like an endorsement.

The ECB action also was done with very low rates of interest, so investors also acted with low interest rates, even negative (another day I can explain why), which was of great help to ... and so states have improved their situation Ireland and Portugal, Greece has stabilized, it has not taken advantage of Italy ...... and she has taken advantage of to stay in Spain but as bottom club because it is the only state EU under the excessive deficit procedure .. Neither Greece is in this situation (continue to take note unionists). 

The 01/01/19 the ECB stops buying government bonds, the Spanish also andwe find a reality: Spain now hasmore than 3 times (care because the debt issued is not real to be under the excessive deficit procedure) that when he could not repay the debt ... And on top will face the year with more debt maturities in its history, 140.000 million euros ... to which must be added a minimum of 50,000 million euros extra funding over ...

the state budget does not reach 330,000 million euros and we see that they require a minimum of 190,000 million euros to address the debt and financing ... Obviously no choice but to tryrenew the debt.

I always think that people have a modicum of intelligence ... We would leave us money to someone who has spent 10 years without being able to pay their debts and who just retired him an endorsement by the ECB? ... Whoever says that has not passed the test intelligence because that is what you will find Spain. 

How and when you see ?. 

Cognizant of this problem, Spain made most emissions in the month of November as I was watching the market and he fled from his debt, so now the risk premium is stable because, for more than a week ago, not make, or cause more debt issues ... The ECB tube buy ...

It is expected that the first two debt issues falsify using banks to see if any incautious "pica" ... issue a lot of debt, and Spanish banks will offer a higher amount, giving the impression that the market Spanish debt is tempting ... 

But that can not do it too often, Spanish banks have their problems .... 

the point is that what matters is not what day or what month ... the point is that the ransom is book, and if someone is an unintelligent, after the explanation it will be understood perfectly ..

In every science, when someone says something, if there are opposing voices, always appear ... Search the archive ... Many we spoke openly rescue Spain, many who are silent ... But not one denies that ransom. .. Just because you can not deny. 

Some unionist manipulated try to make a victory that pass in February rather than December, which should be a sign of profound reflection on maturity ... It is very unwise to forget that what matters is the ruin that represents a ransom and if not today or tomorrow (I say the attacks has received Niño Becerra). 

A rescue involves the progressive end of all social coverage, health, education, etc ... Just as down more than 50% pensions (see Greece) ... and tax increases

Now let's be sensible and look at our family .... Let's count the seniors would receive 50% of what they see, so we should help them (and not vice versa as it is now), we will have to pay more taxes (subtract an amount 5% to 10% of our payroll), you have to pay school children (400 euros per month compulsory school age, 22,000 euros per year for at least career), and health insurance will be three or four times more expensive than not come now where we all .....

Think we can survive this situation (70% of the middle class can not) ..... And we find we have to operate a family member something that is not covered (appendicitis costs 11,000 euros). ... we do not have resources to do .... a track .. in US about 42% of deaths occurred so before Obama Care .... And how curious .... all that, the rescue all Spaniards, is avoided independence, agreed (without agreeing not), Catalonia .... Perhaps some begin to be more sensible .. Jordi Mas Font PASS. NO MORE LIES

There is no conspiracy theory when Catalunya which suffers a terrorist attack ...

For years we have heard the conspiracy theory that had as main defenders to El Mundo, Pedro J. Ramirez and Jimenez Losantos even created a sect called Black Pawns , still active.

They always claimed that the mastermind of the jihadist attack in Madrid was ETA. 
Some even include in that paranoia to Morocco, US and sewers still related to PSOE State ...

And, mostly, their arguments are based on the type of explosive used ...

Instead, in the attack on Las Ramblas last year there was a confidant terrorist and salary of the CNI or authors manufactured explosives from police documents, is not enough reason to support a conspiracy theory ...

It seems that no one thinks that could have been organized to bust  procés  or to send the army to Catalunya. Or that it was a way of discrediting the Mossos, as some media tried ...

The reality is that the Minister of Interior of time in jail and the largest of the mossos is stopped and charged with sedition ... 
That happened to them to act quickly, something that blew the plans of the instigators ... 

And it is no coincidence that there was gratitude toward the people mossos has been since bursting with violent actions, demonstrations, statements proespañolistas unions and more infiltrated in the police force.

Maybe someday you know ...

Police sharing banner with the people ... 
That 's not like in Spain

© misteri1963 this publication can be freely reproduced provided it respects its integrity and mentions the author, the translator and the misteri1963 as the source thereof

8 de diciembre de 2018

Denounce King Juan Carlos I to mount a "criminal group" with Corinna, Villarejo and CNI

December 6, 2018 | Valentino Arteaga
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Several Spanish political parties have filed a complaint with the Supreme Court against the retired King Juan Carlos I, his mistress Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, director of the National Intelligence Center (CNI), Félix Sanz Roldán, and excomisario Police José Manuel Villarejo, among others.
Whistleblowers, Izquierda Unida and the PCE, accuse these people of "constituting a criminal group" allegedly committed bribery, fraud, influence peddling, money laundering, threats of death or setting up a criminal group, as well as others, to for a total of 13 crimes.
The leader of United Left, Alberto Garzón, IU leader said: "We have submitted a complaint to investigate possible crimes of corruption of the current monarchy of some of the actors who will sit today up there to give us lessons in democracy "referring to the various acts that on Thursday the 40th birthday of the Spanish Constitution is celebrated

8 de noviembre de 2018

Letter to the Catalan political independence: And the Republic where he is?

7 Novembre 2018
It is nothing new that the Catalan people is undergoing major changes in the level of "democratic intelligence" we are developing, before I labeled as "supremacist" so "democratic intelligence" I explain what I mean, for years we are under constant "heartbreaks" political and Catalan independentist political formations that often reached the moment of truth, give or step aside or simply make statements "autonomists" that have nothing to do with what they promised in campaign much least what we sell when organizing campaign events, these disagreements have only produced a state of democratic maturity in the independence movement that has led us to set aside the parties, and we just follow a leader or organization,unlike years ago that people always voted the same party, or still the same leader, a leader who often offered "gold and moro" in TV3 and later in Madrid was "super colleague" of the current government, about I mean when I talk about "democratic intelligence" to "go party or leader" if it does not fulfill what he promised.
When I hear some politicians ERC or Pdecat (Tardà, Bonvehí, Maragall) among others, I wonder what they are doing that have not yet folded, Tardà ticking stupid to the separatists that DUI arise, Bonvehí few weeks ago by discouraging political prisoners PDecat not join the Crida, and Maragall explaining the world that separatism does not reach 50%, which is also not true, and in theory this man is one of those in charge of internationalizing the Catalan conflict, these are just some examples of incompetence we have, on the other hand we have the great Ruffian, who is more aware of him spend some hard time corrupt Spanish politicians in commissions research to make effective the republic, OUR Catalan Republic.
These people do not serve me, serves me a Elisenda Palizie that when you have to get tough even with the Catalan government does and represents us, serves me Laura Borràs that just listen to their replies to the enlightened citizens portrayed in four sentences and gracefully, I enjoy a Puigdemont that every day brings interviews and conferences to discuss Catalunya, democracy and the republic, I serve aLL who are imprisoned or in exile, although some of them I have political differences, I love out of jail or return from exile, if necessary to criticize or applaud, but while they political prisoners and exiles will defend to the death.
I already overrunning some initiatives to register requests to register or add a signature not know what web, too many consell per spare me the republic, the republic cafes x, x birras Republic, and in winter it will be? x chocolates Republic? spring? x shakes the republic? orxata x the republic? and so we, it seems perfect as an initiative to keep people united, motivated or whatever you call it, but the problem is when it is just that, nothing more, I still can not believe that neither Omnium nor the ANC would not have prepared no mobilization when they announced the sentencing of political prisoners, and the parties are not, asleep, look at the timeline (walls) of social networks of our representatives, and count how many times you mention the word Catalan Republic,
Then you go to these meetings "x republic" and you find a ruffian who speaks Catalan Republic, belonging to a pro-independence party called ERC (Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya) but later in his twitter only talks about the corruption of the PP, Cs or presented with printers in congress, "send eggs" change of speech does not help me, what interests me the corruption of the PP? NADA, and the roles of Barcenas? LESS, I want this gentleman, like many others, that in its election manifesto bore the word "Republic" make it a reality, you ask the people what they need to make it effective, the town is, was for the referendum, for 11S, we are always what you expect?
Lords of ERC and a fractious that there must be another party, political prisoners have already spoken are not prisoners to negotiate autonomy, are prisoners to negotiate budgets, NO are imprisoned for negocir reduce the sentence are not prisoners to negotiate a pardon, are not guilty of anything and therefore do not need that pardoned, what if needed, is that you ERC, PDeCat, CUP, CRIDA, Omnium, ANC and the other 100 parties, organizations, movements etc appear in the next months to disguise your lack of "ideas" (so to speak soft) clearly speak to the people, and we explain what to do, how and from when to implement the Catalan Republic, that, political masters is all they need our prisoners not live with the feeling that they are prisoners,with families torn apart for you to negotiate autonomy and roam the talks "x republic" talking about them.
If the MH Puigdemont says: "Catalans, tots al carrer" it begins, and you only have to put up with, but I'm afraid something happens that does not let you take the plunge, too, I fear we will continue to have misinformed and the time will come that the internal division to charge what so many want to keep alive the unity of independence, is simple political masters, or inform us of the "Full path" or leave your chair and allow passage to another person who really give us the guidelines implentar to the republic.
And if by any chance the aforementioned read me, I hope to be good enough to change the attitude, because they are not where they are for what they are doing, we have put US there, and we'll remove if we do not meet too with that we tease the Spanish state to you as well, "our representatives" are added.
I also hope that if any of these reads me, answer me this question:  AND THE REPUBLIC?
Thank you
Oriol Cots

1 de agosto de 2018

C's encourages Nazis and drug dealers to turn out stellate and yellow ribbons.

C's took a video under the #sondetodos campaign where you see people pulling polished yellow ribbons ...

But the reality is quite another, those who cut ties and stellate are armed, carry knives. They are gangs operating at night with their faces covered. They are Nazis, drug traffickers, cocaine, purria, Jerna, tabarnícolas, Spanish ...

Since the dirty Arrimadas and Falangist Rivera took the video, no day in which there is no dispute, that fringe of fascist dare even private property.

In  this link  you can see what kind of riffraff is. 
And in  this one , as a Catalan Berga plant will face a Franco (Jaime Vizern) measuring a foot more than him. Proof that this rabble only have guts when they go in droves. They are like chickens Arrimadas and Rivera.

Clearly the españolista side wants kills, ultras attack with impunity (up to mossos look away). 
I am personally in favor of confrontation, we must awaken the Catalan people. 
All e sto night reminds us of the c broken ristales, Albert Rivera and Arrimadas make Joseph Goebbels.

You see, we are in pre-war, and soon burst the real conflict. But do not be intimidated.


22 de julio de 2018

And now, the Spanish extreme right, tap them to be EUROESCEPTICIANS.

Awfulness of the three right - wing formations is that they are in the hands of three delayed three indigent intellectuals competing in to see who is more Nazi. They are little people who do not even read flicking the illustrations of a simple book by Jack London in summer. 

They are reactionary in sympathy, why buy their college degrees, because the effort is poor and families without noble ancestry. But beware, women and men who are on their side are equally useless (see Arrimadas choni).

They move like fish in water in a rather uncivilized society, they do not have to strive to keep up and that gives them some security.

Spain so far has gone well be in the EU because it has received tens of thousands of millions of that organization, there is even a certain permissiveness with Spain, like that retarded cousin so abundant in the families of the central plateau. They also have the luck that Europe looks away even the  infringements  Community.

But it is not the same as the EU, with its drunken president, that countries that form. Why the alleged coup believed that justice would be extradited Puigdemont because they are cognizant that the EU is like a house of pu .... Although they did not count in the EAW account each country's justice. A blow of reality has been for Spain's prove that there is a difference between the EU and the realities of 28 different states. Care, there is everything, if he had been arrested in France and seized in Estremera be the legitimate President ....

Well, as I say, he has been a "whoosh across the mouth!" Spain which has received a community partner (partner but tired). Franco the Spanish justice has realized that there are countries that do not trust the Castilian institutions by Franco and Spanish. And of course, that humiliation, instead of trying to change things, causing an increase in the Spanish nationalism and euroscepticism.

This part of the post brings me the principle: Spain is a country with a leading intellectual class indigent. Nothing to do with all those politicians failed transition. This current mob would not have capacity or to draw a fairly democratic, much less advanced constitution.

Just so you can understand that a pimp middling, who has bought their degrees and degrees, to become president of Spain ... 
Not only that, in its narrowness, dares to say that Spain should leave the space Schengen.

Again, the next will be the rampant euroscepticism. EU, especially Germany, prevented a bloodbath in Catalonia. The famous phrase that always told analysts that "Spain will not dare with tanks because they are in the EU" was true. Because until the last moment , wanted to use the tanks and the ship Juan Carlos I instead of the piolines. It was Europe who prevented. The plan was massacring the population.

And of course, too many orders from Europe are growing euroscepticism in the far right an extreme right that has 11,000,000 votes in Spain and whose 40% would like to live in a dictatorship. 
A nostalgic of Francoism and would they (would go) well a society in which only studying the rich, taxes are not paid, they stole what they wanted and "dialects" They call order, NORMAL .. prohibiting .

Finally, the anti - Catalan drift and ultra Spain must accelerate progress towards the restoration of the Republic in Catalonia. 
No we played the left as before, but worse, much worse. 
A Catalunya that can afford to be outside the EU and within EFTA, not Spain that, outside the EU, would be the Horn of Africa and drag to Catalunya in that misery.

© misteri1963 this publication may be reproduced freely provided unaltered 

24 de junio de 2018


The idea is Iceta Miquel, who asked for the Olympic Games take advantage of the Mediterranean to  declare an  Olympic Trucethe good intentions of this policy is seen as multifaceted. Only the figure seems excessive and out of place. The original Olympic Truce was true: the frequent and continuous hostilities were suspended to ensure the safety of athletes. Currently, under the circumstances, the Olympic Truce is merely symbolic. The world is in perpetual war. Not so in Spain, presumably. Ask the truce is to recognize that there is a war, which is false. There is a political conflict. To turn it into war is necessary that both sides are armed, if not equal, asymmetrically. It is not the case of Catalonia. Therefore there can be no truce where there is no war. Mediterranean Games absence of war; as missing Mediterranean corridor, one facet of the conflict.

However, it is understood, the idea is to achieve a cessation of hostilities to enable bloodless transition to the second part of the classic Olympic truce negotiations, agreements, pacts. Nor is bad occurrence, but also inconvenient. Any negotiation requires tranquility, security, normality. It is impossible to accept as normal a situation with political prisoners and exiles. His release and exoneration is a requirement for any negotiation and, while deciding his immediate transfer close to their families. 

Part of Spanish nationalism seems willing to explore ways of understanding with indepes. The government, hardly the truth. Iceta truce has no content and, in the symbolic dispute between the Government and the Crown, the  Celaá Minister expressed the government 's support to the monarch.  In his view slights the Crown are actually demonstrating the Generalitat not represent all the Catalans. Undoubtedly minister, but unless Catalans represents the king and his government far fewer of you and not for you to speak.

We can think exposing Monday MHP  plans to get a plurinational Spain Catalunya where you feel at ease . It is a reasonable basis for negotiations, especially if accompanied by acceptance of a referendum agreed to self - determination, as it seems. It is a reasonable and intelligent basis. There is no other way out. However, the plan plurinationality referendum and who has to convince is not the indepes, but other Spanish national parties, PP, PSOE, C's. Herculean task whose impossibility is the weak point of the proposal of purple and so are unlikely to rise in votes at the expense of the other ends, the unionist and independence. Theirs will remain the vote of ambiguity

Political conflict does not support truces nor known rest. All things to do in Spain and Catalunya institutionally footprint will clash. And hard ends. Torra announces that the Generalitat breaks relations with the Crown and ignites a new constitutional crisis because, even symbolic, is very representative. From a constitutional point of view of theology, it is a sacrilege. 

But it is on the street. The stadium was half empty  and there were boos and whistles to spare Rojigualdas predominated flags, proof that probably as well as indepes chose to boycott the ceremony, the tabarnianos were present. If the support of the dynasty in Catalunya is Tabarnia, the court may move to a television set on a morning magazine program. 

The independence movement has two recent grievances against the state, both abundantly exposed, the two ignored, one, political prisoners, ignored by the government and the other, apologies for the speech of October 3, ignored by the king. 

The problem is not that the parties are able to articulate proposals for alternative coexistence to the present, including independence, of course. The problem is that these proposals win in a referendum.

15 de junio de 2018

‘Catalonia won’t ignore result of indy vote’, says speaker of parliament

Greg Russell @MediaNetScotJournalist

Supreme Court Judge Pablo Llarena denied a request to free former minsters from jail


THE Speaker of the Catalan Parliament has said the government is beginning to return to normal, but it will not ignore the result of the October 1 referendum, which saw more than 90% of voters supporting independence.

In an exclusive interview, Roger Torrent told The National the starting point for any discussion about the future of the wealthy north-eastern state would have to see the restoration of “political legitimacy” to the government.

“There are the tools on the one hand and political legitimacy on the other. October 1 saw political legitimacy given to the government to draw the future scenario for Catalonia,” he said.

“But after October 1 there was the application of Article 155 [direct rule from Madrid] that eliminated many things that we had fought institutionally for, such as external representation.

“Now we are going to recover all that 155 took away and we will work in the direction that was marked politically by the [referendum] result.

“The first thing is from an institutional point of view to recover all the instruments that the Generalitat of Catalonia lost – self-government in our country – and to recover the situation in relation to what happened on October 1.”

Another sign of normality returning came from Foreign Minister Ernest Maragall, who announced in Brussels – the only functioning Catalan delegation office – moves to re-establish others that Spain had shut down would be made within weeks. The offices are in London, New York, Washington, Rome, Berlin and Switzerland.

However, in another development the bete noire of the indy movement Supreme Court Judge Pablo Llarena, left, denied a request to free former Speaker Carme Forcadell and former ministers Oriol Junqueras and Raul Romeva.

He also refused to make a decision on transferring the political prisoners from Madrid jails to Catalan institutions – and instead passed responsibility to prison bosses.

However, Spain’s Interior Minister, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, passed it back to Llarena and, in a radio interview, appeared to suggest some of them could be transferred: “If this person does not need to be required five or six months, and whenever there is a judicial authorisation, a transfer can be evaluated to facilitate personal and family life.”

Torrent, meanwhile, was dismissive of the new government of Socialist Pedro Sanchez, saying “from a political view” he had little hopes.

He said: “The Catalan representation in the Spanish parliament could only vote for the impeachment process because it [People’s Party] was a corrupt party in the Spanish state. It was a party that used political repression against the Catalan parties, the Catalan population and political leaders.

“The Socialist Party participated in this repressive way of thinking and voted for the application of Article 155.”

He said any discussion with the Spanish Government on Catalonia’s future, would have to be open: “To be coherent, consistent and logical, the political dialogue cannot have any limitations, it cannot be restrictive…

9 de junio de 2018

breaking Spain

The demonstration that Spain (Spain that dominated by arrogant and boisterous in the set, in newspaper editorials and in parliaments, not the other Spain judiciously and weighted) is late, it is the cry of alarm which say , they want to break Spain. Refers, of course, to his own, that of the cave, intolerant, rulers infected thieves from public coffers, the Spain Cateta ...
Insist, obstinate in the idea that has to persist in society the idea or the feeling of a great and free dictatorial and isabelina.They do not realize that time is exhausted. Very fools still believe that nations are great for the extension of its territory or by their domination over other nations. Ignore these disrupters of public order civilized world long ago it discovered that nations are either Great for past glories or have been empires; nations that are great for the degree of solidarity and tolerance level of their peoples, with only intolerant bigots s ... What breaks to Spain is looting the administrators themselves their finances. Rompea what Spain is to instil hatred population some hardened regions are not left easily victimized by pimps of politics. What breaks to Spain is maintaining a stony territorial unit. What breaks to Spain is not engage in a thorough reform a constitution that was born vitiated consent because they were very exceptional moments of those who took the usual ...
There are many reasons why millions of individuals wish to turn away from a rancid administrative and political order which reinstated in 1978, with much pressure and chicanery, a monarchy in recent intermittent times when the natural form of state in Spain is now the Republic . Reasons ranging from the widespread sentiment in a region of the country to be the rulers of the metropolis encouraged since institutions hatred against the inhabitants of that region, even the simple desire to escape from an untenable situation brought about by the degustation of those same rulers in different areas of governance emulators they behave like the dictator.
Fortunately the frame, at least the psychological framework, this situation has been momentarily overcome. But solutions will necessarily go through somehow reverse the preceding statutory conditions in Catalonia before becoming the Spanish State in the continuation of the previous repressor apparatus. 
Jaime Richart. Anthropologist and jurist.
Rebellion has posted this article with the author 'spermission through a  license Creative Commons , respecting their freedom to publish it elsewhere

31 de mayo de 2018

From my deepest contempt it seems that finally you go

Ramon Cotarelo Contundent de'n article. (Politòleg, Catedràtic escriptor espanyol i) 

From my deepest contempt 
seems that finally you go. You, clinging to the chair like a tick, resisting with all her strength and willing to let the country sink before leaving his post at La Moncloa, which has done you nothing but harm to the vast majority of Spaniards. Liar, arrogant, authoritarian and servile to those above, Wakeel alleged corrupt and corrupt and thieves, false, uncouth, vulgar and pretentious, you really are a disgrace to any civilized country. And the band of thieves to you calling party, cut his image and likeness. Or, conversely, it matters.

They have not left you without a public euro put it in his pocket; They have stolen in virtually all public offices they have exercised. There is more to see Valencia. They have misappropriated, squandered or just busted in all activities of the public administration, awards, bids, contracts, grants and subsidies. They have appropriated public money everywhere, from the most solemn children to schools and programs of international solidarity institutions, from infrastructure provision to the contracts of supplies to hospitals. Not you the slightest sense of Kantian moral law lacking; It is that you are a band of rogues.
Formed you from the pincipio a government of illiterate imbeciles, psychopaths, corrupt, meapilas, cynics unscrupulous diehards, exploited and useless, all, of course, very attentive to what could afanar and how could rankle people stripping of everything. They have brought you a unique democratic involution, according to their neofranquistas canons. They have repressed the rights and freedoms suppressed democracy in public spaces. They have enslaved workers, impoverished people and obligádola to emigrate, increased the number of unemployed without benefits, robbed pensioners, deprived of aid dependent and fleeced the exchequer
They have corrupted the state from the bottom up, have filled the administration of venal officials, relatives, plugged, relatives, close friends or simple balls; They have destroyed the objectivity of public media, devices used systematically as agit / prop, that "friendly" fascism and smiling that characterizes them and they call you "liberalism"; have journalists-provocateurs directly hired by large companies such as El Corte Ingles (and how many more), fooling all citizens, true henchmen as the collection of scoundrels who apparently have claimed bonuses or have swindled in Valencia, Galicia, Madrid , etc.
And you have destroyed the country for its infinite greed, mixed with incompetence and irreducible stupidity. The Catalans go and do well because anyone with a modicum of dignity can stand being ruled by a bunch of crooks, corrupt and thieves. 
A disaster that will last many, many years and the main culprit is you, the bonuses. Go away and surrounded by all the opprobrium, the derision and scorn of his fellow citizens. Before passing per box, return it toiled and introduce yourself to the judge. 

Ramon Cotarelo 

The Elis French group also is implanted in Barcelona.

The French group Elis, European company specializing in rental and maintenance of smooth clothing, work clothing and equipment health and welfare, inaugurates its new industrial laundry in the Zona Franca de Barcelona on Thursday , June 7th.The new facilities are the most technologically advanced group worldwide and the largest of the peninsula. The new plant, which has received an investment of 22 million euros, will employ more than 200 people. 

The presentation will be attended by Romain Dupuy, CEO of the firm Elis, who will announce the details of the new plant and its impact for the city of Barcelona and the group globally. 

The new plant will employ more than 200 people

The new industrial laundry Elis occupies 13,000 square meters and has a capacity to treat up to 500 tons of flat linen per week, mainly hotels and restaurants in Barcelona.The latest technology installed in this plant make it a "unique in the world" example, says the company, in production and energy saving. The plant uses solar energy to cover 20% of the energy needed for water heating and also recycles water internally for maximum utilization.

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