
19 de abril de 2018

MORE EVIDENCE against Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin

MORE EVIDENCE against Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin torturing and murdering children

An absolutely stunning new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report reveals that during the past fortnight, CIA Director Mike Pompeo was personally dispatched byPresident Donald Trump to the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal to hold a secret meeting with the Supreme Leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea(DPRKKim Jong-un but, with Pompeo’sduel-mission to this Asian nation, also seeing him personally oversee the capture of top United Nations adviser Peter John Dalglish who, in desperation just prior to his being apprehended, released to the “dark web” what is described as a “snuff film” showing Hillary Clinton and her top aid Huma Abedin torturing and murdering a child

According to this report, this past Sunday (15 April) the SVR contacted their CIAcounterparts to provide them with satellite tracking and signals intelligence information showing that both CIA Director Pompeo andNorth Korean leader Kim Jung-un had traveled to Nepal during this past fortnight  to which the Americans responded to by stating that as Nepal had long standing good relations with the United States and, equally,long standing good relations with North Korea, too, its international neutrality provided the most obvious choice of meeting places for the upcoming summit betweenPresident Trump and Kim Jung-un and that both the US and North Korea were making a “trial run” in preparation for. 

When SVR officials asked their CIAcounterparts as to why Director Pompeo was personally overseeing an operation being conducted by the Central Investigation Bureau of Nepal Police (CIB) to capture the international fugitive Peter John Dalglishwhile, at the same time, he was meeting with the North Korean leader, the Americansabruptly ended their “conversation” with SVRofficials.  Within 3 hours they saw SVR Director Sergey Naryshkin receive a personal call from Director Pompeo.

Pompeo toldNaryshkin thatPresident Trump hadordered an immediate halt to any further sanctions ofRussia in exchange for allowing the Americans to handle this “extremely delicate issue” on their own — that Moscow agreed to — and was then followed by the US admitting thatPompeo had, indeed, met with Kim Jung-un  but whose place of meeting was said to beNorth Korea, not Nepal where it had actually occurred.    

As to the “extreme delicate issue” being dealt with by President Trump and Director Pompeo was the capture of one of the most secretive wanted fugitives in the world named Peter John Dalglish who is described as a Canadian humanitarian, top United Nations advisor, and founder of the Street Kids International charity organization which, within a few weeks of President Trump’sstunning election victory over Hillary Clinton,suddenly revoked its Canadian charitable registration on 15 December 2016 withDalglish then appearing in Nepal three days later on 18 December 2016.

With SVR intelligence “assets” maintaining continuous “observations” of Peter John Dalglish since his late December 2016 arrival in Nepal, no actions against him by theAmericans had been observed other than theCIA constantly monitoring him, too, but that changed a few weeks ago in late March when a CIA advance team arrived in Nepal for purposes, at that time, unknown.   

International pedophile fugitive Peter John Dalglish withCanadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Upon the CIA advance team arriving in Nepal,SVR  intelligence analysts recorded a “significant increase” in “dark web” communications emanating from the home of Peter John Dalglish that culminated during the first week of April when he released to the “dark web” a video file code named “Frazzledrip” that contains a scene ofHillary Clinton and her top aide Huma Abedin  taking the facial skin off a young girl child and wearing it over their own faces to terrify the girl with Clinton and Abedin then killing the child and drinking her blood

[WARNINGThis link does not contain the actual “Frazzledrip” video file—but whose instructions to access  SHOULD NOT be followed as it is against US Federal law to do so.]

Shockingly, another “dark web” video posted by Peter John Dalglish shows Hillary Clintonand Huma Abedin engaging in sex acts with an underage girl child—with reports coming from the US saying that this video was so horrifying, it made seasoned New York Citypolice officers cry—but that these police officials, also, say is the “Rosetta Stone” of information connecting senior Americanpoliticians, such as Clinton, to an elite global pedophile ring.

To why Peter John Dalglish had posted these inhuman demonic videos of Hillary Clinton to the “dark web” was in an effort to blackmail the “Deep State” in order stop his being captured by CIA forces loyal to President Trump but whose efforts did not succeed as elite Nepal police forces, while being overseen by Director Pompeo, successfully captured him while at the same time rescuing the two girl children he had imprisoned in his home and with the first “ripple effect” of this capture being the Deep State” pawn, US Senate Leader Mitch McConnell, stunningly just reversing himself and giving Trump the “green light” to fireSpecial Counsel Robert Muller.   

That, no doubt, will soon turn into a “tsunami” engulfing and ultimately destroying the “Deep State” forever and whose evidence of this being true can be seen in the rabid and psychotic fear now being displayed on an hourly basis by the “Deep State” aligned US mainstream propaganda media establishment whose attacks on Trump have become so unhinged, they now border on the insane.    

                                                                                                          President Donald Trump
April 18 2018

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