
7 de agosto de 2017


Hence, another Helel Serafín raised the possibility of creating an alternative by means of a special experiment in Class Planets "UR", that is to say, Blue Planets whose vibration makes them Planets predestined for a superior spiritual development, as long as they manage to overcome their acute crises Of instability.

These worlds are subject to an ephemeral life, because they easily enter into convulsion or attract other bodies of Space that collide with them, destroying them. But at the same time, this instability allows a great biodiversity. Therefore, they are usually selected as laboratories of natural experimentation of new forms and alternatives of Life and Evolution.

Two Planets per Galaxy were selected from a total of 4 Galaxies of our Local Group. They were 8 worlds, all with the same opportunities, and always, from belonging to the Class «UR». But Planets where the life process had ceased violently, and the modifications of the case could be made.
(According to information collected by the American channeler Barbara Marciniak, they would be 12 Planets).

The Project consisted in trying to create the conditions so that they could later appear in them, Civilizations with a psychic and spiritual potential capable of locating and opening Dimensional Portals themselves, in order to reconnect the Universes to each other through Dimensions And Consciousness Plans. To achieve what others had not achieved, but in a time without time.

In this way, we have one Evolution as expectant of another parallel Evolution, created next.

In this way, we have one Evolution as expectant of another parallel Evolution, created next.
As Space-Time Navigation is a fact, you can create Alternative Times, where you can shuffle new and convenient possibilities. It is possible to jump within a time that has a spiral form, and thus travel to the past of worlds that were destroyed in its formation process, and that if such destruction were to be avoided, depending on when the modification was made, Would be disruptively altering but, to a large extent, they would be creating new opportunities with very positive consequences, which could benefit many.

If the program for each of these worlds were to be fulfilled, the Universal Order would not be adversely affected, as it would not have originally been. And if for any reason the process was interrupted along the way, it would not affect, because it was not going to be anyway. Every precaution would be taken so that the interventions created possible positive alternatives and no negative ones.

One of the 4 Galaxies selected would be the Milky Way, and one of the 2 Planets chosen within it, would become the Earth ...
But this modification did not please that author of the original proposal and the diagnosis on Evolutionary Stagnation, that we know legendarily as Luzbel ...

Luzbel disliked the possibility that new civilizations and "upstarts", who had not received direct instruction from them as a source, could quickly reach very high Evolutionary levels and even managed to rise above the other older civilizations. And so he manifested his discontent, sabotaging in various ways the Cosmic Plan that arose from that Council.

In addition, the other Helel Serafín pointed out an "error" in one of the most powerful Civilizations of Space, which summarized the crisis that was being experienced: Orion. Its warlike and colonizing tendency was becoming a serious problem in the Material Universe.

To find the key to understand this situation and solve it, it was decided that the sowing of Patterns of Life on the UR Planets comes from the Mother Source that originated the life of those Civilizations. In the case of Earth, a Life Molecule would be sown from the Orion Nebula.

It would be done under a purpose: if the inhabitants of these Planets managed to return to the Real Time of the Universe, through a more harmonious and responsible attitude, based on Love as a tool of Evolutionary Ascent, would demonstrate to these Civilizations that it is possible Correcting these tendencies, following a spiritual perspective, more comprehensive and complete.

The other Helel Seraphim is the one we know legendally as Michael, Immanuel or the Cosmic Christ ...


In the case of the Earth, not only was it known that the Planet was going to reach a certain development that would later be truncated, but in the Real Time of the Universe, the fatal outcome had already occurred.

The process had been interrupted when the Planet suffered the effects of a Great Cosmic Cataclysm, leaving it like a shipwreck in the death throes.
Therefore, when intervening the Envoys, it was tried to modify things so that the Planet survived in a first stage to its instability and to the Universal Dynamics quite aggressive.

Thus, once a conscious life with a transformative capacity arose, it had to fight for its own survival, both material and spiritual, but always under external supervision, pending the progress that was being made.

Those who observed and directed the Earth Life Project decided to send a group of "Time Operators", who would travel through Cosmic Folds or Star Gates to the past, in a space contained within the Great Space, following a route based In the figure of the Spiral or "Wheel of Time".

In this way, they created a kind of "temporal gap" in our Planet, giving it a parallel life in an Alternative Time, which will accompany us until we reconnect with the Real Time of the Universe.

As the Earth Project required certain conditions for the Cosmic Plan between them, the appearance of the human being, the "Operators of Time" established this "paradox" in order to create those Civilizations with specific conditions that allow an accelerated evolution, as is the case Of the human race.

This Space-Temporal Paradox would have given as consequence an acceleration of the time in some sectors of the Universe where it would be possible for these races to evolve at a greater speed than normal.


In this way, a group of so-called Elohim-Genetic Engineers, also known as "Cosmic Gardeners" or "Sowers of Life" were commissioned by the Council of the Confederation of Worlds to travel through the Cosmic Folds or Interdimensional Steps, -.

They were beings from the Constellation of the Swan, who came to our world when they were in the process of forming their oceans, 3,000 million years ago of ours.
The Ships of these Life Sowers first landed on what now corresponds to Lake Vostok of the present Antarctic Continent, which was then in the Terrestrial Equator.

They accelerated the process, sowing spores with the intention of changing the acidity of the seas and converting them into alkaline, and thus modify the chemical conditions of the Planet to deposit a Self-Replicating Life Molecule, which would later lead to the development of forms of Life. The "Mother" molecule came from the Orion Nebula.

Later, the so-called "Old Fathers" constituted Underwater Bases on the ocean floor, to oversee the planetary process. The crews, of course, were coming and going through Space-Time, being thus subjected to a different time than the one lived on Earth.


But the Cosmic Dynamics could not be completely reversed, in spite of the variations that supposed the intervention. And some 1.2 billion years ago, Earth drew upon itself the impact of a meteor shower, which ended most of life.

It lacked some mechanism that would adjust the Earth in its own dynamics of time and survival. So, a second and final phase of adjustment of the Alternative Time was carried out by beings from the Maya System of the Pleiades: Genetic Engineers and Planets Architects, who installed a kind of "machine", which is located today in the Lake Vostok.

The so-called "Kayona Machine" is like the "Voltage Stabilizer" to describe it in some way, the Planet and its Artificial Time. In it is all the knowledge of how these beings dominate the concept of Time. That technology, before our magical eyes, would have been installed in our world in a new trip to the past, because it had to be in operation before the Meteor Shower.

Thanks to this, the Elohim of the Constellation of the Swan were able to continue their work of "Cosmic Gardeners" and "Sowers of Life", until the moment of their relief.

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