
5 de mayo de 2017

no turning back, the climb is just around the corner

May 5, 2017, Mike Quinsey (HZ) 
closer every day to the point where the darkness is soft enough to allow positive changes in your currency. There is currently a lot ofactivity is for those who hide inside the earth and have been ordered to surrender (and if not, to face extinction), delete. This paves the way for measures to be taken to eliminate weapons of space, so it is safe to visit the spaceship on Earth on Earth.All this is necessary to introduce the new era safely and without delay. It can be assumed that the preparation of this time have taken place for some time and once the "obstructions" are eliminated on the events will precipitate. The changes are long, but inevitable and transform this already started his company in a few years.Now is a time when you have to control emotions and negative thoughts should not be you. You can not emphasize enough the importance of continuing to approach things of the earth in a calm manner, which sometimes can be quite alarming.Failing that , the last major symptom will be the reactions of those who do not understand that treatment must take place before the new can be introduced. The change in vibration disturbs can not accept this, because they are unable to understand what is happening. Until there is a free press will make it difficult forthe truth to everyone about it, while those who are still under the control of the Illuminati still confused. At a time when it is difficult to understand what   is happening, be guided by your intuition and if the goods are unclear or does not seem logical, try to discover the underlying cause and finding a positive result. He understands that, like everyone else, can contribute to how the future, and that is the free will in action. You are actually much more powerful than you think, and with increasing vibration will realize that thoughts are creative by nature. In fact, you must learn to control it You will go out in a natural way, so do not worry if you are at your current level can not prevent wandering thoughts in his head. However, ZUT be pleasantly surprised how quickly they adjust to the higher vibrations. Some may wonder why a soul experience required in the lower dimensions and the simple answer is to be acquired to develop experience in a place much faster than anywhere else. It can be a difficult road, but all help to succeed is obtained. Of course you can walk your way with a speed that suits you and provide guidance sure not overcharge. Finally, everything that happens in the "now", so you can develop your own pace. Most souls are pleased with the opportunity to accelerate their evolution and there are some who have tried a lot to get a life. You are deliberately kept at a level where they were not aware of how they can get the ascent. The darkness is going to hold you captive, so that they could enslave, which has been successful so far. Many have, however, increased their vibration enough to get past the restrictions imposed on them, they have Ascension as a place of observation. Calling the higher realms of Light and will not be long before you will be able to put the steps that end they become galactic beings. Notably, still it has a considerable way to go before it reaches such a high level, but this is the way that you yourselves have chosen for their development. Eventually, the truth will be revealed to you, but at a pace that will not overwhelm you. But little is really as if you believe, but be sure that there is a God, the great source of All That Is. You are all immortal and created in God's image, which means it has the potential to become one with God. The man has been given free will to experience what you want, but this involves responsibility for all actions performed. This helps to clarify to know why they are experiencing duality. However, be sure that before you do this trip, he was fully aware of the challenges you have to make it easy to find "the way back to God." God sent initially away all souls to gain experience so that God can know more about their creations. It says: "God breathes in and God" and this covers travel outside the Trinity. Religion is the chosen path many need a teacher to guide them, but often it is a difficult path to walk, because the vision of man is the truth. It's actually quite simple and can be summed up in a "treat others as you would yourself." This means that you treat everyone as equals - your brothers and sisters. it could be difficult in your current experience to make this happen, but better a path to light that will succeed eventually created. Universal love does not distinguish between souls themselves, because each in his / her own way and in his / her own decisions gain experience. Sometimes, however, the man is in trouble and contact with the Higher Self is lost, but he gets help to get up again and he will never leave his way alone; When you need help, God is only a prayer away. When once it has become have become a superior vibration it is so high that you will be able to maintain a perfect body for hundreds of years "old" can be. That's why the last 300 years has regularly listen to the presence of St. Germain on Earth. It has been observed on several occasions and never showed signs of aging. Imagine that you are able to run a long time and be a mentor spiritual soul that can help you on earth during a series of lives. St Germain appeared even at a meeting in America, where the Declaration of Independence was signed and had a major hand in its drafting. Always it has a great interest in the progress of humanity and ensure its influence to keep on the right track. As time passes very quickly learn how your current history has expired and where the future will take. It's an exciting time, because for many of you, the journey is about to end; a wonderful future beckons.There is much to learn from you, so respect its history can be addressed business.Actually, we know very little about the history of the Earth and our role here, although he has returned to pre-Atlantean times. Each period shows that progress is cyclical and that each solar cycle ended with a cleansing of Earth. This time is no different, and will soon begin a new cycle for the souls who need to follow its evolution in the lower dimensions. Those who rise to move into the higher vibrations, which can exist without evil, in order to enjoy a life of peace and love.Keep your eyes on which it is in harmony and higher vibration, and this will ensure you are ready to ascend. This message comes through my higher self and carries the energy of Light and Love. 

Mike Quinsey 

Tree of the Golden Light 

Translation Marja and Rob

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