
10 de mayo de 2017

Soros against Netanyahu

It is a protected offender

 Jared Kushner, son of Trump?

New York Times (NYT) delouses cases of bribery of  Raz Steinmetz (RS) , partner Jared Kushner  (JK), son of controversialTrump  and one of his two chief advisers, exposing their "potential conflicts 

Israel 's alleged criminal (RS),  53, lubed most of  50 million down payment for the purchase of 190 million dollars a dozen apartment buildings in  Lower Manhattan  to benefit a Kushner Companies.

RS  also invested in  Trump Bay Street, project 200 million in  Jersey City ( ).

Beny Steinmetz  (BS), I uncle denied by his nephew  RS , is under criminal investigation in the US for bribes to officials of Guinea  in exchange for mining rights.

The family  Steinmetz  made his fortune in the diamond market mafioso, while Charles , father of controversial  JK , wasjailed for tax evasion.

RS,  with  Shlomo Meichor  (SM) andAssi Arev,  controls  Gaia Investment Corporation  and in 2013 made lucrative returns with  Kushner  and financial firm  Stonehage Fleming in London.

Buying thousands of apartments  by the company's favorite son-  Trump  it was organized by  Gaia Investment Corp. , based in  Tel Aviv  and whose front man is  SM  with several criminal metastases in Delaware.

Bloomberg  unveils the association (criminal?) Of  JK  with one of therichest families in Israel when  such "clandestine links may complicate the political role of the son of Trump  ( )".

Such underground dealings in the pipes of power underscore regulations (sic) that allow federal estate investors hide their identities behind straw companies.

Now the nephew  RS "denies any connection with tíoinvestigado in four (sic) countries  (EU, Switzerland, Guinea and Israel)" for its transnational criminal metastases.

Beny  famous billionaire diamond and metals of all kinds, is also  cause for criminal investigation for 136 million euros in Romania by the Israeli political consultant (sic)  Such Ziberstein. 

Political consultants also charge ...

The issue of diamonds is very hot  and has woven a  criminal cobweb from Antwerp (Belgium), to  South Africa, to the streets of  New York / London  with remarkable dominance of the alleged Israeli Mafia.

The Steinmetz and Kushners invested 7 billion in the past decade, with greater predominance in  Manhattan (in Part Upper and Lower).

The criminal lawyer  Alan M. Dershowitz  -implicado a dissolute pedophile ring, parallel to the depraved brothers  Podesta , intimate of  Clinton - denied links with Uncle BS Kushner , but not its ties with the nephew  RS.

Beny,  61, created with his brother Daniel,  79 year - old father of  RS, Steinmetz Diamond Group  sells under the brand Diacore  ( ) which it has become one of the largest buyers diamond  De Beers  company of Oppenheimer  (South Africa) and Rothschild ( ).

The bon vivant  Beny,  one of the billionaires maximum of Israel  who also sails to mask their repulsive philanthropy, he spends in  France, Geneva, Antwerp  and its vast residence on the outskirts of  Tel Aviv  when it has expanded its interests in steel, gold (sic), nickel, oil and iron ", and has built a global real estate empire (sic) with properties in  London, New York and St. Petersburg , where he is co - founder of hedge fund Hermitage Capital.

Silly question:  What are the links between the Russian mafia and the Israeli mafia in the port of Limassol (Cyprus) where Britain has a naval base is? 

Octopus arms  Steinmetz reach of tax havens Guernsey, Cyprus and British Virgin Island . Over than normal to global neoliberalism!

The property of  Steinmetz  is held by a foundation in Liechtenstein , based on the fetid  Panama Papers  which was caught red -handed Pharisee Vargas Llosa,  in unison Argentine  Macri ( ).

I could not miss the sinister figure of the speculator  George Soros  operating with Mask "Philanthropy ( )".

Lawyers for the  Steinmetz have sued Soros  in federal court in New York for being behind his campaign of libels and be financed as part of the philanthropic government research Guinea,  and the tasks of  Global Witness.

It detects  a fracture Israeli super organized crime between  Soros , angry trumpófobo and russianfobic and one of whose Democratic lackeys called  killing Trump  a twit then erased ( ) and trumpófila triplet Netanyahu / Sheldon Adelson / JK.

Archisabido is that  Soros,  with close ties to  NYT,  has addiction by  NGOs controlled from Mexico  to the Balkans in order to impose their globalist agenda.

When young  JK,  now 36, traveled frequently to form Israel  where  he secured funding to fulfill their ambitions. 

So  Kushner Companies got four loans from Bank Hapoalim ,  as I had anticipated ( ) -, and one of her talks participated  Harel, one of the leading insurance companies Israel.

NYT  says that signing  JK was presented to the team  RS by an intermediary in the  US. 

Who could have been so fortunate broker? Could it have been the alleged mobster casinos Sheldon Adelson, a close Netanyahu and the first Trump? 

When the futurists be revealed  Tel Aviv Papers ?

The Times of Israel  focuses on potential  conflicts of interest Trump key man  in  Israel  and how  Kushner Companies  has links with Israeli businesses ( ) ".

The diamond market  is a big deal and even  Haaretz ( ) has exposed how the  Israeli oligarchs diamonds have appeared in  Panama Papers ,  where they appear  600 (sic) companies in Israel  and  850 Israeli shareholders - where billionaire  Dan Gertler  (DG) is mentioned more than 200 times (super sic!).

We must recognize the supreme regionalized super specialty Israel organized crime:  the Steinmetz in Guinea and DG in Katanga (Congo).

DG  bribed allegedly Avigdor Lieberman , former bodyguard nightclub in  Moldova ( ) ", today Israeli foreign minister and leader of Yisrael Beitenu.

Businesses  DG  were performed with Callery Resources, controlled by Yitzhak Abuhatzeira , son of millionaire Rabbi  David.  Diamonds are forever!

10 years (ago ) unveil the criminal skein of  Bank Hapoalim, Bank Leumi (controlled by the diamond merchant  Lev Leviev,owner of fetid  Africa Israel Investment: AFI Group ) and Discount Bank of Israel,  in unison with the biggest fraudster in history  Madoff ( ). 

With the advent of Trump , the alleged Israeli Mafia has fractured into two camps: 

Sori against Netanyahu / Sheldon Adelson / JK . 
Neither who IRLE!

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