
7 de agosto de 2017


With the development of Spaceships, the exploration of the Universe and its mysteries was a constant. In this way came the discovery that changed dramatically the technological development of the early Civilizations: its Explorers found a strange form of crystals, green and bright, very close to the center of great nebulae formations and close to the dangerous nucleus of some Galaxies - where Many times perished by being absorbed by Supermassive Black Holes.
Then their scientists took samples and studied them intensely, concluding that it was an unknown phenomenon of "transmigration" and condensation of the Mental Light when the Material Universe had been created.

These crystals were different from those known in their original worlds. The recent discovery of those stunning bright green objects put everything in check: they had a supernatural origin that allowed them to accumulate more energy than conventional crystals.

This, as one might imagine, was a great technological leap for those Civilizations who, over time, applied the use of these objects to industry, Space Navigation, and later to war. They were called "Ergomenon." And according to their geometry and programming could be applied to different tasks. But they had not seen everything yet.

A group of scientists decided to study the center of the Great Orion Nebula. It was not the first time they did, but a lucky accident led them to find the greatest of discoveries.

The important Nave, in which they moved through the Ultraviolet Radiation stream of the Great Nebula - and resisting the harsh conditions there reigning - suddenly struck an object they initially thought was mass formation. Through their screens they saw the rocky body, already fragmented, and they could see inside it an emerald sheen they already knew.

Immediately they introduced the object into the Ship, and when they cleaned it of their "camouflage", they found a beautiful octahedral crystal, which immediately lit up and showed them the Oracle of their Civilization, a Great War to come, and the Appearance of a New Race that would give hope to the whole Universe.

This became known as the Prophecy of Anrom, a word that means "Day of the Great Light."

The scientists who found the Great Crystal, surprised, realized that this body had been one of the first to "pass" to the Material Universe when the entire Plane was created. It represented the path by which the Mental Light became solid: a kind of Cosmic Alchemy, and thus the secret of how the Planets and Stars, the Portals and the Galaxies had been "built". That wonderful crystal contained the Formula of Creation.

Was that crystal alive? What source kept the order of its perfect geometric structure? How could he "see" the future?

Whatever the answer, the Extraterrestrial Explorers could not abandon him to their fate in Space. They knew they had no choice but to take him with them. They finally took it as a mission, and became their first Custodians.

This was a major reason why different civilizations became interested in the Orion Nebula ...

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