Money or not having enough money is not a problem for those who have less; those who have a lot also live pending getting more.
Is the source of happiness money? Is there perhaps an amount that can be said to be enough?
We live in a global monetary system, all subject to the same rules. This system subtly suggests that money is more important than humanity, nature, God or spirit ... the money today, for all of us is the end, not a mere means. In this basic idea the lives of almost all human beings on earth is based.
But few ask ourselves what money is, where it comes from, how it is created and how it is controlled.
If people succeed in answering all these questions they would realize how that through an artificial and perverse system we have become slaves of money, have altered our perception of reality and our purpose as human beings into believing that we run after him our whole life, accumulating and accumulating to be sure ...
It is often said that the world revolves around money and money makes life easier, but the reality is that money as we conceived it is difficult existence.
Money is what we use to trade, to exchange goods and essential services, so that money controls our lives, so whoever controls the money controls us ...
We are used to think that money is created by the state, but is a real and indisputable fact that initially the money and monetary transactions were the result of a spontaneous natural order.
Barter was perhaps its most primitive form.
Let's suppose that we lived in those ancient times and skins needed to survive in winter.
We had to negotiate some edible ... say for example flour. So we had no more than finding someone to make the exchange.
The problem arose from it was not always easy to find out who had what we needed and was in need while we had to offer.
So primitive societies began looking interchangeable intermediate goods (such as metals, salt or other materials) so that we could change our meal this good and then to deliver it for the skins we both needed.
This process was the beginning of an experiment.
At first goods that were of common interest to facilitate the exchange searched. And the most common value had a good, more attractive to function as an intermediary in trade was done. By the time a product is conventionally transformed into a universal reference for the exchange, money was born.
Therefore, money is not something that is defined by a king or a state, money is defined by a social convention that people accept. We need to understand that money is not something that was given to us, the money, as a concept rather than a specific material, emerged as a logical and natural consequence of coexistence between humans.
Today is generally believed that money is a passive means to promote exchanges and does not affect the people participating in the exchange but simply facilitates them. This may have been true in ancient times among primitive societies, but now the facts have shown that this view is wrong.
Each type of money has very different characteristics depend mainly on their abundance or scarcity.
If trade is abundant proliferates, but if it is low then creates a serious problem that hinders people to be able to exchange and get what they need.
What a society used as a medium of exchange or money certainly determines the state of the society.
There monetary systems that promote socially responsible behavior, while others lead to antisocial and destructive behavior.
This turns out to be true not only in our modern society but in any historical society.
The monetary system that embraces a society is a projection of the collective unconscious.
As well we mentioned, many people believe that money is created by the government or the state.
But the money does not make the government ... not even believe the central banks, although the process involved. The money actually creates the Banking System ... Yes, believe it private or commercial banks ...
Banks have an absolute monopoly on money creation; the public sector, the state is not directly involved in it. US Federal Reserve It is a private institution with private interests. Like any company dedicated to business your goal is profitability ... easier said, make money, a lot.
In 1913, after years of meetings between bankers and politicians, USA It created the Federal Reserve would be the only entity authorized to issue money.
But how is it possible that the creation of something so important to promote prosperity and social welfare has been left to a small group of subjects whose fundamental interests are winning a lot of money at minimal cost? ...
Begin to unravel this skein answering this simple question: What is a bank?
In principle one might think that a bank is an institution where you stored your gold.
You go to the bank, it stores the gold in its coffers, and delivers a piece of paper certifying that you have that amount of gold in the bank; ie one makes a deposit of a material well and accepts a receipt document as evidence that the institution took the deposit and guarantee their return.
In fact, this happened at the beginning of banking.
Those who had money in the form of gold or silver coins needed to keep their savings safe so they resorted to those who could provide this assurance (most historians agree that these first "banks" were the goldsmiths). They took deposits and receipts issued in exchange for them.
Sometime depositors discovered they could trade with these paper certificates; ie they could exchange them for other goods as the Bank shall deliver that amount of gold who submitted the certificate.
While people were relying more and more on this guarantee banks, trade paper was becoming increasingly common and these certificates began to pass from hand to hand through trade without going to exchange them for gold bank because everyone accepted the value of these pieces of paper.
But one day these primitive bankers discovered that it was becoming less common and therefore less likely people were to the bank to withdraw the gold that backed certificates.
It was at that time that these brilliant "gentlemen" had a risky idea but very lucrative: since started thinking that it was unlikely that all were at the same time their banks to exchange their receipts for gold that belonged to them, it was unnecessary to store all gold essential to honor all of the deposits of its depositors.
So banks began to feel that just might start issuing these receipts unbacked confident that no one or very few would withdraw their money, and use them to make loans to anyone who requests it.
What made these loans were possible was basically that people had confidence that if he went to the bank to exchange receipts for gold the bank would be able to return than his.
But from the moment these rogues bankers began creating receipts (ie money) out of nothing, that certain depositors stopped having support or correlation with reality, was only trust in the word of a subject certainly dudable honesty; In fact, if everyone had decided to withdraw their gold from banks at the same time, they could not have thus deliver not have enough gold for all.
That is, if this had happened, as the banks had only a fraction of the gold that backed receipts, had been in serious trouble and would have been forced to close their doors and filing for bankruptcy.
This condition in which banks should only take reservations a small fraction of the savings deposited is known today as Fractional Reserve or Bank Fractional Reserve . This is a distinctive feature of our modern banking.
A regulatory body which may be a Central Bank establishes what is called cash reserve ratio indicates the percentage of money a bank must keep in reserve liquid and can not be used to invest in or make loans.
To make it simple: if you deposit $ 100 in a bank and it has a reserve ratio of 10%, that means that the bank can make loans of up to $ 1000 with 100 you deposited.
For a more detailed explanation of how this is possible, you can see the video below or read this article :
The reason why banks did this simply because they earned money with interest applied to loans. That's how banks discovered a simple but risky way to make money.
Of course, if people at one point had become aware that banks had far less gold than is needed to pay all bills in circulation, they had gone to the banks to withdraw their money en masse and they had had no choice to declare bankruptcy.
In fact, this has happened several times throughout history; after running rumors that the solvency of a bank was seriously questionable, they were generated bank panics where a mass of desperate depositors went to the bank to withdraw all their savings.
From this year was made possible increasingly likely year, the system reacted like a cornered wolf and launched strategies to enable it to survive.
Throughout the twentieth century, the US government implemented regulations that would protect banks from bankruptcy, and in 1971 Nixon finally ended the requirement that banks have to back their loans with precious metals.
Today we have taken even further because not even have paper money in our hands, we go to the supermarket with a piece of plastic and bought goods passing it through a machine that records the movement money in our account.
So that currently only 3% currency is printed on paper, most of what we call money is a number in a bank account on a computer.
Pay attention! Currently each currency (whether in notes or electronic money) that exists in circulation is someone's debt. Yes, you read that right, for every dollar created in the monetary system there is a debt that sustains it. This is true for the dollar and for any world currency.
Money is created when someone gets a loan and is in debt. Each unit borrowed money does not come from a depositor savings as people usually think, but is created at the time the loan becomes effective; It is created spontaneously at that time.
John Kenneth Galbraith author of recommended book Money: Whence It Came, Where It Went (money: where it comes from and where it goes) said: "The process by which money is created is so simple that the mind is repelled."
We are used to seeing videos showing us the mints printing large amounts of bills and then we tend to believe that the government is involved in the creation of money, but the reality is far from this.
Private banks are those with the absolute monopoly of money creation process and is not directly involved in it or in any case public sector involvement is marginal.
Private banks create money out of nowhere to lend to the economy.
The only way in which money appears and begins to flow is through loans, that means that any monetary unit that exists in the world is a debt from someone in a bank.
Consider that when you ask a bank loan of $ 1,000 suppose, the bank simply creates that amount as a number on a computer in your bank account. Please, I understand it well: the borrowed money leaves no side, CREATE THE BANK. And for every created currency debt is created equal.
In fact, no money in circulation because there is a debt that generated somewhere.
If all debts were paid the amount of money in circulation would be zero, there would be no money.
Thus, if all debts were paid, the economy as we know it would collapse because there would be no money with which to exchange goods ...
I actually tell the reader that I am lying to him, to be frank this is something that can not happen because there is a factor that has not been discussed so far: THE INTEREST.
Thanks to the interest there is more debt in the world currency, and this happens simply because when a loan the bank creates money borrowed known as principal in the bank account of the borrower, but does not create the interests anywhere done.
The debt is the amount borrowed plus interest; but the money begins to circulate only the amount borrowed ... in short, there will never be enough money in circulation to pay off all debts.
This causes once one acquires an interest-bearing debt should leave the world to compete for the money to pay. And literally it's a competition because money is scarce because the system did not create enough to pay off all debts.
So a subject in debt to a bank must not only get money to repay the borrowed capital, but also to pay interest.
This is the most deeply perverse point of the system, money that an individual earned and used to pay off their debts is money to another subject will lack to pay yours.
Write this down and post on the refrigerator:
And this is inherent in predatory and competitive nature of the system designed systemic evil.
It resembles the game of musical chairs, is known beforehand that there will be enough chairs for all participants feel at the end of the song.
The fact that there will always be a portion of society who can not pay their debts and thus lose their property and will go bankrupt, teaches us a fundamental property of this monetary / economic system within it poverty is endemic, never will eradicated.
So no matter how many foundations and nonprofit NGOs engaged in raising money to end poverty, no matter how much you give alms in your church ... within this system, the money together to help some It will be money that will lack others to settle their debts.
Human beings are not aware of this condition of perpetual iniquity, but somehow perceive subconscious levels. Maybe it's because the harsh daily reality that our conscious mind refuses to look ahead and recognize it is an irrefutable fact for our unconscious mind or perhaps simply because we intuit.
The fact is that this kind of unconscious certainty leads us inevitably to live dominated by fear.
If you think about a few minutes you will realize that fear is one of the distinctive features of this system; It arises directly as a result of this condition of inadequacy and shortage of money.
Fear of not having enough in the future to pay off our debts and therefore to at least survive in this world, inevitably leads to a frantic search for accumulating money in order to feel safe ... but each accumulated value a is a value that will lack others to achieve even if that minimum and limited subsistence.
What keeps us slaves of this colossal factory of poverty and misery? What compels us to remain tied to a destructive way of life, fragmenting and divide us as humanity?
After this brief speech the answer to these questions seems to emerge clearly: the system has endured over time because our ignorance holds ... imagine for a second what would happen if people were aware of this reality.
Maurizio Santecchia
(Source: )
Money or not having enough money is not a problem for those who have less; those who have a lot also live pending getting more.
Is the source of happiness money? Is there perhaps an amount that can be said to be enough?
We live in a global monetary system, all subject to the same rules. This system subtly suggests that money is more important than humanity, nature, God or spirit ... the money today, for all of us is the end, not a mere means. In this basic idea the lives of almost all human beings on earth is based.

If people succeed in answering all these questions they would realize how that through an artificial and perverse system we have become slaves of money, have altered our perception of reality and our purpose as human beings into believing that we run after him our whole life, accumulating and accumulating to be sure ...
It is often said that the world revolves around money and money makes life easier, but the reality is that money as we conceived it is difficult existence.
Money is what we use to trade, to exchange goods and essential services, so that money controls our lives, so whoever controls the money controls us ...
We are used to think that money is created by the state, but is a real and indisputable fact that initially the money and monetary transactions were the result of a spontaneous natural order.
Barter was perhaps its most primitive form.
Let's suppose that we lived in those ancient times and skins needed to survive in winter.
We had to negotiate some edible ... say for example flour. So we had no more than finding someone to make the exchange.
The problem arose from it was not always easy to find out who had what we needed and was in need while we had to offer.
So primitive societies began looking interchangeable intermediate goods (such as metals, salt or other materials) so that we could change our meal this good and then to deliver it for the skins we both needed.
This process was the beginning of an experiment.
At first goods that were of common interest to facilitate the exchange searched. And the most common value had a good, more attractive to function as an intermediary in trade was done. By the time a product is conventionally transformed into a universal reference for the exchange, money was born.
Therefore, money is not something that is defined by a king or a state, money is defined by a social convention that people accept. We need to understand that money is not something that was given to us, the money, as a concept rather than a specific material, emerged as a logical and natural consequence of coexistence between humans.
Today is generally believed that money is a passive means to promote exchanges and does not affect the people participating in the exchange but simply facilitates them. This may have been true in ancient times among primitive societies, but now the facts have shown that this view is wrong.
Each type of money has very different characteristics depend mainly on their abundance or scarcity.
If trade is abundant proliferates, but if it is low then creates a serious problem that hinders people to be able to exchange and get what they need.
What a society used as a medium of exchange or money certainly determines the state of the society.

This turns out to be true not only in our modern society but in any historical society.
The monetary system that embraces a society is a projection of the collective unconscious.
As well we mentioned, many people believe that money is created by the government or the state.
But the money does not make the government ... not even believe the central banks, although the process involved. The money actually creates the Banking System ... Yes, believe it private or commercial banks ...

In 1913, after years of meetings between bankers and politicians, USA It created the Federal Reserve would be the only entity authorized to issue money.
But how is it possible that the creation of something so important to promote prosperity and social welfare has been left to a small group of subjects whose fundamental interests are winning a lot of money at minimal cost? ...
In principle one might think that a bank is an institution where you stored your gold.
You go to the bank, it stores the gold in its coffers, and delivers a piece of paper certifying that you have that amount of gold in the bank; ie one makes a deposit of a material well and accepts a receipt document as evidence that the institution took the deposit and guarantee their return.
In fact, this happened at the beginning of banking.
Those who had money in the form of gold or silver coins needed to keep their savings safe so they resorted to those who could provide this assurance (most historians agree that these first "banks" were the goldsmiths). They took deposits and receipts issued in exchange for them.
Sometime depositors discovered they could trade with these paper certificates; ie they could exchange them for other goods as the Bank shall deliver that amount of gold who submitted the certificate.
While people were relying more and more on this guarantee banks, trade paper was becoming increasingly common and these certificates began to pass from hand to hand through trade without going to exchange them for gold bank because everyone accepted the value of these pieces of paper.

It was at that time that these brilliant "gentlemen" had a risky idea but very lucrative: since started thinking that it was unlikely that all were at the same time their banks to exchange their receipts for gold that belonged to them, it was unnecessary to store all gold essential to honor all of the deposits of its depositors.
So banks began to feel that just might start issuing these receipts unbacked confident that no one or very few would withdraw their money, and use them to make loans to anyone who requests it.
What made these loans were possible was basically that people had confidence that if he went to the bank to exchange receipts for gold the bank would be able to return than his.

That is, if this had happened, as the banks had only a fraction of the gold that backed receipts, had been in serious trouble and would have been forced to close their doors and filing for bankruptcy.
This condition in which banks should only take reservations a small fraction of the savings deposited is known today as Fractional Reserve or Bank Fractional Reserve . This is a distinctive feature of our modern banking.
A regulatory body which may be a Central Bank establishes what is called cash reserve ratio indicates the percentage of money a bank must keep in reserve liquid and can not be used to invest in or make loans.
To make it simple: if you deposit $ 100 in a bank and it has a reserve ratio of 10%, that means that the bank can make loans of up to $ 1000 with 100 you deposited.
For a more detailed explanation of how this is possible, you can see the video below or read this article :
The reason why banks did this simply because they earned money with interest applied to loans. That's how banks discovered a simple but risky way to make money.
Of course, if people at one point had become aware that banks had far less gold than is needed to pay all bills in circulation, they had gone to the banks to withdraw their money en masse and they had had no choice to declare bankruptcy.
In fact, this has happened several times throughout history; after running rumors that the solvency of a bank was seriously questionable, they were generated bank panics where a mass of desperate depositors went to the bank to withdraw all their savings.

Throughout the twentieth century, the US government implemented regulations that would protect banks from bankruptcy, and in 1971 Nixon finally ended the requirement that banks have to back their loans with precious metals.
Today we have taken even further because not even have paper money in our hands, we go to the supermarket with a piece of plastic and bought goods passing it through a machine that records the movement money in our account.
So that currently only 3% currency is printed on paper, most of what we call money is a number in a bank account on a computer.
Pay attention! Currently each currency (whether in notes or electronic money) that exists in circulation is someone's debt. Yes, you read that right, for every dollar created in the monetary system there is a debt that sustains it. This is true for the dollar and for any world currency.
Money is created when someone gets a loan and is in debt. Each unit borrowed money does not come from a depositor savings as people usually think, but is created at the time the loan becomes effective; It is created spontaneously at that time.
John Kenneth Galbraith author of recommended book Money: Whence It Came, Where It Went (money: where it comes from and where it goes) said: "The process by which money is created is so simple that the mind is repelled."

Private banks are those with the absolute monopoly of money creation process and is not directly involved in it or in any case public sector involvement is marginal.
Private banks create money out of nowhere to lend to the economy.
The only way in which money appears and begins to flow is through loans, that means that any monetary unit that exists in the world is a debt from someone in a bank.
Consider that when you ask a bank loan of $ 1,000 suppose, the bank simply creates that amount as a number on a computer in your bank account. Please, I understand it well: the borrowed money leaves no side, CREATE THE BANK. And for every created currency debt is created equal.

If all debts were paid the amount of money in circulation would be zero, there would be no money.
Thus, if all debts were paid, the economy as we know it would collapse because there would be no money with which to exchange goods ...
I actually tell the reader that I am lying to him, to be frank this is something that can not happen because there is a factor that has not been discussed so far: THE INTEREST.
Thanks to the interest there is more debt in the world currency, and this happens simply because when a loan the bank creates money borrowed known as principal in the bank account of the borrower, but does not create the interests anywhere done.
The debt is the amount borrowed plus interest; but the money begins to circulate only the amount borrowed ... in short, there will never be enough money in circulation to pay off all debts.
This causes once one acquires an interest-bearing debt should leave the world to compete for the money to pay. And literally it's a competition because money is scarce because the system did not create enough to pay off all debts.
So a subject in debt to a bank must not only get money to repay the borrowed capital, but also to pay interest.
This is the most deeply perverse point of the system, money that an individual earned and used to pay off their debts is money to another subject will lack to pay yours.
Write this down and post on the refrigerator:
And this is inherent in predatory and competitive nature of the system designed systemic evil.
It resembles the game of musical chairs, is known beforehand that there will be enough chairs for all participants feel at the end of the song.

So no matter how many foundations and nonprofit NGOs engaged in raising money to end poverty, no matter how much you give alms in your church ... within this system, the money together to help some It will be money that will lack others to settle their debts.
Human beings are not aware of this condition of perpetual iniquity, but somehow perceive subconscious levels. Maybe it's because the harsh daily reality that our conscious mind refuses to look ahead and recognize it is an irrefutable fact for our unconscious mind or perhaps simply because we intuit.

If you think about a few minutes you will realize that fear is one of the distinctive features of this system; It arises directly as a result of this condition of inadequacy and shortage of money.
Fear of not having enough in the future to pay off our debts and therefore to at least survive in this world, inevitably leads to a frantic search for accumulating money in order to feel safe ... but each accumulated value a is a value that will lack others to achieve even if that minimum and limited subsistence.
What keeps us slaves of this colossal factory of poverty and misery? What compels us to remain tied to a destructive way of life, fragmenting and divide us as humanity?
After this brief speech the answer to these questions seems to emerge clearly: the system has endured over time because our ignorance holds ... imagine for a second what would happen if people were aware of this reality.
Maurizio Santecchia
(Source: )
(Source: )
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