
12 de mayo de 2017

Later this year should have been made the first important announcements.

I wish you all a great summer period. "

In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey


May 12, 2017 Mike Quinsey

It seems that negative forces are being removed from their underground bases and are unable to maintain overall control.Cleaning will continue until they no longer pose a threat to humanity and it allows greater control of the Forces of Light. It may be just a matter of time your control over your newsfeeds be released and can give real news. For now you have to track down the truth on the Internet, where many websites feed it with false information.However, if you have already identified those sites that are reliable, at least you'll have a reasonable idea of ​​what is really happening.

There are many waiting to be released and covering the events of the last seventy years or so and have been covert news. Generally, people will not only be fascinated but actually shocked to learn that the truth has been hidden for so long. The Illuminati have prevented evolucionaseis while you have "stolen" your money to finance its huge secret projects. Not only the free energy that would raise your lives immediately, but advanced technologies such as food replicator. At a stroke, these two developments would raise people above poverty and hunger. But do not despair, because it will not be long before they are introduced beneficial changes, then you know that the Light has total power.

The Illuminati are relentless and will stop at nothing to stay in power, but now they have more to play with the game. While progress is accelerating, many beneficial projects are moving forward and have made preparations for the time approaches, which may be announced publicly. Your main timeline is strong and leads to Ascension, and can be confirmed that nothing will stop and fully manifest. Yet it seems certain that some major events will be announced and will begin before year-end. Certainly, it is making rapid progress that will enable the Forces of Light soon achieve its goal of launching the business.

Meanwhile, chaos reigns in many parts of the world because the new energies are exciting things until they can settle. There is a reorganization, and low vibrations have to rise because otherwise there would be no place for them in the new levels where you simply can not exist. But you are quickly reaching the point of no return and then on a bright and peaceful future is announced.Souls who can not raise your vibrations will feel bad and sometimes unable to accept what is happening for their lack of understanding of it. Their belief system can not understand what's behind the changes, and in many cases have little or no interest in them. Nevertheless,

Never fear for those who are not on your level of understanding. Everyone will be in the right place and can not be otherwise, because it is determined by your individual vibrations exactly. So all souls will find themselves exactly where they can continue their experiences at a pace that suits them.It would not do or would be useless to move to a higher level until you're ready and ye may with your own development. Earth casts some tough challenges and these are your roadmap to a successful experience on your journey to Ascension. It is worth repeating that I never put tasks that are beyond your capabilities.

Virtually every day of your life will offer you opportunities, however small, they give you the option of raising your vibrations. Your challenge is to keep them there and then seat them to continue raising them.Sometimes it's the little things that can mean a lot for other people, such as a kind word or a helping hand that makes them feel valuable and loved. Good deeds will not cost anything, but sometimes can give an amount (of money) to help those in need, and if everyone would help others and soon disappear poverty. The lack of expansion of wealth along with the actions taken by the Illuminati have made the world's wealth in the hands of a very small minority, while millions of people barely survive without the basic needs to survive. These situations will change very soon, and the re-valuation of the currency will do much to make a fair distribution of wealth.

The human race is a strong people who have grown up in the toughest of civilizations. Many have dedicated their tasks and have reaped success for its purpose to overcome the obstacles of the way. Progress has been rapid and all experiences have been for the benefit of all.Some find it difficult to understand the true reality in which they live and spend life after life learning their lessons. Always he is given help, but in no way imposes on anyone. Remember that free will is sacred and must be respected by all souls, and is a topic of concern when it is ignored, and those who do have to learn karmic lessons resulting from the consequences of their actions.

When you have close relationships or family ties generally have been made regardless of the changes brought by the end of time they will continue. Past lives demonstrate that there is an exchange of roles (including) from one incarnation to another to evolve together. You can you embody in either sex for over a period of life balance is maintained, but of course sometimes also involves karma. Be sure that the Higher Beings who oversee your progress can see the complete picture and have complete control over all subjects. So you can understand that events are happening in a controlled manner despite what seem outwardly. Free will is still respected,

Look to your immediate goal firmly in so that you can precede successfully without being distracted by external events. And know that you are almost home because your cycle comes to an end should give the necessary strength to achieve a successful conclusion. What a joyful celebrations will and what will know that all is well and that negative forces can no longer interfere more!

If you can help those who are lost, even if they know or feel that great changes are taking place, try not stealing upon with details and give them only as much as they are able to understand. Most souls are sensitive to change and know that something is happening, but may be unable to understand what is happening. The main point to make is that beneficial changes are happening and there is nothing to fear. The future of the human race is in good hands, and after the Earth has been cleaned and renovated begin a glorious new era.

This message comes through my higher self and carries the energies of Light and Love.

Mike Quinsey

Website: Tree of the Golden Light
Translation:  PEC

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