
7 de agosto de 2017


In the Great War had been involved the 14 Civilizations of Orion on the one hand, and that of Antares and its Allies on the other. And the result of peace and mutual exchange in harmony, was created the "Council of 33", with one representative for each Civilization. Satan, for his courageous efforts for peace, was unanimously elected to be the representative of the League of Orion ...

The place chosen to shelter this cosmic initiative would be Ahelon, the Third Planet of the Mintaka System of Orion, which became the seat of three important Councils: that of the 14 Orion, the 24 Majors of the Galaxy, and the newly Established Council of 33, the base of operations of the "Emissaries of Galactic Peace".

(Nordac claims to have been projected in Essence or Spirit to Ahelon from the Great Pyramid of Gizeh, since this Pyramid would represent the Mintaka System where the Planet Ahelon would be found.) However, researcher Robert Bauval, discoverer of the strange relationship between the Pyramids Of Gizeh and the Stars of the so-called Orion Belt, states that the Great Pyramid would represent Star Alnitak and not Mintaka.Was Nordac wrong at this point? Was it then projected to the Alnitak System, and is there where the Planet Ahelón?).

For their part, the small gray men controlled by Satanel, were displaced to the Zeta Reticular System of the Great Bear. And the Army of Orion was converted into an Order of "Guardians and Watchers of Galactic Peace".

Then the first Explorers, who had found the Great Crystal, were exiled and left in the custody of a group of 9 Guardians and Watchers, engaged in secret with the Prophecy of Anrom. Its function was to take care, to venerate and to respect the Ergomenón Maestro.

Also was constructed a Great Ship, white like the snow, and in the form of Pyramid or bell. It would be known as the "ship Bell" - in what we could understand in our language - with its meaning of call to Awakening, the peace that now returned to Space and laid the foundations of a New Order.

This Great Ship would lead the 33 to visit different worlds to sow that call to be part of Galactic Confederation. They did this on 9 occasions, before the Rebellion of Satan ...

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