
3 de mayo de 2017

Signs and events leading to the arrival of the two Jewish Messiah and the Messianic Age

As-salam aleykum brothers and sisters in this publication will treat the apolegetica of Judaism that has already been summarized in previous publications on the two Mashij and points of views apocalyptic Jewish and Zionist views, all published are reliable Jewish sources. 

Prophecy A. Nachman (Chatufa) Pinchas 

Nachman Pincus (aka Chatufa) was born on Rosh Hashanah in the fifth century in the Hebrew year 4245 (485 AD), in Baram, a village of Gush Halav, in Upper Galilee, Palestine. He was the son of the remarkable Rabbi Pincus and his wife Rachel. Instead of the cry of a newborn baby, the Nachman when he was born immediately began to utter surprising secrets of recent times. 

He helped and blessed many infertile couples to have children. He and his wife Rachel had no children. When his wife asks him to pray for a child, it would be ignored. One day, when Rabbi Pinchas was on the bed, his wife begged him to ask our merciful Father for a child. As usual, he ignored him, but when she fainted, her heart broke. For the first time, he talked to her and called her "my dove". She asked him to pray for a son, but he said it is better not to have a child because if they do, the child will cause great pain and be buried at an early age. The woman insisted she wanted a husband hijo.Su surrendered and asked God). In the seventh month of her pregnancy, she gave birth to a son. As soon as the baby out of her womb, I stood and bowed to his mother and began to speak hidden divine secrets. Rabbi Pinchas hit the mouth and the baby became quiet. He called Nachman and remained speechless. The wife asked her back to her husband to pray to God to restore the ability to speak to his son. She wanted to hear him speak again. Her husband warned her that if the child speaks, may die soon after. Mother said I'd rather have a child speaks for a few minutes a dumb son throughout his life ... Rabbi Pinchas finally accepted something about it. He called Nachman, tenderly stroking her face and kissed him. The child is required to swear not to say divine secrets. Blessed the children and the ability to speak Nachman was restored. 

He recited five rhymed prophecies in Aramaic, in alphabetical order, spoken in a coded language. When he finished, he revealed to his parents that he was going to die soon. Soon after, at the age of 12 years he died. 

Nachman died and was buried in the village of Baram in Galilee. His grave-site is known, and is considered a sagrado.Está place buried under the name of "Rabbi Nachman Chatufa (Khatofa)" because he was "caught" when he was still a niño.Hoy day, people visit his grave place to pray. The five prophecies were documented and is called "Nevuat Hayeled" (Prophecy of the child). 

His prophecies were first published in Nagid Umitzvah in the Hebrew year 4472 (712 AD). They have also been published as additions to the holy books.Five hundred years ago the great Kabbalist, Rabbi Abraham ben Eliezer Halevi wrote a special commentary on them, and the rabbi of "Shomer Emunim" he wrote in his book that is known to be true and the "holy of holies". 

The following are some of the things the child prophesied about: 

- At the end of the day, Turkey will reign over Israel; (This refers to theOttoman Empire until 1917) 
- Edom (Britain) will take power away from them (Turkey) 
- In 1948, all nations recognize Israel is governed by Jews; 
- A ruler in Egypt (Nasser) will decide on the Arabs and make the pain of Israel. When he will die and no one will remember; 
- Egyptians are and war, and in a few days will awaken a great evil which leaves crushed and cut people because of the pain. This will happen in the land of Gerar, namely, the land of the Philistines. And there will be wailing and bitter weeping of wars, murders and looting; 
- A nation Edom shocks the world and instigates wars; 
- People (nation) Gadia called to build a city and a tower ... The Gadia drop tower is a sign of the end times (Aad Gadia is mentioned in the Quran, Muslim scholars believe that the EE . .S is the modern Aad) 
- there will be great changes in the world and great sorrow in the land of Edom on the western side, as the sea will come and dive some of the land; 
- There will be two eclipses; 
- The troops will Israel to God's vengeance in Edom; 
- The prophecy speaks of a war that will be between Yishmaelim (Ismaili) and Edomim (Edom) in the Holy Land; 
- A nation will come quickly to war against another nation to surprise the world and bring judgment upon Edom; 
- Persia (Iran) brings hatred of the world and causes much concern to the Edomim; 
- Rome (wicked city, could be Jerusalem) will fall into the hands of Persia (Iran); 
- Those who have no love for anyone, they are happy to kill people. They wander around Earth looking for people to steal and damage. Everyone hates them because they are evil to everyone: 
- When zara Avodah (idol / statue) located in Rhodes (Colossus of Rhodes, one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world) will be destroyed, know that the end of the evil kingdom it is near little; (this verse probably refers to the Statue of Liberty in New York) 
- Ten powerful countries will be devastated; 
- Ten towers or soaks strengths and then see Eliyahu HaNavi (Elijah); 
- When a king (leader) will write a letter and a decree to build a bridge in Sanbara, the light has come to Zion 
- When we see Edom governs the land of Israel, we will believe that the last steps for redemption have begun; 
- A spark of fire fall from the sky over the nations, and then the Mashiach ben David will be revealed. 

The following video is of this prophecy, why "Avodah Zara" is the Statue of Liberty! 

B. Ten signals regarding the arrival of the Mashiach (Messiah) according to Zohar 
Zohar a Jewish religious book highly respected by the Jews, written by Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai is. 

Shimon bar Yochai was Rabi favorite pupil of Rabbi Akiva, spiritual leader Bar Kochba revolt against the Romans in 135 CE. Rabbi Akiva was one of the first four sages who entered Pardes-deep in the "garden" of Cabalá.Rabí Akiva spent the sacred knowledge of Kabbalah Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. Rabbi Akiva was condemned by the Romans as a criminal for teaching Torah. It was flayed alive with iron combs. Shimon bar Yochai rabi as a result of his close relationship with Rabbi Akiva, was ruthlessly persecuted by the Roman army.To escape the horrific torture and death insurance that his teacher had suffered at the hands of the Romans, Yochai and his son Rabbi Elazar ben Shimon, hid and lived in a cave for 13 years, according to Jewish sources.During these 13 years, Yochai and his son studying Torah, Torah revealed and the hidden or secret of the Torah, the "Torat HaSod" also known as "Kabbalah then transcribe these teachings in the book called." Zohar "(meaning" Book of Radiance ") Session.: three columns of fire fall from the sky and kept from earth to heaven for three days and three nights All nations panic and say Am Israel. "! Make us tzitzit for us to bring" As it says in Zecharia 8:23 ten men lay their hands on all the languages ​​of the nations, even hand skirt of him that is a Jew, saying shows: we go with you, because we have heard that God is with you. " HKB'H (God) will do miracles on earth and sky, as Yoel 3: 3 says: I will show wonders in heaven and on earth, blood and fire, and pillars of smoke "Why blood before the fire because as it was in Egypt ?. Second Sign. Three men will, one stand out above the grave and wake the dead, the second man lights eyes and skin, and the third man heals the paralytic with the magic 80,000 Am Israel mistakenly follow -. and are not Bnei Israel (children of Israel), who are of the Givonim and crowds mixed . with Am Israel HKB'H (God) perfected around the world, as it says in Zecharia 13, 9, and refine them as silver "Third Signal merges: HKB'H will be held three rainbows and stand in the sky for three days and three nights. Rainbows can be seen from one end of the world to an end, and there will not be the same. All nations will see and feel tremendous fear and say: "HKB" H (God) is bringing the flood the world? God has promised that will not bring the flood in the world. "As it says in Isiah 54, 9:" For this is like the waters of Noah unto me: for as I have sworn that the waters of Noah should no more go over the earth. "And in the same way that He vowed not to bring the flood on the world, he did not swear reproach, as Isiah 54, 9 says." So I have sworn not to be angry with you, nor rebuke you! "1 Samuel 2: 04: the bows of the mighty are broken, but the feeble gird on strength Who stumble is Am Israel, as it says in 2 Samuel 22, 40: Fourth Sign "for thou hast girded me with strength for battle". Rain will fall the sky for three days and three nights, but not rainwater, which is the blood of 80,000 men. And all the people will feel tremendous fear and come to bow down to Israel and say. "We go with you, because we heard that G.od is with you" (Zecharia 8, 23) Seventh Sign: king of Edom will go to Jerusalem and all Ishmaelim will flee from him and will go to Yemen. They will gather in a huge army and out of them and his name is Hatar and was crowned king. They all go to Basra (or Bossrah) and the king of Edom (Europe) will hear this and go and they will make war against each other, as Isaiah 34: 6 says, "For HaShem hath a sacrifice in Basra (or Bossrah) and a great slaughter in the land of Edom "Hatar will kill many of Edom and the king of Edom will flee from him and Hatar die. The king of Edom will return a second time to Yerushalayim and enter the Heichal (temple) and put the crown on the head stone fountain and say, "Creator of the world have already become what my ancestors have ever had!. .. "In his days there will be tragedies. Eighth Sign: HKB'H (God) suddenly take Nechemia ben Chushiel, it is Moshiach ben Yosef, as it says in Malachi 3: 1: "And HaShem whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple". He will make war with the king of Edom and kill him and he put the crown on him that the king of Edom returned to Jerusalem and the whole world will know about Nechemia. Ninth Session: A man will leave the country Romi and his name is Armilus, the son of Satan, the son of the rock idol Romi has the image of a woman and sleeping with Satan. she and this man born of it in the day of his birth will be like 100 years old and he will. Alexandria war and destroy all the sea coast - woe to the person who has fallen into it! And then he personally come to Gaza and prepare his "chair" These are not your signs .. its height is 10 amot ... and sit on the chair and abused and curse y.decirle nations: "I am god! Bring me my Torah I gave you! "Am Yisrael and say," Bring your Torah !. "and conNechemia ben Chushiel come and bring the Sefer Torah and you will say," I do not believe in the Torah " and I answer: "If you do not believe in the Torah, you are not God, you are Satan." As Zecharia 3:02 says: ". HaShem rebuke Satan" At that time, he will take Am Israel, 30 who he accompanied Nehemiah and burn with the Torah, and say to Nehemiah: "Until now you do not have faith in me?" and he replied, "I do not believe in anything except the God of Israel, the God of Heaven who gave the Torah to Moshe Rabbeinu (zs'l) - in it, I think!" And he sent to kill in the house of his gods who settled in his palace. Nechemia kill in Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) and dumping her body in Yerushalayim. And Am Israel praise, as stated in Zecharia 12, 12: And the earth mourn, every family. "And then there will be many tragedies on Am Israel and they hide in holes and some fled into the desert and sit there for 40 days and eat bitter herbs and scream in pain. And then, Mijael the Heavenly High Minister stand up and say, "Creator of the world!Remember the oath he swore to their ancestors. And you promised, (Yirmiyahu 50, 20) "because forgive those whom I leave as a remnant" And HaShem (God) will hear the prayer of Mijael, the Minister of Am Israel. Tenth Session: HKB'H will be held from prison Moshiach ben David and thru, Am Israel will be redeemed. And Armilus, the son of Satan, go to the desert of Moab - and he is Armilus son of the stone. At that time, Am Israel will scream so loud that reach the heavens and the Minister Heavenly Mijael will have mercy and will remain in prayer to HKB'H (God) and say, "creator of the world, remember the oath you swore to their parents and what you told your servant Moshe Rabbeinu (Mamidbar 14:20) and HaShem (God) said :. "I have pardoned according to your word" and (Yirmiyahu 50, 20) for I will pardon those whom I leave as a remnant "And HaShem (God) to hear the prayer of Mijael, the Minister of Am Israel and, (Vayikra 20, 26) and ye shall be holy to me." - and separated for his glory and HKB'H (God) will hear the prayers of Mijael, the heavenly Minister of Am Israel. And more on the tenth sign HaShem (God). It will be held Menajem ben Amiel, Moshiach ben David, from prison, as it says in Kohelet 4, 14: "For leaving prison to be king." 

C. Ten signs and events described in a Jewish book Abkas Rochel (as shown in Synagoga Judaica) 
1. God will raise up and bring three kings who will be false and disloyal to their own beliefs, but to deceive people into believing that serve the true God. This is not the case, but they deceive and misguide all men to turn away from the faith in him, and many sinners of Israel will cease to be redeemed, reject God and turn away from faith in him. For example, it is said. 59.15: The truth is rejected. What is rejected? This will happen to all those who love the truth will run and run and hide in holes and cracks in the earth, and the heroes and tyrants strong will and kill them. Then Israel will have no king, as it is written: Hos. 3.4: The children of Israel will remain for a long time without a king or prince, without offering or the altar, etc. There will be Rosch jeschibja, head of the synagogue, no true shepherd, who could bring people into God's law, no , famous, the most prominent holy men. The sky was closed, and food and food will be unattainable. The three kings issued many severe and tyrannical decrees, [decrees] to the extent that men prefer to die rather than renounce God. Through God's command, these kings reign only nine months. Will double homage to them, so that gave him eight onwards had to give eighty, and he had gone ten had to give one hundred.Who can give nothing you will have to pay with his head. They will lay even longer and heavier over the people of Israel loads. Since the end of the world as black men come and frightening than see them die of miedo.Cada one of them will have two heads and seven eyes filled with flames and fire. They will run as fast and quick as deer. Then, Israel will cry, Woe, woe to us! And their little children will be afraid and cry: Alas, alas, alas, what we do, Dear father? Then the father said Israel's redemption is close at hand. 

2. God will bring great warmth of the sun in the world, with the result that many intense fevers, pestilences and other ailments come on. Every day, athousand times a thousand (one million) of the pagans and the nations of the world, even the wicked among Israel, he will die, so pagans lament and mourn bitterly and say, Alas and alack! Where can we go to hide? And they will run and dig their own graves and pray for death because of thirst and pain and hiding in holes and cracks in the earth. However, the righteous and pious between Israel will find healing in this heat, as it is written: Mal . 4.2: The sun of righteousness will rise upon you that fear my name, health and healing in its wings. Impious Balaam prophesied of this also No. 24.23: Oh, who shall live when God does this? 

3. God will bring a bloody dew on earth, Christians and nations of the world are considered a delicious aqueous spray. They drink from it, and everything will die. Also the wicked of Israel, who despised redemption will drink it and die. However, it will not harm the pious and righteous Jews who remained strong in the true faith in God, as Dan is written. 12.3: The wise will shine like the stars of heaven. And the whole world is filled with blood for three days, as it is written: blood'll give signs in heaven and on earth, ie, fire, smoke and fog: Joel 2.30. 

Four. God will bring a healthy dew. Moderately pious shall drink of this, he drank the previous dew and got sick. They will recover into account the dew, as Hos is written. 14.6 I will be as dew to Israel, so that he will blossom like a rose. 

. May God turn the sun into darkness for thirty days, as it is written: Joel 2.31: The sun turned into darkness, and the world into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes. After thirty days, the former light restore, as it is written is. 24.22: They gathered in a group to a well and will be locked in a dungeon, and after a long time will have a visitation. Given this, Christians will be very frightened, and be ashamed, and understand that this has happened because of the children of Israel, and many will join the Jewish faith, as it is written: Jon. 2.8: Those who follow vanities and things of nothing abandon his mercy. 

6. God allow the wicked kingdom of Edom (so that they understand the Roman Empire) to rule the world. In particular, there will be one in Rome, which will have dominion over all the world for nine months and vast wastelands. His wrath will be unleashed against the people of Israel, and lay heavy toll on them, and arrange for so much misery and calamities. Then the Israelites will be greatly diminished and almost extinct, and have no one to help. Isaiah spoke of the time when he prophesied is. 59.16: It is seen that there is no one there, and nobody was surprised that the champions. After nine months, God will send the Mesías ben Joseph, born of the sons of Joseph, whose son Husiel esNehemías name, which will come with the stock of Manasseh and Benjamin, and of the children of Gad. As soon as the Israelites listen and understand this, they will meet with him in all cities and lands as it is written: Jer. 3.14: Turn back, O backsliding children, saith the Lord, for I will make you trust in me, and I will, with one in every city and two from each district, and will take you to Zion. Then the Mesías ben José contraEdom a bitter war be waged (ie, against the Roman king) conquer and kill a large part of his people. Finally, strangling the king of Edom, destroying Romi (Roman Kingdom / country) medinas, and bring back to Jerusalem certain sacred vessels were kept in the house of Emperor Eliano. The king of Egypt will also make a covenant with the children of Israel, and kill all the men who dwell in Jerusalem, Damascus and Ascalon. This resound around the world, and a great fear and dread will fall upon all men because of it. 

7. They say there, in Rome, a marble in the form of a beautiful young woman, who was not made by human hands, but by divine power. The wicked evildoers of the people will gather at this statue, and fall in love with her and sleep with him in a lewd manner. Then God will form and build a creature of the same stone in the form of a child, and finally crack the marble and the child will emerge. This child will be called  Armillus harascha,  impious Armillus, this is the same as the Umos [gentiles] or Christians call the Antichrist. Its height and width shall be twelve ells. His eyes are deep and red. Her hair is the color of gold. The soles of his feet will be green, which will have two heads. He will come to Rome the wicked king, and say that he is the Messiah and God. Immediately, the Romans will believe in him and make him king over them, and all the sons of Esau (European Christians) will love you and stick to it. He will bring everyone under him, and say to the children of Esau: Bring me the laws that I gave you. Then they bring him, along with his prayer book, and he will recognize it and say who gave it to them, and believe in him. Then he sent and say that he is the Messiah and God. Immediately, the Romans will believe in him and make him king over them, and all the sons of Esau (European Christians) will love you and stick to it. He will bring everyone under him, and say to the children of Esau: Bring me the laws that I gave you. Then they bring him, along with his prayer book, and he will recognize it and say who gave it to them, and believe in him.Then he sent and say that he is the Messiah and God. Immediately, the Romans will believe in him and make him king over them, and all the sons of Esau (European Christians) will love you and stick to it. He will bring everyone under him, and say to the children of Esau: Bring me the laws that I gave you.Then they bring him, along with his prayer book, and he will recognize it and say who gave it to them, and believe in him. Then he senttheir ambassadors to Jerusalem, aNehemías son of Husiel and to all the people of Israel, and sort bring its legislation, and recognizing that He is God. In this, they were terrified and frightened. Then Nehemiah, along with thirty thousand mighty warriors lineage of Ephraim, establish and maintain the book of the law with them. They will read this statement before Armillus 20.2-3 Ex. I am the Lord your God ... You shall have no other gods before me. Armillus respond that there is no such thing in his right, but you must come and acknowledge that He is God, and accept it as their god, like the Umos [gentiles] and other people have done. Nehemiah son of Husielserá immediately order his men to seize him and bind him. He will rise with thirty thousand men of war, and kill two hundred thousand times the Armillus'. Given this, Armillus be angry and enraged, and all his people meet and gather in a deep valley, and again to fight Israel again and again kill many of them. 

In the same place, good Mesías ben José died, and the angels will be stored away and bury it , and put it safe with the other patriarchs of the world.However, the Israelites so afraid, and his heart will melt like water. But Armillus not be aware and know that the Mesías ben José good is dead, otherwise it would not leave a single man alive. Then, all the peoples of the world will drive the Israelites out of their land, and not allow them to dwell anymore, and there will be anguish and pain among the Jews, as never was since the world began . 
Then the Angel Michael will come, and separate the wicked from Israel, as Dan is written. 12.1: At that time, the great prince Michaël noted for its people, will rise and there will be a time of trouble, such as has never been since the beginning of this nation. 
Those who remain will flee into the desert where God will treat the purge them as gold and silver, as it is written: Ez. 20.38. And I will take away from you the rebels Dan. 12.10: Many shall be purified, refined and bleached. And all the children of Israel left in the desert will be pure and holy. At that precise moment, they will be 45 days and they will eat only herbs, leaves and grass, and what was spoken by the prophet Hosea 2:14: Behold , I will seduce her, and bring her into the desert and speak to her heart. Where we can see that you must wait 45 days in the wilderness? Dan what is written. 12.11: From the moment that the sacrifice shall be taken away, and the awfulness of the desolate area will be created, there will be 1,290 days. Happy is he who waits and calculates 1335 days (1290 + 45 = 1335). At the same time, the wicked of Israel, who are not worthy to see the redemption will die and disappear.Finally, impious Armillus will invade and subdue Egypt, as Dan.11.42 is written: Egypt shall not escape him. From there, it must be rotated to Jerusalem, and set out to destroy the city for the second time, as Dan is written. 11.45: And the canopy of his palace between two seas and holy water will be released until there is an end of it, and no one will help him. 

8. The great ángel Miguel will rise, and blows three times the big horn, as it is written: It's 27.13. At that time, a trumpet was given, and those who were lost in the land of Assyria and the outcasts in the land of Egypt shall come and worship the Lord in the holy mountain in Jerusalem. Again, Zac. 9.14: The Lord will blow the trumpet, and come here like storm clouds south. 
When flying for the first time with a deep and constant sound, the true Messiah, son of David and the prophet Elijah appear and reveal themselves to pious Israelites who fled into the wilderness of Judah. Then, they will take courage, be strengthened weak hands, his lame leg will gather strength. All Jews the world over the sound of the horn is heard, and understand that God in his grace has called home, and the total redemption is at hand . Also those who were imprisoned in Assyria will begin. Nevertheless, great fear and terror fall upon Christians and other people of the world from the blast of the horn, and large and fearful diseases grasp. 
Meanwhile, the Jews were girded his loins, and arise from the feet to travel to Jerusalem. The Messiah, son of David and the prophet Elijah with the pious who escaped into the wilderness of Judah, and all the children of Israel who have joined him come to Jerusalem with great joy. As soon as the bad Armillus hear this, will say: How long this despicable people and ignoring behave like that ? And he will bring back large armies of troops and Christians to go to Jerusalem to attack the new king (the Messiah). However, God willnot bring a problem to another, but say the Messiah Ps. 110.1: Come sit at my right hand. And the children of Israel Ex 14.13.: Shut up and stand still, and see the great help that God will show you today. Then God will fall fire and brimstone from heaven, as it is written: Ez. 38.22: And I will fight with him by pestilence and blood; and I will rain a shower of hailstones, fire and brimstone upon him and his army, and the large number of people who are with him. Then evil Armillus and his army will die, and the Edomites wicked (Europeans / Christians) that devastated the house of our God, and took us captive to our land, perish miserably, and Jews have taken their revenge against them as it is written: Obad. 18: And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and lacasa of Esau (Esauites, Edomites, ie, Europeans / Christians) will be stubble, and burn and consume them to the house of Esau have nothing left. 

9. When the Archangel Michael blowing a big and long burst for the second time, all the graves will be opened in Jerusalem, and God resurrected the dead. Also Messiah, son of David and the prophet Elijah will revive the pious Mesías ben Joseph, who stood under the door. Meanwhile, all the people of Israel the Mesías ben David, was sent to the remaining Jews who were scattered here and there on Christians and other peoples of the world to also bring to Jerusalem. Immediately all the kings of peoples under which the Jews lived will take on their shoulders and their vehicles and take them to Jerusalem. 10. When the ángel Miguel blows for the third time, God will accomplish the Jews living in the Gosan, Lachlach and Chabor river, and in the cities of Judah, and they, countless, countless, will come with the sons of Moses in Heaven, and the earthly before and behind them the kingdom will be nothing but fire and flames, and the Christian peoples and others will have none of those who can support themselves and live. When the ten tribes of Israel return from the land of their captivity, lacolumna cloud of the divine glory and majesty encompass them as it is written: {. Micah 2.13} switch until it is to come before them, are broken, and they have passed through the gate, and have gone out of him, and his king shall pass before them, and the Lord at their head. God also open sources flowing out from the tree of life, that will be updated on your journey, lest at any time should disturb thirst.Because the Lord says: {Jsa.41,18}. I will open rivers on the heights, and fountains in the midst of the valleys :. I will turn the desert into pools of water, and the dry land springs of water once again, {Jsa. 49.10.} They make you feel hunger or thirst, neither heat nor the sun smite them, for he who has mercy on them, guide them, and springs of water will be guided. {The Jews are ten times comfortably against the foresaid signs.} To console against these previous ten signs, the advent of the Messiah, most of whom seek great calamity and distress to the Jews, which has ten times consolation. {Consol . .1} The first is that Christ is certainly still come: according to the Prophet {Zach. 9.9.} Much, Brighten daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt of a donkey. I will turn the desert into pools of water, and the dry land springs of water once again, {Jsa. 49.10.} They make you feel hunger or thirst, neither heat nor the sun smite them, for he who has mercy on them, guide them, and springs of water will be guided.{The Jews are ten times comfortably against the foresaid signs.} To console against these previous ten signs, the advent of the Messiah, most of whom seek great calamity and distress to the Jews, which has ten times consolation. {Consol . 1} The first is that Christ is certainly still come: according to the Prophet {Zach. 9.9.} Much, Brighten daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt of a donkey. I will turn the desert into pools of water, and the dry land springs of water once again, {Jsa. 49.10.} They make you feel hunger or thirst, neither heat nor the sun smite them, for he who has mercy on them, guide them, and springs of water will be guided.{The Jews are ten times comfortably against the foresaid signs.} To console against these previous ten signs, the advent of the Messiah, most of whom seek great calamity and distress to the Jews, which has ten times consolation. {Consol . 1} The first is that Christ is certainly still come: according to the Prophet {Zach. 9.9.} Much, Brighten daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt of a donkey. and the dry land springs of water once again, {Jsa. 49.10.} They make you feel hunger or thirst, neither heat nor the sun smite them, for he who has mercy on them, guide them, and springs of water will be guided. {The Jews are ten times comfortably against the foresaid signs.} To console against these previous ten signs, the advent of the Messiah, most of whom seek great calamity and distress to the Jews, which has ten times consolation. {Consol . 1} The first is that Christ is certainly still come: according to the Prophet {Zach. 9.9.} Much, Brighten daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt of a donkey. and the dry land springs of water once again, {Jsa. 49.10.} They make you feel hunger or thirst, neither heat nor the sun smite them, for he who has mercy on them, guide them, and springs of water will be guided. {The Jews are ten times comfortably against the foresaid signs.} To console against these previous ten signs, the advent of the Messiah, most of whom seek great calamity and distress to the Jews, which has ten times consolation. {Consol . 1} The first is that Christ is certainly still come: according to the Prophet {Zach. 9.9.} Much, Brighten daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt of a donkey. } They will not feel hunger or thirst, neither heat nor the sun smite them, for he who has mercy on them, guide them, and springs of water will be guided. {The Jews are ten times comfortably against the foresaid signs.} To console against these previous ten signs, the advent of the Messiah, most of whom seek great calamity and distress to the Jews, which has ten times consolation. {Consol . .1} The first is that Christ is certainly still come: according to the Prophet {Zach. 9.9.} Much, Brighten daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt of a donkey. } They will not feel hunger or thirst, neither heat nor the sun smite them, for he who has mercy on them, guide them, and springs of water will be guided. {The Jews are ten times comfortably against the foresaid signs.} To console against these previous ten signs, the advent of the Messiah, most of whom seek great calamity and distress to the Jews, which has ten times consolation. {Consol . .1} The first is that Christ is certainly still come: according to the Prophet {Zach. 9.9.} Much, Brighten daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt of a donkey. {The Jews are ten times comfortably against the foresaid signs.} To console against these previous ten signs, the advent of the Messiah, most of whom seek great calamity and distress to the Jews, which has ten times consolation. {Consol . 1} The first is that Christ is certainly still come: according to the Prophet {Zach. 9.9.} Much, Brighten daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt of a donkey. {The Jews are ten times comfortably against the foresaid signs.} To console against these previous ten signs, the advent of the Messiah, most of whom seek great calamity and distress to the Jews, which has ten times consolation. {Consol . 1} The first is that Christ is certainly still come: according to the Prophet {Zach. 9.9.} Much, Brighten daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt of a donkey. certainly still to come: according to the Prophet, {Zach. 9.9.} Much, Brighten daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt of a donkey. certainly still to come: according to the Prophet, {Zach. 9.9.} Much, Brighten daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt of a donkey.

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