
3 de abril de 2018


“The spirit of ancient Egypt lay over all the land, tremendous in the dawn. The sunrise summoned her. She lay prostrate before the deity. The shadows of the towering Colossi lay prostrate too. The little humans, with their worshiping and conquered hearts, lay deep within them.”Algernon Blackwood
A Descent into Egypt
THE Priesthoods of ancient Babylon and of Egypt had a fascination with the stars, the Sun and Moon, and the cycles of the sky that is linked directly to their mythologies.

Explanations dismissing all such interests as concerns with agricultural cycles tend to pale with recent discoveries. For example, in discussing Judaic-Essene time considerations at the time of Jesus, Dr. Barbara Thiering of the University of Sydney observes,
“Terms with an apparent vague meaning are, in fact, precise indicators of time... The very close study of the chronology shows that there are terms indicating not only years, seasons, months and days, but hours and even minutes... The members of the community were, in fact, astronomers, spending much of their exile in close study of accurate ways of measuring time.”
Why the need for such precision?

Babylonian monuments frequently depict local monarchs conversing with beings that are fish-like and humanoid all at once, with the image of the Star Sirius hovering overhead. The constellation Canus Major, the “Great Dog”, the principal star of which is the ‘dog star’ Sirius was, for the Egyptians, the most important constellation in the sky, upon which they oriented their Temples.

These ancient structures were designed to catch the light of Sirius so that it would shine upon the altar at the star’s rising and setting. The gods and teachers of old, ancient even to the ancients, were said to be semi-aquatic beings from the heavens, the precursors of civilization and the originators of writing, technology and, indeed, of their very social order.

Much has been written (but, perhaps, not enough) about the unusual devotion of the ancients to the Star Sirius, and there are vestiges in North African mythology of a knowledge of the binary nature of the Sirius system which should not have been known before very recent times, if conventional history is correct.

The ciphers and rituals given by the Ultraterrestrial Visitors to early initiates have been modified and blurred with time, but a remarkable amount of continuous, intact tradition has survived in the world of alchemy, occultism and freemasonic ritual.

The Enochian system of magick is an obvious example of a linguistic and ritual survival.

The “Solar Secret” of freemasonry shows a continuity of sky deity ideas, but can readily be rationalized as a survival of an agricultural society’s understandable preoccupation with seasonal events. Their lives depended on knowing when to sow and when to harvest. But hours? Minutes?

The fascination and myths associated with such stars and star configurations as the galactic star cluster called “The Pleiades” or “the Seven Sisters” or Sirius or Orion, from Egypt to Arizona are more peculiar.
Tracing Board,
 from Le Sanctuaire de Memphis
by J. E. Marconis de Negré.
Cagliostro’s temple of Masonic initiation. Note astronomical images in East. “The Sun is Osiris, the Moon Isis, the comet is a modern substitution in lieu of the five pointed, or Blazing Star which represented Sirius, Anubus, and Hermes.”
“St. John and the 24 Elders” by Dürer. Note the seven torches around St. John’s head. The 24 Angels are Babylonian star-gods. The seven torches are the seven stars around Sirius, as in the Tarot card “The Star”
(inset, lower right).

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