
10 de mayo de 2017

It can be significant 2018 in prophetic terms?

and sometimes we need to study it to understand Jewish customs and traditions  to understand concepts established in the Word, especially when we talk about eschatology and symbols. I must tell you before they close your mind to this possibility, which  I'm not giving a date of the rapture , many legalists would use this article to stone me saying that I am violating a statute established by Jesus in Matthew 24 when he said that "No one knows the day or the time " , again I leave my position very firm in this regard !,  I'm not giving a date of the rapture , and as we take the Bible too literally,  I'm not giving" one day "or" one hour "snatch , which be very clear !, but what I'm SI calculating according to patterns of biblical times (I know some legalistic inclusive are also against this) is a possible date (one year) of the start of the physical Kingdom of Jesus on earth known as "the Millennium" . Having said that,  I want you to know that's just a guess based on lines times and patterns, God also speaks in this way, but for now we can label it as mere "speculation" for me and many other brothers in Christ who have spent time studying this issue . Let's continue, but for now we can label it as mere "speculation" for me and many other brothers in Christ who have invested time in studying this topic . Let's continue, but for now we can label it as mere "speculation" for me and many other brothers in Christ who have invested time in studying this topic .Let's continue,
Quote: "At the end of this article,  the truth and only the truth  it exposes background about the second coming of  Adon Yeshua  and  the Rapture , which, is not (the Rapture) a fundamental belief of the authors of this blog, least not until they can find specific biblical history,  no extra biblical . "
The year 2018 (5778 for the Hebrew calendar).
I could write pages about 2018, but I'll summarize with the following reflection:
In the Hebrew year 5778 (our calendar is 2017/2018) in this year's line up certain parameters, see:
1. 120 years since the first Zionist Congress
The  First Zionist Congress  is the name given to Congress in Basel, Switzerland, from 29 August to 31 August 1897. It was the first Zionist Congress Organization (OS) (which would become the World Zionist Organization (WZO) 1960). It was organized and chaired by Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern Zionism. The most important achievements of the congress were the formulations of the Zionist platform, known as the  Basle Program , the founding of the World Zionist Organization and the adoption of Hatikvah as its anthem (first as a hymn of Hovevei Sion and subsequently become the national anthem of the State of Israel).
Theodore Herzl pamphlet  Der Judenstaat  , The Jewish State, was published in 1896. It was announced the arrival of  the age of Zionism . .
2. 100 years since the Balfour Declaration given Israel the right to be a nation ...
To gain the support of European Jewry, the Minister of British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour he promised in a letter to the British Zionist leader Lord Rothschild on November 2, 1917 to support the establishment of a Jewish state in the then Turkish possession Palestine.
Although the statement noted that the new state should not cause any prejudice to the rights of the Arab population of the territory, this commitment was clearly contradictory to the promise made in the same period to Arab leaders who had rebelled against the Turks to grant the Palestinian government.
After the war, Palestine was assigned to Britain as League of Nations mandate. Henceforth, British attempts to reconcile the two promises marked the beginning of subsequent problems in that area of the world.
3. 70 years since Israel was declared a state ...
On May 14, 1948, hours before the expiration of the British Mandate over Palestine, the State of Israel was proclaimed in the territory granted by the plan of the United Nations, abolishing as a first step the British anti - immigration laws that prevented for years the legal entry of new Jews to Palestine.
4. 50 years since the capture of Jerusalem, the Temple Mount.
In May 1968, the Security Council held a series of sessions especially dedicated to Jerusalem.Reaffirming that "the acquisition of territory by military conquest is inadmissible", the Council considered "that all legislative measures and administrative measures taken by Israel and the acts that have been executed, including expropriation of land and property, which tend to change the legal status of Jerusalem are invalid and can not change that status "and urgently called for Israel" to rescind all such measures already taken and to desist forthwith from taking any further action which tends to change the legal status Jerusalem ".
5. 40 years since the Camp David agreement and Israel's conflict with Lebanon
Camp David Accords, which met in 2009 thirties, were the first peace treaty between Israel and an Arab country . And it was not just any Arab country but Egypt , then the leader of that world. Menahem Begin , leader of the nationalist right, coming military in Jewish guerrilla groups of the era before the formation of the modern state of Israel. After several failed attempts, in 1977 the government gets access, and soon extended an invitation to his Egyptian counterpart to visit Jerusalem and contribute to the construction of a new phase in relations between the two countries.
6. This year will be a Jubilee of Jubilees
The last Jubilee was in 1967, and that happened in 1967? Yom Kippur War and lasted six days.  You .  Now see this, the jubilee was ended in 1967 and began the Jubilee 119 120. 1967 + 50 = 2017.  The year 2017 will be the end of the Jubilee 120. E n 1967 on the day of Yom Kippur, at the end of a Jubilee, they (the Israelites) regained Jerusalem ...   50 years earlier, at the end of the Jubilee 118, in 1917 the Islamic Ottoman rule ends but also England gave him in that year the right to own their own land to Israel ...   http: / /
7. 120 = Over the years designated by God (Gen 6: 3) 120 jubilees (50 x 120) to reach 5778.
Genesis 6: 3 Then YHVH said, My Spirit will not remain forever with the man because he also is flesh,  and his days be one hundred twenty years .
In June 2009 he was published in the magazine in Israel Today  a very interesting article  about one German Talmudic rabbi named Rabbi Judah Ben Shamuel.According  to this article , just before his death in 1217, he said Rabbi Turbos prophesied that the Ottomans would control Jerusalem for eight (8) Jubilees, ie, for 8 × 50 = 400 years.
Indeed, 300 years after his death, the Turkish Ottoman Empire conquered the city of Jerusalem in 1517. Exactly 400 years later, during World War II, General Edmund Allenby entered Britain on horseback in Jerusalem during the Hannukah party in 1917, freeing it from the possession of the Turks.
As reported, Rabbi Ben Shamuel continued his prophecy saying that during a jubilee more (50) Jerusalem would be no man's land, which indeed it was from 1917 to 1967, from the hands of the British Mandate over Palestine to be under the tutelage Jordan.
Continuous prophecy saying that during the next Jubilee (50 years) Jerusalem would be owned by Israel once again, which was fulfilled to the letter, when Israel captured the Amount of the Temple and the Old City of Jerusalem on June 6, 1967 during the Six-Day War.2017 will mark the 50 years after that date, completing the account of the tenth jubilee of the prophecy of this rabbi.
The end of the prophecy says that after completing this jubilee tenth (2017)  the final days of the Messianic Era begin ...
8. 100 = Esclavitud
I found references about this ...
9. 70 = The full prophecy and time for suffering
10. 50 = Jubilee, release of debt and Peace (Yovel)
11. 40 = Test (40 years in the wilderness Israel, 40 days in the desert Jesus)
Most know the story of Israel after leaving slavery in Egypt of how God led them through Moses to conquer the Promised Land. Moses commissioned the responsibility to go and inspect the land in the hands of 12 spies, chosen princes of Israel (Numbers 13: 3) that is capable of carrying people in a satisfactory way out the task at hand. Including Joshua and Caleb.
The Bible tells that after 40 days they returned from exploring the land (Number 13:25) and the report was not very encouraging, since 10 of them were carried away by what they saw his eyes (Numbers 13:28), but two of them looked beyond what human eyes saw, they observed with the eyes of faith (Numbers 13:30). .
12. Perhaps it is only a coincidence, but the photosphere of the Sun, for example, has an effective temperature of 5778 K.
The  absolute temperature  is the temperature value measured with respect to a scale which begins at absolute zero (0 K or -273.15 ° C). This is one of the main parameters used in thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. In the International System of Units it is expressed in kelvin, symbol  K
13. The immediately preceding the appearance of the Messiah moment will be a testing time in which the world will undergo various forms of tribulation , called chevlei Mashiach (חֶבְלֵי הַמָּשִׁיחַ) - the "birth pangs of the Messiah" (Sanhedrin 98a; Ketubot , Genesis Rabba 42: 4, Mat . 24: 8). Some say that labor pains are lasting 70 years, the last 7 years is the most intense of the tribulation period - called the "time of Jacob 's trouble" / עֵת - צָרָה הִיא לְיַעֲקב (Jer 30: 7. ). The climax of the "Great Tribulation" (צָרָה גְדוֹלָה) is called the great "Day of the Lord" (יוֹם - יהוה הַגָּדוֹל), which represents the wrath of God poured out on a rebellious world system. ( )
14. According to the Hebrew sages (teachers), Abraham was born 1948 years after Adam (The Birth of a Nation), then the nation Israel was "born" in 1948 AD (1948 years after the "second Adam" Yeshua)
15. God's covenant with Abraham = 2018 years after the first with Adam and so will the start of the new world in 2018 AD?
2018 - 1948 = 70 years of the birth of Abraham to the covenant with God
2018 - 1948 = 70 years of state of Israel to the coming of the Messiah
16. The Arizal (Hebrew text) explains that 70 years is the maximum number of years of suffering that a person can be ordered . Extrapolating that to a nation, we see that the Babylonian exile of the Jewish nation lasted exactly 70 years and the year 5778 (2017-18 AD) will be the 70th year of the nation of Israel, founded in 5708 (1948 AD) .
I love how Abraham was born 1,948 years after Adam and then Israel was born the year 1948 after Jesus (the second Adam).
17. According to the Hebrew Bible story and timelines, King David was born 2854 years after Adam. He lived 70 years . Next year 5778 (our year 2018) it is the year awaiting the kingdom of the Messiah's coming and the end of the world as we know - according to some manuscripts of Jewish origin. That means that when David was 35 years (half his age), the world was also exactly half his age ... that is, the midpoint of David's life was also the midpoint of the history of this world. Some more details,
REMEMBER ... feasts (Lev. 23) they are the mo'edim (appointed times). For example:
17.1. John's birth - Easter 4 BC calculated by writing and Josephus (a secular historian) references to the death of Herod ....
17.2. 6 months after the birth of Christ - just it happens to be the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles September 11, 3 BC
17.3. September 11,  coincides with the moon 3 BC passing under Virgo  (at his feet) with  the sun behind it (wrapping her in its light), etc ... (Like the woman in Revelation 12) - Astronomy (do not confuse with Astrology) ... I recommend the constellation software (Stellarium ) and take a look ... it's really amazing and beautiful as  God uses even the stars as signs of the times and seasons ...
17.4. What it gives us the conception of Christ in Mary 9 months ago - just happened to be the Festival of Lights (Chanakuh) - December 8, according to Catholic tradition. (They do not even know why they do on this day?)
17.5. Circumcision Eight days later - which falls on the day of the Assembly the eighth day
17.6. Christ's death on Passover.
17.7. Christ in the Ascension in Mem B'Omer
17.8. Holy Spirit comes at Pentecost
17.10. Azusa Street Revival at Easter 1906.
Whats Next? Is there a pattern of behavior that we should consider?
17.11. Yom Teruah - Day of Trumpets - "their will be a trumpet" / El Escondido Day - which no one knows the day or hour / Precursor to trial / beginning of fall festivals other ...
According to the ancient sages / scholars HEBREW (teachers)  there is hidden wisdom in the Tanakh  (Old Testament of the Bible) about the upcoming 1000 year reign of Messiach (Messiah) and when it will begin (this reminds me of when Jesus told his disciples to search the Scriptures and as it was he who opened their eyes and minds to the understand) ... An interesting to consider date: "Yom Teruah", "Rosh Hashana" or "the feast of trumpets". It will happen on this date? It would be mere speculation on my part and the reality is I do not know, but if we follow the pattern as Jesus followed with his death, burial and resurrection (Easter holidays, unleavened bread and first fruits), as well as the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost,
Similarly, Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus !!!
In HaShem,
Certain information article was taken for reference:
References and citations:
Laverdadysololaverdad commentary:
The article remained intact  since its inception , however, I must point out that in my fundamental knowledge and shortly after study that led to the Bible, the Rapture is not part of my beliefs , basically because of the few biblical references that exist and also because many of the verses where supposedly a "snatch" mentioned are out of context or are put into the essential or fundamental to a specific congregation, for example, evangelical content.  And my point is that I do not identify with any of them (read: Adventist, Evangelical, Jehovah 's Witnesses, Mormons, etc.) .Example of some of these verses:
Mat 18: 3 and said, Verily I say unto you:  If you were not transformed and like children might become by no means  enter the kingdom of heaven .
It aligns quite well with: Mar_10: 15; Luc_18: 17
Rom 12: 2 Do not be conformed to the world but  thirst transformed by the renewing of your mind , that ye mayprove what the will of God: The good, acceptable and perfect.
1 Corinthians 15: 51-52 Behold, I tell you a mystery: not all sleep,  but shall all be changed ,  in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye , at the last trumpet (for the trumpet shall sound) and  the dead will be raised imperishable , and we  shall be changed .
2Co 3:18 But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord,  are being transformed by the Spirit , from glory to glory,  the very image of the Lord .
Verses that support the "Snatch"
1 Thessalonians 4:13 But we, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not , even as others which have no hope.
. 1 Thessalonians 4:14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him
1Th 4:15 Wherefore I say this word of the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
1 Thessalonians 4:16 For the Lord himself with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God will descend from heaven, and the dead in Christ shall rise first.
1 Thessalonians 4:17 Then we who are alive, who areleft,  shall be caught up  simultaneously with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
1 Thessalonians 4:18 Therefore comfort one another with these words.
It is very sad that there are brothers, whom we respect and love, for other reasons, also see in I Thessalonians 13b  an invisible coming  purely spiritual , by which the Lord will proceed to what they call the "rapture of the Church, or is the rapture "that rapture in eschatology of
dispensational, will be invisible, so only learn those affected by it: the high to the clouds Church to be with the Lord, away from the land where it will break loose" the Great Tribulation "which is outside the Church. This scheme naturally requires an invisible coming of the Lord, exactly
like  the Russellites , paradoxically and sad coincidence.
When Christ returns, God will bring with Him (4:14) to all who have fallen asleep in the Lord, in other words at his coming, our Savior will appear with all the saints and glorified. Quickly, and the blink of an eye, the souls of these glorified saints will go to meet with their bodies, "the dead in Christ shall rise first" (4:16), which will become glorious resurrection bodies.
It is then immediately, and together with all believers who are still on earth,  and be transformed , is the blink of an eye, all at once ascend to meet the Lord.
If you accept demonstrating naked eye 1 Thess. 4:13, will agree with us that  this is the only interpretation that does not force the text , while  not violate any grammatical law , naturally giving the word its true meaning; and above all, it is the only one that fits perfectly with (1 Th 4: 13-14 . ). Again we say that there is no exegetical basis, it would be much  
less need to hold, as do the Russellites and dispensationalists, that Christ will come first  for His saints and exactly seven years later return with his saints.
The coming indicated in this verse is one and indivisible and all passages are speaking of the Second Coming of Christ, but it is precisely the passage from 1 Thessalonians. 4: 13-14, the most frequently cited  to teach the rapture before the tribulation . If we truly biblical exegesis, this passage teaches itself,  not the rapture before the tribulation , because it  is a basic passage of the resurrection  and the characters here are the dead in Christ.
If you  look carefully at the passage unprejudiced  you will notice that in the first five vesicles do not talk about anyone else; and the latter is understood to be of them, so it 's who it is. Only in verse 17 we are told Snatch but  not the abduction of dispensationalists , but the
ultimate transformation at the time of the resurrection, when our Lord Jesus returns in his one and indivisible Second Coming.
Finally, I do not want to abuse their estimated reader (a) and I just want to end this heresy in which I have become involved saying first of all:
Mat 24:36 But of that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father. 
So all the information presented here is anything but the absolute truth, but if you are humble background and I believe in my ignorance we must consider. The truth is that it seems that time flies and prophecies pass in front of our noses and we (at least I) being sinners in the flesh. I hope that helps this material.
Best regards
1 Thessalonians 5: 20-21  Do not despise prophecies , but test everything ; hold fast what is good .

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