The ancient medicinal systems of  China  and  India  recognized the beneficial properties of turmeric for thousands of years. In particular, curcumin is known for its powerful anti - inflammatory properties and, as you know, chronic inflammation is an underlying factor in many, if not most, of chronic diseases.
The compound has shown affects 700 genes, which partly explains its many health benefits.
Here I will review one of the most exciting properties of curcumin, as researchers  are increasingly recognizing their potential as anticancer substance.  At the end of this article, you will find a list of other logical strategies to prevent  cancer .
Curcumin is effective against a Fatal Brain Tumor Type
In an exciting discovery announced in the  Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry , the researchers said that  curcumin could be the answer to stop a cancer  fatal brain known as glioblastoma (GBM).
This study reinforces previous findings. In it, scientists demonstrated that decreased brain tumors nine of the 11
animals in the study (81%), without any evidence of toxicity.
In addition, curcumin does not affect healthy cells , suggesting that selectively targets cancer cells. They also found that work synergistically with two different chemotherapy drugs, which increases the elimination of cancer cells.
The authors state:
"In summary, the  information  presented here suggests that curcumin is a potential therapy against GBM substance".
One of the BEST Supplements Against Many Cancers
Several years ago, I heard about the anti - cancer potential of curcumin thanks to Dr. William LaValley, one of the best doctors of natural medicine against cancer I know. He stressed that  curcumin is backed by the largest number of publications based on evidence demonstrating its use as a cancer support , compared with all other nutrients.
Not only it affects more than 700 genes, but curcumin also  has an effect on more than 100 tracks , once it enters the cell. And best of all , it appears to be safe for the treatment of all cancers.
To get an idea of the vast amount of research out there, just do a search on  with the terms "curcumin cancer" (curcumin cancer). There are hundreds of related to the beneficial effects of curcumin in several types of cancer studies.
Here 's a sampling of some of the most recent:
A study published in 2008 in  Cancer Prevention Research  found that  curcumin inhibits cell motility and invasion in breast cancer , to directly inhibit the function of alpha 6 beta 4 integrin, suggesting that could function as a substance effective therapy in tumors that alpha 6 beta 4 in excess. (Alpha 6 beta 4 relates to cancer progression, to contribute to apoptosis resistance and metastasis) .A study published in 2009 in Molecular Pharmacology  it found that  curcumin inhibits cell growth of pancreatic cancer  and acts as a chemosensitization substance. 
How to Fight Cancer Curcumin?
In India, where turmeric is widely used in food, the prevalence of the four most common cancers in  the United States  (colon, breast, prostate and lung),  is 10 times lower . In fact,  prostate cancer , which is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men in the United States, is rare in India and this is attributed partly to the curcumin in turmeric.
It seems that curcumin fights cancer in a variety of different ways. For example, it has been found that curcumin:
  • Inhibits proliferation of tumor cells
  • Helps the body destroy mutated cancer cells, that can not be propagated in the cuerpo.Inhibe synthesis of a protein is believed key to tumor formation
  • Inhibits the transformation of normal cells into tumor cells
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Prevents the development of additional blood supply is necessary for cancer growth
What is the best type of Turmeric?
For all the benefits that turmeric has to offer,  find a turmeric extract that is 100% certified organic, with at least 95% curcuminoids . The formula should not contain fillers, additives or excipients (a substance added to the supplement as support for processing or stability) and the manufacturer should use certain production methods at all stages: in the plantation, cultivation, selection and harvest produce and package the final product.
When cooking, use pure turmeric powder, curry powder instead . It is preferably organic. At least one study has found that curry powders tend to contain very little curcumin, compared with turmeric powder.
Guidelines for Using Curcumin
Currently, there are no formulas available on the market for use against cancer and should know that not only relatively high doses are needed, but also, curcumin not well ... absorbs  A typical dose anticancer can be up to three grams of good bioavailable curcumin extract, three or four times a day.
One strategy is to prepare a microemulsion with curcumin powder. To do that, a spoonful powder mix with 1 or 2 egg yolks, together with a scoop or two of melted coconut oil. Then use a hand mixer high speed to emulsify the mixture.
Another strategy that can increase absorption is to add a tablespoon of curcumin powder in a quart of boiling water. (Must be boiling when you add the powder, it does not work so well if you put it in warm water).
After boiling for 10 minutes, there will be generated a solution of 12%, which can drink once it has cooled. It tastes slightly woody. Note that curcumin will gradually disappear in the solution. In about six hours, a solution will be six percent, so better drink within four hours after boiling it.
A disadvantage of doing this at home is that the yellow pigment curcumin has a very powerful and can permanently discolor surfaces if not careful.
Cancer Prevention: 11 Tips to follow
In the past 30 years,  the global concern about the cancer has  doubled  and is expected to triple by the year 2030. Clearly, we must begin to take seriously the  prevention of cancer.
While curcumin gives us great potential to fight cancer, I think a healthy lifestyle, as opposed to swallowing any amount of supplements is the best way to avoid being part of the statistics.
I think you can virtually eliminate your risk of cancer and chronic diseases, and dramatically improve your chances of recovering from cancer if you currently suffer, to follow the following strategies.
  1. Radically reduce your sugar intake.  Normalizing your insulin levels is one of the most powerful physical ways to reduce your risk of cancer and, to do so, you must eliminate sugars and grains from your diet. Fructose is one of the most important sugars to be avoided and where should initially concentrate. If you have cancer, you should reduce your intake to less than 10 grams a day, from all  sources
  2. Optimize your vitamin D levels  There is overwhelming evidence pointing to the fact that vitamin D deficiency plays a key role in cancer development. Researchers in this field have estimated that each year, about 30% of deaths due to cancer could be prevented simply by optimizing vitamin D levels in the general population.
  3. On a personal level, you can decrease more than half their risk of cancer simply  to obtain optimal exposure so l round. Alternatively, you can use a safe tanning bed or, as a last resort, an oral vitamin D3 supplement. Remember that the best way to increase your level of vitamin D is exposure to  light  sun.
  4. And if receiving cancer treatment, it is likely that a higher level in their blood - maybe about 80-90 ng / ml - is a beneficial aid. For details about how to use vitamin D therapeutically, see my previous article " Test Values and Treatment for Vitamin D Deficiency".
  5. Exercise regularly.  There is convincing evidence that exercise can reduce your risk of cancer mainly by reducing elevated insulin levels and normalize estrogen. For example, women who exercise regularly can reduce your risk of breast cancer 20 to 30%, compared to those who are inactive. I prefer to see the exercise as a medicine to be prescribed carefully to achieve maximum benefits
  6. It is important to integrate a wide variety of techniques in your exercise routine. It is also very likely to  integrate exercise with intermittent fasting catalyzes quite the potential of exercise to reduce their risk of cancer and promote healing and rejuvenation.
  7. Consume adequate omega-3 fats of animal quantities.
  8. Consume as many vegetables. Ideally, they should be fresh and organic. In particular cruciferous vegetables have been identified as having powerful anticancer properties
  9. Have a tool to permanently erase the neurological short circuits that can activate cancer - causing genes. Even the CDC states that 85% of diseases are caused by emotional factors. There are a variety of tools of emotional psychology that are available and are quite suitable for this purpose; the Emotional Freedom Technique  is one of them.
  10. Maintain ideal body weight.
  11. Sleep well enough.
  12. Minimize exposure to environmental toxins such as pesticides ,  chemical  cleaning, synthetic flavors, air pollution and plastic toxins such as BPA.
  13. Reduce use of cellular and other technologies  wireless and implement security strategies as many as possible, if you can not avoid its use.
  14. Boil, bake or steam your food instead of frying or grilling.