, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f8c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : The forces of Light are gathered now to complete mastery of his last dark cabal



The forces of Light are gathered now to complete mastery of his last dark cabal


Resultat d'imatges of alien ships

3 Caban, 10 Moan, 12 Manik

Greetings Dear Hearts!

We come again to tell more interesting things to say!

Ac tualmente, our first contact fleet is already on the list provided to intervene.

We just hope to show us that certain controlled by your Ascended Masters events occur, and our allies on Earth.

Meanwhile, let's take him a short nuesttro viajea inner ring of ships of the fleet command.

Command ships that are responsible for coordinating all scientific observations of your precious planet are two Andromedan motherships that are hidden in geosynchronous orbit over the planet, one on the western emisferio and the other on the east.

Both motherships are known are thousands of first missions of First Contact.

Each is about 4,800 km long and has a team drawn from forty nations, human galactic.

Losd two senior commanders are famous Andromedan scientists. A number of scientists from the Pleiades and Sirius act as direct reports.

There is a specialized command staff whose mission is to evaluate all incoming data.

The helmet prindipal Mothership is rectangular in shape with six smaller secondary hulls attached thereto by pylons or electricity pylons, tubular.

The main living rooms, arcades and control sections are in the primary hull.

Each of the side hulls is dedicated to a different, such as geology, oceanography and atmospheric science sdiencias.

Each subset of estasdiversas disciplines is assigned an observation area of ​​a planet.

All these groups are intertwined with liaison teams, who assess and collect all data received from field observations of hundreds of thousands of ships of exploration.

These ships are crewed by pilots and crew of the mothership, and any site trea compounds to five scientists each of which handles a separate task.

Each scout observes and reports on a different section of the surface and interior of the planet, and as their flight paths are designed to fit and adjust, the result is a holographic map of Mother Earth that is updated every five minutes.

The commanders of these two motherships coordinate the scientific mission on earth which in turn is in constant contact with the control unit of First Contact, located in the underground base known as Mars headquarters.

All data collected on Mother Earth are gathered here.

This database is available for the other two contingents First Contact mission: medical teams stationed in the Galactic Federation Earth and defense sector of the fleet.

Since alterations to Mother Earth affect them, it is essential that our medical team follow the thread, even lso last minute changes.

These Earth changes are also reflected in the sun so that it is assigned a specialized solar dynamics team to monitor your sun.

Interactions between Earth and the Sun are the focus on changes occurring in their mental, emotional and physical bodies.

When the geomagnetic and gravitational earth changes its own electric and magnetic fields are altered fluctuate and act similarly.

Your changes and adjust to changes on the planet.

Medical teams have general sucuartel in three motherships, each of them: Arthur, Andromeda and the Pleiades. They are camouflaged and stationed near the Moon.

Each mothership and its medical team contains a number of distinguished healers from this galaxy, which act as the main supervisors Desus medical equipment.

Each team is assigned between 200 to 250 individuals responsible for helping your team of angels in the task of transforming them into a fully conscious being ses.

Each of you have ways of thinking, collective and personal, that atransformar pair need to integrate increasing amounts of your Lightbody in your physical, emotional and mental body.

The nave of these three is the Arthurian ,, which has nearly 160,000 km in length. It has a form almost of a cigar and contains the main medical training facilities for the fleet.

The mothership is famous (or notorious) for being assigned for more than three decades.

The defense sector fleet commands a strong presence in near-Earth orbit.

Twenty-four defense motherships stationed within Earth's atmosphere oversee all military operations based (or parked) on Earth.

These data directly feed the headquarters of Mars, and our allies on earth.

The mothership of defense is size of a small planet, is Sirian and is cloaked and parked in front of the planet Uranus.

It is the main command ship for all defense ships of this sector of the galaxy. Reserve headquarters for the mission of first contact, are located
this mothership.

In addition all decrees concerning this mission to the headquarters of the Galactic Federation, or cxonsejo of the federation of the region as well as all instructions to the fleet regarding First Contact originate here.

This is going to prevent any potential interference from your last cabal and to ensure that the Mars station is properly protected.

Mars station is divided into 12 sectors or crystalline major cities, cxada of which triene a different function.

A city located near the Martian poles one contains the command station.

Mars has a totally different aspect that I have said.

It has blue skies, clouds of different colors and an extensive underground river system.
Just below the surface, there is a climate and an environment that is most hospitable to human habitat.

Here you can find plants and is very very strange to you vidaanimal.

Our scientists and engineers "terra-form" Quie know how easy is to return to Mars Mars was the condition before being ruined by a force of Alliance Anchara, nearly a million years.

Many of you know intuitively that this once achieved, this beautiful Earth-like world can become your home.

All ships have briefly described are awaiting your visit .

L to First Contact fleet is here to serve divine service to the people of the land.

Our mission is to complete the first contact as soon as divinely possible.

In this respect , our fleet extends UAN warmly welcome you! We know the great moment that we have all longed for is fast approaching.

The Sirian star nation and its many allies of the Galactic Federation are the most grateful for the oportinidad has given Heaven.

The first contact means for nosotrosd a family reunion, of immense proportions. Every human star nation of this galaxy is eager to establish an open and unhindered relationship with you.

In the coming time, a new era of permanent galactic peace will manifest.

Therefore, dear hearts, you are preparing for a glorious destiny.

The first contact with you is a unique process that involves a highly diversified fleet of many nations estelades humanasd to a plethora of other sentient beings who yearn to succeed in transforming their world.

The forces of Light are gathered now to end the domination of his last dark cabal.

 When this is accomplished, they will meet us at last and know everything that we have helped to ensure that not allowed to succeed to the darkness.

They also are aware that your Ascended Masters are indeed reaching their sacred goals.

This coming time of miracles, is for all ages!

You are now ready to anchor the consólidamente light to Mother Earth

So stay centered and prepared for what lies ahead.

Know in your hearts that together are indeed Victorious! Today we have presented our fleet over First Contact.

They know how much we love them deeply, each of us.

The time is coming together more and more. So as to remain focused and fully committed to their glorious and inevitable victory! We bless you dear! Know in your heart of hearts that the perpetual Supply and infinite Abundance of Heaven is indeed Yours! Gagun Selamat Selamat !, Kasijaram! (Sirian for Be One! And Be Blessed in Love and Joy!)

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