The biggest scam in which no one what happened, one minute after the crash of 2008, after which most countries, banks and companies in the West were ruined in the overnight, with balances negative and an unpayable debt without new refinancings. It was like until then had been holding.
At that moment, a very small circle of people, those who run the Fed, the ECB and major central banks, decided to countries, banks and companies save and condemn them, letting them fall.
And underhand, they have been printing trillions to bail, with nuetsro money because sooner or later we will have to pay, to its bank, their companies and their countries and and even more, and tip, to make matters worse, a few trillion more than have dedicated themselves to buy everything, that is to expoliarnos others, those whom no one rescues.
Here in Spain, private banks, Santander and BBVA has been the beneficiary of the aid underhand, to the detriment of the public that has been swallowed up by the first.
Except for Bankia, the Spanish right, considers his wealth and status rescued. So now also they want to do with "the other bank" means the People.
The same has happened with real estate and other companies, such as highways. If they were not of "his people" were dropped and engulfed by the "you subvenciadas own."
The same has happened with countries a good end to rescue Ireland, which is what theirs, and instead, with a disastrous end to Greece.
And all applauding as we steal heritage with our own money.
Armak of Odelot
The concept of sovereignty is not what a privileged dominating other individuals is commonly attributed, but personal unique ability to make decisions that are related to our individual choice.
Often we let our lives in the hands of others, as when we go to the doctor without worrying about discern, or to make a personal effort.
Constituted power, which ideally have delegated the administration of the State, making autonomous decisions, often do not conform to what we wish.
Consider for example the time, in fact, he decides to go to war, that apply ineffective monetary policies, etc.

And our reaction, rather than get rid of these corrupt administrators, is to suffer, suffer and continue to suffer because we have duties, responsibilities and duties, but we have no rights and are obligated to pay, pay and keep paying!
Finally, the state of consciousness of the average person is to be a slave, ie even below the status of subject.Therefore we are far from the status of being sovereign: we accept all the abuses that we are, taking away rights and remedies.
This change occurred gradually, we can say that we have become accustomed passive and slowly to this condition.
Much of this is thanks to a corrupt class of journalists and almost entirely complicit in the decisions of the powerful who make us believe anything, bombarding us with a ridiculous, false and tendentious information.

We can take charge of our lives all that is needed is the courage and make the change we want to live. As the Gospel says, "Ask and it shall be given, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened." .. it means that the universe responds immediately to action, our stance.
Otherwise everything remains in the simple thought never cause a change, neither in the world nor in our lives.
We need to regain our responsibility for our lives. This is called "Individual Sovereignty".
The argument is complex because it breaks all our schemes, all we have built so far, changing the paradigm of everything we know.
Being sovereign means interact with the system and generate equal and opposite actions.

OPPT the UCC, One People Public Trust, which means the Trust of all citizens of the Earth was formed.
These lawyers filed a complaint, granting all the terms of the law for defense, according to the UCC.
Since none of the calls in case rejected the accusations, accusations which ended up being true, therefore all deposited with the OPPT became legal, including penalties and conclusions.
According to this statement, all corporations, private and public (who always have to register as private companies) are embargoed, are illegal and illegitimate.
Either from the emotional, spiritual, legal point ... that statement is impressive. Thanks to OPPT all societies and decay properties of corporations for the benefit of all mankind.

We fail to implement our individual responsibility because we are born as slaves and live as minor children ... and when our turn parents will be emancipated.
A father is not only one who gives birth to his son, but he who cares for and educates to the values of life, not a life made of nothing fallacious and misleading images.
We know many things but in fact we know nothing. We lose sight of the primary things in our lives.
For example, one of the main occupying our existence, our mind, our spirit, is money. But we know nothing of how it works, and we even do the simplest questions.
If this narrow shoe that is called money we do not have well why do not we throw?
If the bad administering it's change the rules of the system!Our life is in the hands of men, not gods.
Men who do the same things we do ... they too are born and die!

A euro banknotes they have removed the inscription on the bills of yesteryear, as "the Bank of Spain will pay the bearer", whereas if it appears is the registered trademark symbol "©" and that means it's a well-ECB fiat, a work of art ... ie has no real value equivalent!
The State would have to produce what is needed for our needs.Instead it borrows to private bankers and the ECB ... 'because money is not a product of State !!!
The debt is illogical and illegal.
This theme presentations OPPT in UCC gives us the possibility to react, if we want, because we are now aware.
What we have to rescue OPPT is the will of awakening and spirit of individual responsibility to change things that are not right, it is not only complete modules to solve an economic / legal problem.
'But thank OPPT we can protect us from criminal organizations such as banks, which take people into bankruptcy and suicide, demanding and estorcionando something that is not theirs, in violation of existing laws now !!!

Under the law there are duties that the administration has towards us regarding our legitimate questions. If you do not answer these questions it becomes an acquired right not to owe them our most what we ask.
Thanks to OPPT we can cancel and send the sender bills that are unfair, tax ballots that do not apply and unfair fines, but that does not mean that with this we can behave as we can think and do damage, because this would go against us.
We always have to act responsibly.We can believe in God or not, that has nothing to do, anyway law of nature and karma will act upon us.
The laws that govern life are the only laws and are superior to all who have been illegitimately created by man.
But where they are born all these problems that afflict the world?Everything is born of a Papal Bull of Boniface VIII , in 1302, called "unam sanctam ecclesiam" according towhich the church property rights planet arrogates, through the principle that goes back to Noah 'sark, applying the "maritime law" or "Admirality law".

the reasoning is based on the fact that after the flood the only man who was saved with his family, was Noah, and the only thing left dry; as the Pope was the direct descendant of Noah, and as no one else had reported that he was safe and dry, the only one that if he was he was, that is, he was the only one on the planet.
Therefore appropriated everything!
When Pope wrote that bula, all fell silent, therefore everything became law.
Later Nicholas V, Sixtus IV and Paul III who ruled with successive bulas:
- the Church takes away the property rights of human beings
- the Church appropriates the freedom of human beings
- the Church appropriates spiritual intimacy and soul of humans
- the Church appropriates the freedom of human beings
- the Church appropriates spiritual intimacy and soul of humans
In this way establishes a Trust, a legal artifice composed of an administrator, a beneficiary and a trustee.
The name and surname written in capital letters are are the "Alter Ego" that locks us into the legal fiction until death do us part!

And when we give our legal name to a public official, even including a judge, in fact we are giving our administration management and therefore can do whatever they want.
There are canonical laws governing our actions in the civil level, but still relate to the universal laws and are secondary to them because they are the real laws governing our birth, our life and death. These laws are human, therefore someone started and we are accomplices if we do not rebel.
Do we want passively accept what we do, or want to organize resistance? We must rebel against this system because somehow we are among the privileged. We are endowed with intelligence and sensitivity, so we have a moral duty to rebel!
Fabio Maggiore
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