
15 de mayo de 2017



Sound Cristalino and Hope - Part 1 
Archangel Metatron through James Tyberonn

Greetings Masters, I am Metatron, Angelico de Luz, and joins me in this Tyberonn session of Cristalino Service.

Dear Human, between creative artistic works available for souls in the cosmos, in the Omniverse Living and the Omni-Earth, none offers more kindness than musical expression. Certain forms of what can be called classical music and "new era" according to its actual language, actually stimulate and regenerate the life force and synchronicity of cells within the human brain and the physical body. In doing so, this form of music crystalline patterns actually attracts the "trinity" body-mind and soul. These patterns also balance and stimulate the chakra system far beyond your current understanding.

We say that humans who regularly listen to music improved forms, which can be called crystalline patterns, really mentally healthy and vibrant kept for longer than humans who do not. Such rhythms are actually creating codes that revitalizes the same cells of the human body and beautify the human brain cognitive response. Certainly, as the human body ages, visual-spatial memory tends to decline, short-term memory becomes less fluid and less functional. Certain forms of music preserved cognitive function of the brain, neuro-degenerative decrease along their journey physical-biological conditions.

An extraordinary example "classic refined musical pattern represents the 9th Symphony of Beethoven, the" Ode to Joy. "It's not only in the harmonic flow of musical notes in the orchestra, but the combination of the human voice, the chorus. Inside the Ode to Joy is contained the full spectrum codes creation of life. If one could "see" music in physical dimensions, the 9th of Beethoven appear tangibly from start to finish deploying the complex momentum kingdom and full of colors and shapes of codes of Universal Creation, and we assure you that in the higher realms, music not only hear, but see both colors and geometries.

Music and pure sound balance the human trinity and synergistically merge the 33 chakras in greater alignment in improved communication with what can be called other realities and higher consciousness.

Inserting Tyberonn: When asked about the attributes of classical music, Edgar Cayce replied as follows according to the reading EC5265-1: "Know that these (classical symphonies) are from the realms of creative energies"

Knowledge of music aesthetics as a regenerative force and creator of geo-mathematical vibration was well known in ancient societies more advanced.

The mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras Greek clearly taught that everything in the cosmos was composed of geometry, mathematics and sound. We assure you that this includes non-physical human biology and physical matter as well. Music and sound are trans-dimensional, multi-dimensional. The sound is correlated with both the light and the color.

Music aesthetics, as you know, in three-dimensional material, is an outward expression of a much more complex vibrational essence, a complex form of "light-sound" resonant frequency that originates in what can be called the Creator Source. It is a source of energy, life force and therefore, as we said before, it's a great therapy, although without using vastly available for you.

Most humans only recognizes music as the emotions that cause, and the music is absolutely the vibrational ability to stimulate and evoke an emotional reaction. It is a source of life, the sound can give life ... certain patterns of music really attract and influence for a secondary magnification or attraction that brings them to their essence "Akash" additional or Units of Consciousness. Then understand; Sound is vibration and vibrational resonance affects every cell of the human body. So you not only perceive sound with their ears; rather with the cells, organs and parts of the physical body (and not physical or auric).

Forgotten attributes Sound

most advanced ancient societies recognize the myriad complexities of power utilities and sound. The Atlanteans understood the ability of sound, projected through crystals to perform tasks that were far beyond what traditional science accepts your current academies.

As well knew Tyberonn in Atlantis, and the priests and priestesses of scientists Atla-Ra, there is indeed an intra-connection between sound and times of linear time. By tuning a specific form of the "music" of certain "celestial spheres" through complexly refined crystals, linear time eras can "appear", they can be isolated and can enter them through time portals.

Edgar Cayce vaguely referred to the Atlanteans as operating "portals" and these were certainly many complex portals, using crystals, specialized prisms, light and refined sound to spread not only through size but through time and space. 

Rays refined crystal sound waves concentrated coherent sound can be used to attract both as to separate certain other elements, isolate other. In Atlantis "rays" they sound used to attract moisture, such as aquifers and rain, certain agricultural regions, which had been too arid to sustain plant growth if not for them.

The sound was used in an application to build anti gravitational Atlantean pyramids, the Egyptian pyramids and certainly were Atlantean technology.The "spokes" sound can be used to open paths within the dimensions, both microscopic and macroscopic, and can be applied to change the same atomic and molecular structure of matter.

Atlanteans used a "sonar" not only to identify elements, gases, minerals, and water; They could also use this sound beam to transform, condensing, collecting and repositioning fluids, gases and certain metals. They used what your current science calls "Harmonic Oscillation Laws." Edgar Cayce certainly referred to the Atlantean use of "invisible" invisible elements in metals and advanced technology crystals. These became invisible through sound and light technology of "Ray Acoustic" ... and that process was certainly part of the forces of technology that were unfortunately misapplied, leading to two of the three ruptures and tsunamis and destructive floods that led to the sad demise of Atlantis. (But to be clear,

The sound certainly has a varied hierarchy, a vast complex spectrum that far exceeds what you think of as "musical scale". Certain sounds link elements; certain acoustic waves can be used to act as tractor beams. 

The Pyramids of Egypt and certain pyramids of Central and South America and pyramids undiscovered in today's Turkey, still project a wave technology inaudible sound that seem steps (if they are visible), especially in the pyramids in ways terrace. The "heavier" sounds are in the lower portions, and increase progressively to a "higher or light" frequency up.These sound vibrations played a key role in building and in the "inter - intra" and multidimensional aspect and the purposes of the pyramids.

Complex waves sound beam from the ray crystal projected by combinations of sounds are handled and employed such that an anti gravitational effect is created in the "center" focal sound beam and around the periphery by which building stones crystalline granite and limestone crystalline stood and placed intricately. In these applications, the specific structures of octaves or "sound rays" were vertically, up or down, and other sound rays designed and applied to link elements adhere compounds of the stone blocks. (That is the reason why many megalithic structures of the ancient world did not require mixing or cement). Each tool sound wave had a clear application,

Points Interface

There are certain points that differ on the Earth Plane to have huge fields of vibration in which the realities are interconnected and the life force is concentrated singularly. The Atlanteans recognized these interface points, as did the Syrian-Pleiadian-Arthurian Alliance, who are the guardians of your planet. We have referenced and alluded to those in other posts from the Arkansas Crystal Vortex. These include areas that you recognize as Minas Gerais in Brazil, the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas, portions of the southwestern United States, Spain, Tibet and other specific areas.

There are regions where light-specific sounds are set and allow faster manifestation of thought into reality, as well as portals to other realities.There are also what might be called "standing waves" in the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas, creating a myriad of anomalies in the gravitational field of the planet through crystalline acoustic forces, piezo-electric and piezo-luminescence. To your traditional science will still many years to re-discover many fascinating aspects of crystalline acoustics. Sound-light lens is the key that enables many portals, portals and stargates time on your planet. 

We say that the sound plays a key role in certain points of planetary power.We say that when combinations of light-sound-crystal such energy complex frequencies as of Arkansas, Brazil and others occur in these areas an energy induction of bio-regeneration as well as manifestation of creative thinking becomes available to humanity. Certainly the Atlanteans knew this-and used those areas accordingly! These energy amalgams were used not only for technology but for mental stimulation and revitalization of health, and also for rejuvenation of the physical body. We discuss these in more detail in the second part of this channel.

Natural Healing Sound

We tell you, and please note that your current company uses chemicals for much of medical treatment in physical and mental imbalances. We assure you that more advanced stages of duality in Atlantis and Mu Rama civilizations used the sound for these healings. Natural sounds, and most of you recognize this, cause a welfare state. They are quieter, calmer, more relaxed, when the sea listening to the rhythm of the waves; better and deeper sleep when it rains. (NT pun in English 'sound' is sound, deep sleep is 'sound sleep') 

Healing "nature", natural sound, happens when you give yourself time to walk in the woods with the sound of wind in the trees, and you hear the sound tapestry of melodic birdsong, with the soothing murmur of singing frogs and crickets. Indeed humanity does not need drugs to achieve balance. In these acoustic environments, the mind is liberated and naturally allows for deep soul therapy. In such innate process the conscious mind does not redirect the thoughts out of anxiety, but it triggers an individualized liberating flow of thoughts and "custom" images that provide resolution, personalized treatment for the scenario of each individual, for the healing of each person .

We realize that for many of you, in culture and in modern times, walking in natural environments is not easy to include in your daily activity. And if this applies to you, the music as "Ode to Joy" can offer significant benefits, such as walking would achieve the "nature" and benefits of different types, which are only found in this extraordinary symphonic composition.

We tell you that when you feel weird, anxious or depressed, the music of classic aesthetic and nature are much more beneficial than any "artificial" chemical therapy. Because if you let them, those sounds will let you confront the source of negative feelings and beliefs that led to the imbalance of anxiety or depression. The current dominant medical and psychological approaches tend to avoid this procedure, avoiding confrontations with the origin. These therapies provide temporary remedy, changing the vibratory rate by chemical ingestion, and do not allow a true remedy to address the problem and work out of the problem mentally.

The sounds of some specific music and nature more effectively enable the individual to rise to a mental state that allows developing one's problems, traveling through them, reach personal solutions ... and achieve a lasting resolution a more sustainable balance. Unfortunately, most humans today are programmed to believe in therapy drug, in which the "problems" are chemically masked temporarily denying the individual natural resolutions available in the confrontational mental process that is available on the acoustic sound and nature.

You'd urge you to find the healing that is available to you in the sound!

Keep up the Sound and Hope!

Human Wanted: sound therapy is powerfully beneficial, powerful and uniquely effective because it influences movingly of your auric field and what can be called the Mer-Ka-Na, Crystalline Light Body. Teachers, understanding the auric maintenance is equivalent to mingle and grow in planetary increasing dimensionality and the necessary multidimensional conscious perception, now available in the "New Earth" in 2017 and beyond.

Dear Human, in this new time, at the dawn of the crystalline era, should be vigilant and move forward with hope. Because when they enter 2038 Fifth "root race" crystalline biology begins to transform humanity. This will require access to MerKaNa, and therefore its disciplined effort will be necessary in this change.

Dear, it is imperative to increase their understanding of the crystal field and the system of 33 chakras. Sound Crystal is an ally in this transformational change and is part of growth. Pure sounds benefit their emotional bodies as well as their physical bodies. Biological and emotional imbalances are always at the root of many physical illnesses and they learn to naturally heal their emotional bodies, bio-physical symptoms not only will evaporate, but the sounds will attract the shift toward biology crystalline silicon.


Before you a wonderful era, they do not abandon hope, because as chaotic as it may seem the present time in this era of clean, really approaching a Golden Age, and is presented much closer to what you perceive.

Teachers, in the second part of this message will speak in more detail about the acoustics of the earth plane as it relates to the future of humanity and the "Golden Age" to come.

I am 
published with the express permission of Earth-Keeper Metatron, with Tyberonn the Cristalino Service. We are always with you! They are deeply and dearly loved ... 

And so it is ... And so ...

© All rights reserved duly author, 2017, to James and Earth-Keeper Tyberonn ©

The Ode to Joy on YouTube: 10000 singing Beethoven - Ode an die Freude _ Ode to Joy

Translation: M. Cristina Cáffaro 

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