, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f8c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : DOUBLES IN OUR FAMILY TREE. DOUBLE BY DATE OF BIRTH: DATE OF CONCEPTION BY DOUBLES: Maht Rigpa





 I explain again the theme of the double, I think it's one of the issues that have most recently asked me, I hope you find it useful. 

 Be a double of an ancestor means that this ancestor lived history of your business, is related to you, it affects you, you benefits, etc. 

 If it is a positive story, you inherit from that ancestor, that good luck, those skills or abilities, that fortune and others, because you take those resources built.

 If your ancestor, by contrast, took a hard, sad, miserable life and history is full of drama, imagine what awaits you, because then it means that you have inherited the same life program, all that negative burden falls on you . 
 Pedigrees, are good for that, to discover inheritances that our ancestors have left us, resolve them , drop them , clean them , etc. 

 Because that is true, you have the possibility, if you give the task of making a tree properly, to find out what if you were a detective, do you release negative charges, which positive charges discover and change your life.

 The first way to find who we are double is through our behalf. Call it a "simple" not very important, not very significant, but depending onfamily history, can be a heavy burden and unsustainable affinity. 

 If we bear the name of one of our ancestors, we become his double, I repeat, a light form and often indirect. 

 But if that person had a fateful life, full of suffering, dramas and secrets, imagine the power one name has. 
 Now to other affinities. 

 To make it clearer, a sheet of paper, draw three columns and each column divide it in four rows.

 Then in the first box, write the number 1 and the word "January" in the box below, horizontally speaking, write the number 2 and the word "February", in the box below, write the number 3 and the word " March". 

Now they go to the row that followed and continue to write the numbers and names of every month to complete one year. 

 As it appears in the image. 

 All right, your diagram drawn, check which column is your birth month. 

 If you were born on May 27, you belong to the second column. 

 Of course you already have place in the diagram. 

 Now I explain the following: You will be "related" to everyone in your family who belong to your same column.

 If you look in your column are the months of February, May, August and November. 

 So, you've discovered new affinities in your tree: you are akin to those families born in February, May, August and November. 

 Usually, they will be familiar with whom you share tastes, platiques comfortably laugh, you share the same profession, whatever. They are people that "you understand very well." 

This must stop. 
Have you noticed anything? 
 Your date of birth, is already in the last days of your month you were born on May 27. 

 In Biodescodificación and specifically to seek affinities and doubles, it is very important to use something I call "Affinity Range" (I do not know if other people call him different, but they call it).

 This range of affinity is a period of 10 days maximum (), before and after my date, in this case birth. 

 This means that my range of birth, runs from May 17 to June 6. 

 And as my month until June comes, I will also akin to the entire column that appears in June, that is, I am also related to people born in March, June, September and December. 

 So first, we are related to people who have our same birthday, and likewise, we are related to people whose affinity ranges coincide with ours. 


 Therefore, it will be our doubles on the tree, those who have our same date of birth and family are also those whose date of birth, "between" within the dates of our entire range. 

 Therefore, if I was born on May 27, I will be twice those also born on May 27, but at the same time twice those born between May 17 and June 6 will be. 

 Another fact that can easily find out with this diagram numbers and months is the date of conception. 

 I conflicted when it came to analyze conceptions of premature infants but fortunately the Biodescodificación is concrete: a date of birth, are subtracted 9 months or 7 in 7 cases mesinos

 So the person was born at 6 months, 7 months, 15 days earlier, etc. 

 A date of birth shall be reduced by 9 months or 7 months if 7 mesinos 
What do we need the date of conception? 
 Ah! Because you can also get double by date of conception. 

 It is clear that if a family member of mine has my same birth date or the same range of birth, have the same conception date me. But there is adouble conception-birth. 

 And it goes like this 

 If I was born on May 27, means that I was conceived on 27 August (this can easily be done by reviewing month is just below your birth month in the diagram, and are removed from sums and subtractions).
But what happens if there is in my family, someone whose birthday is on 20 August? 
 Really easy, it's my double! 

 Therefore, I will double also all those whose date of birth match my conception date. 

 And remember the range: 

 If I was conceived on 27 August, and adding and subtracting 10 days, my range of conception, is as follows 

 Date of Conception: August 27. 

 Less than 10 days: 17 August. 

 Over 10 days: September 6. 

 Concepción range: From August 17 to September 6. 

 Therefore, I will also double those families born from 17 August until 6 September.

 My Uncle Juanito is September 7, simple, not my double, passed for one day, forget it , there is no relationship. 

 In short, the best doubles dates to search is the "range of affinity." 

Because it allows us more clearly and easily find who they are doubles. 

 If you are going to write it down, write it down as well (works for me): 
 Name: Fulanito. 

 Date of Birth: May 27. 

 Conception date: Aug. 27. 

 Concepción range: From August 17 to September 6. 

 Range of Birth: May 17 to June 6. 

 And with that, dozens of possibilities open to observe, discover, clarify details of the tree.

 So you know, if someone's birth date is very early in the month or at the very end, it is best to work with ranges. 

 Because often happens (and I happen to me), that with so many names, facts, dates and stories, we get distracted and focus on the date of birth and conception, and we ignore the ranges, we really accelerate tree analysis and conclusions. 

 Return it to the diagram, at 12 months. 

 Another role of this "magic cuadrito" is that we can find what family come to repair history, which relatives are our "masters", etc. 

Who are our teachers in the tree and what itmeans?
 Our teachers are those relatives who lived something in your life that must be repeated to be equally successful or happy. Or to learn from them. 

 And eye! They can also be our teachers, because his life was so "bad" that our mission is to do the opposite of what they did. 
How do we place our teachers? 
 We stand on our diagram, in our small picture, in this case May, because I was born on May 27. And rest 6 months my month. 

 If I was born in May, less than 6 months: 27 November. 

 And we again use the range, 

 are thus: 


 Date of Birth: November 27 (my birthday least 6 months). 

 Range of Birth: 

 Less than 10 days: 17 November.

 Over 10 days: 6 December. 

 Therefore, they are my teachers, all those relatives born between November 17 and December 6. 

 As you see, make a tree is somewhat laborious, but analyzing it is not easy for this are sessions Bio-decoding, as well as history can show us that the family was very rich, beautiful loving relationships, you can also give us dramas with illness, accidents, tragedies, etc. 

 And why is that studies and analyzes, because you have to heal all that we no longer want to be perpetuated. 
What relationships should be reviewed in a tree? 
 Parents with children. 

 Grandparents with Grandchildren. 

 With daughters and sons -in- law. 

 In- laws. 

 Uncles with Nephews.

 Great - grandparents to great - grandchildren. 

 And if luck permits, grandparents with grandchildren. 
Besides the names and dates, what else should we check? 

 Professions are an important check on a family tree detail because unwittingly put us in dramas evidence that might remain secret. 
Have you noticed those families where there are many doctors, lawyers or many, or many accountants? 
 It is people unconsciously repairing dramas tree. 
How does this work? 
 Imagine the great great grandfather Benito, was a rich and millionaire rancher who lived between wealth and luxury, with ranches, properties, etc.

 He has his children, and my great - grandfather Justin, one of his many children, is a child daddy, alcoholic and gambler and this great -grandfather, among his many "skills", turns out to inherit his rich father, my great great grandfather was dedicated to women, gambling and alcohol loses everything worked so hard my great great grandfather saved. 

 Well, as for the line of my grandparents, accountants begin to appear, lawyers, and those professionals whose mission symbolizes "care and save money , " and all my great - grandfather player.
 Therefore, if already in my line (siblings, cousins) a family member has my same activity, and that activity is repeated in the line of my parents and my uncles and my grandparents ... .atención ... you have to discover the drama , review dates, and verify that I of course will not be double of that great - grandfather player. 


 This means that my birth date coincides with the date of death of a family member who was still alive when I was born. 

 That is, I am born on May 27 , Josefina and my aunt, my mother's sister died on 30 May. 

 My aunt dies within my range of birth, therefore, we are doubles. 

 But what if my aunt dies exact day of my birthday? 
 That's something that Biodescodificación called "Gift".

It's the way my aunt has to say goodbye to me, telling me I was special to her, who loved me and that gives me his departure so that I always remember with love. 
¿What is an heir? It's a double date of death of a family member if you met (if you're not lying).Member of Clan makes you a gift affinity and gives you the relief showing you that you were very dear to him. It is a proof of love, and leave you alegacy programs that they did not know the end ... even a proof of love, it can cause problems, because there can be negative programs.
What is a recumbent or GHOST? You have been conceived to repair unjustified dramas of a family to which you have not known and are double, either by date of birth, death or deaths conception. It is very important that you have not known, but are double birth or death. His death will be the conception of our life and receive the universal heritage of dramas, in this case, unjustified (or felt as unjustified) death. Then we possess a memory of the deceased, which is not ours, and programs. 


 These affinities are more easily observed if instead of analyzing dates with the names of the months, we do with the number of the months. 


 My birthday is December 03

 If we put it in number is as follows : 03/12 

 And in the tree, I discover that my uncle was born on March 12 

 if we put in number is as follows : 12/03 

 To the unconscious, it is the same 03/12 to 12 / 03 

 therefore, I am double mirror of my uncle. 

Have you noticed in those families in which a line of children are not married, have no children, can not have children, they have children with problems or do not want children? 
 Well, this line of family are known as healers. 

 Because its mission is to stop toxicity in the tree. 

 And it happens between my line, I, my brothers, my cousins. 
 None wants to have children, avoid them , do not think of them, have never felt the need to have them.

 They are repairing the tree. 


 This, I think based on what I see in biodescodificación sessions, the affinity is most damaging in the trees. It is symbolic twins. 
What does being symbolic twin? "Someone" tree, is paired with "someone" who is twice as an important family. 

 It goes something like this 

 I live well happy, I know a man I fell in love, got married, sex is great and the day comes when we want to have a child. 

 We try, we try, we struggle, we strive, we care, we do analysis, etc, I can not get pregnant. 

 Spending fortunes on doctors, analysis, etc and Nomás I can not have children.

 One day, me one day illuminates the mind and I start to analyze my tree dates. 

 Reviewing dates, I find that my father has as date of birth, on June 21 and my husband has a date of birth on September 18. 

 For me there is no relationship, but already fixed?
 My husband's birthday coincides with the date of conception of my father. 

 Therefore, from my unconscious, I CAN NOT HAVE CHILDREN WITH MY FATHER "because it would be committing incest. 

 And behold the reason why I can not getpregnant. or I lose my pregnancy and the products or my children are born bad. 

 And it may be the same case, but it turns out my dates coincide with those of my mother, so my husband can not lie and impregnate her mother right?
 The same happens if my partner is a twice my brother, my mother, etc. 

 Result: Problems. 

 And we got to the last affinity: the ghosts. 

 Bring the ghost of someone, it means in Biodescodificación, we are designed, on the date of death of a family member. 

 There are ghosts and ghosts Vertical Horizontal. 

 Ghosts vertical work like this 

 My grandfather, my mother 's father, died 18 April, my mother cries, is very sad and when youcome home, all he wants is to have sex, getpregnant to replace his father. 

 She sees me on that or about the same time and I am born almost exactly 9 months after the date of death of my grandfather.

 Therefore, I have the ghost of my grandfather, I have been conceived with the mission to replace him , to be like him, to do the same as him, I may even put their name to honor him. 

 Of course, it is my duty to get rid of that program.
 Horizontal ghosts work as follows 

 My parents, married and happy, have a first child, this child, at the age of 5 years old, she falls down the stairs and died, my mother and father die of pain, but in his eagerness to keep his son alive, I conceive to replace him 

 I am born with the order to replace my dead brother, I should be like him, laugh alike, play alike, talk alike and if to make matters worse, make me the same name of my dead brother, for the drama and imagine.

 I'm carrying a dead, in fact, I do not exist, I 'm no good, that it is the ghost of my brother, with whom I was born. Therefore, I can be totally or totally depressed or hyperactive. Why should I move to give life to the dead. 

 The same happens if my previous brother was aborted, or died before birth for whatever reason.Attention must be paid. 

 The rule that makes the difference to identify "ghost" is that I am conceived in the date of death of the family. In short, the dead, never knew me or knew of my existence because I had not been conceived while he was alive. 

 I hope I have clarified your doubts.

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