
25 de mayo de 2017

Mortgaged with UCI's time to get rid of the scam!

The-walls-Vortice Radio- 620x264 [1]Last January since the association hbUCI and from mortgaged assets (AHA) reported an impressive news:  Colossal romp financial UCI  was the best news since prehistory of the association. A financial UCI was easy to disassemble our class action lawsuits arguing that the contracts grouped not belong to thesame "mortgage product , " a poor excuse, since it is the same mortgage terms with different trade names, however, the judge turn accepted their false arguments so long drawn off dead.We had no choice but to change strategy and abandon collective demands and move to individual demands.   
Exprinidor copy

Now there is a romp financial UCI, it is something much greater: they have caught the hang of it and when we said "Today  there is no one in the market for the services of lawyers best know the  affaire UCI" .  This was not an interested prediction was convinced that  the success had to come and has come . If you had previously been the Audiencia Provincial de Zaragoza Section 5 that signed the AUTO 17/2017 dated Jan. 5, is now the Court of 1st Instance and Instruction No. 7 Arganda del Rey, ordinary procedure 311/2016 that on April 27 80/2017 signed the statement. The following sentence is extracted from the sixth and seventh articles and judgment, it reads: 
SIX.-  In view of the foregoing, it must fully estimate the demand annulling the clauses Urged to apply to thecontract and agreeing a rate of interest corresponding to EURIBOR + 1.00 point.  Furthermore, the defendant must reimburse the applicant in the amounts collected as a result of the application of the clauses that have been declared null and void from the beginning of the contract
SEVENTH Pursuant to Article 394 of the Civil Procedure Act, having been estimated demand, the costs should be imposed on the defendant. Having regard to the items mentioned and other general and relevant application to the case before the Court
FAULT:  the lawsuit filed by the Counsel for Ms. courts fully considered. Xxxx, on behalf of Ms. Xxxxx CREDIT UNION REAL ESTATE against SAE, and merit: -
Nullified the Second, Third, Bis Third, Fourth, Fifth H), sixth and twelfth clauses, eliminating those terms of the contract between the parties.
- condemn the defendant to record the changes made on the mortgage as a result of the declaration of invalidity in the Land Registry at your expense.
- condemn the defendant to implement the signed contract  from the beginning of the contract until its end, as the EURIBOR interest rate - 1.00 point 360/360 and apply the method for calculating interest.
- condemn the defendant to redo the amortization table mortgage loan without application of the annulled clauses and as agreed in the body of this resolution.
- condemn the  defendant to refund to the applicant of the amounts collected as a result of the application of the clauses annulled since the beginning of the contract until the cessation of application of the clauses annulled with interest until full payment
- ordered the defendant to pay the costs.
logonv1 [1]One can say that the financial UCI has run out of tricks, traps, ruses containing their lending contracts, for years have taken advantage of the lack of financial literacy of the population who only wanted to acquire a home and financial has captured, the helpless clients with advertising enticements that were just ambushes and encerronas with a stratagem in its articles that hid the demoniac anatocismo.
If you're stuck in a loan UCI Do not miss a minute!
373933_138345672935104_663277779_n [1]Behind this sentence is a family caught in the grip of the financial UCI and behind the arguments in the claim before the court is the work and dedication of those who have persisted tirelessly demanding justice. We have overcome all the difficulties that we have encountered along the way have been many, typical of a mastodon behind UCI is none other than Banco Santander. We have gone from defeat to defeat road to victory,  it was literal, product empecinado character of the founders of hbUCI what has brought us success. Constancy is, without a doubt, a virtue. Now,
Time Ash
With the subtitle La Libertad Acorralada 
""In this post you can know who rocks the cradle and applies the curse that weighed on the book The Power
Of course, what counts Power was not a secret, few of initiates were the -podíamos often said that the clique of cronies that moves the fichas-, but it remained hidden for ordinary citizens. As far as he got the book did its work: open a gap on the only truth and upend all the milonga they had told us about a momentous episode dela economic history of the country, as was the intervention of the Spanish Credit Bank. The curse applied to the book is beautifully explained by the judge of the Court of Madrid, Joaquin Navarro Estevan, in his book Time Ash , who always appreciate the distinction made me to devote a few pages so committed matter. Few have dared -sobran the fingers of one hand to defy the law of silence imposed by Emilio Botín. 
page 185
Globalization includes only thought. It would not be possible without a broad consensus .. ( TEXT CONTINUES ON THE FOLLOWING PAGES AT THEBOTTOM OF THESE LINES. TO ENLARGE CLICK ON THE ICON PERMALINK ). 
[gallery link = "file"] 
"data-medium-file =" "data-large-file =" "class =" wp-image-1060 alignleft "src =" 2016/05 / 1544412_583387451746791_1434692434_n1.jpg "alt =" 1544412_583387451746791_1434692434_n [1] "style =" background: transparent; border: 0px;margin: 24px 12px 0px 4px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; display: inline; float: left; "> Once the hbUCI association had to abandon collective complaints, for the reasons already explained, and processing them individually this dispersion was incompatible with the weak management structure. There were two possibilities, liquidate the association or find someone who could finance and take over matters that were under way. The association found in  Teseo Consulting  who could take responsibility for a success of the associated claims. It was agreed, hbUCI subsists as anassociation, as it had been doing, and  Teseo Consulting would  manage claims , first amicably and if results are not obtained had to resort to the courts .Teseo Consulting  offered in the agreement, your product:  ITVhipotecas  that goes far beyond,No title
Do not waste a single minute in joining ITVhipotecas  of hbUCI , not about advertising is truthful, you can see the accompanying table of associates are awaiting court proceedings. They are not selected to show the best side but it is a representation that is chosen as a sign of the diversity of amounts to be claimed (that UCI has overcharged) relative to the nominal amount of the loan: van 17 to 43%, ie the amount claimed depends on the IRPH applied, elapsed time, the amount requested, and other variants more but they serve to get an idea of  the scam that UCI has practiced with their "valued customers" a robbery at gunpoint.
cropped-francisco-de-goya-the-third-of-May-1808-the-execution-of-the-defenders-of-Madrid8 It should be clarified that these amounts are exposed to claim two concepts: 1) the amounts derived from the judgment and 2) the amounts of the claimable expenses for the Supreme Court decision of December 2015. Another issue to clarify, these amounts They correspond to the return of the amounts collected over the date set forth. At the date of the judgment will have to update these amounts, but if you stick to: " I condemn the defendant to implement the signed contract  from the beginning of the contract to an end , "  means that until the deadline is met payment of fees,  these will be adapted to the changes applied so at least it will stop paying an equivalent amount.  The above figures, regarding a trapped family (some may recognize having recorded data), surely they correspond to those that could claim thousands of stuck with mortgages UCI. What are you waiting for.
logo-asociacion-piedra1 [2] - copyDo not waste a minute, contact:  SOBRE7 or
thITSNQ5B1 call:  900 69 65 39
The phone will be active in a few hours.

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