
10 de mayo de 2017

South Wind brings us Questions about Libya Nobody wants to respond

They dashed the dream of a continent, killing the only one who had proposed release of the Zionist usury of multinational proposing a single currency for all Africa: the gold dinar.

They murdered with impunity and destroyed a country, to steal in exchange for weapons and a bargain price: Libyan oil, as in his day did with Iraq and now do, with Syrian and South Sudan. Round business.Cheap oil tax-free and without any control, in exchange for weapons.

And to top it off and make matters worse, they have transformed the country better standard of living had in all of Africa, a hell of chaos and destruction on a huge highway, designed, financed and directed by Soros and his people, to flood Europe refugee . 

And all this, what is the response of old Europe ... reírle thank the usurer Zion and charge for keeping his mouth shut.

Goldman Sach men and Rostchild govern our institutions, chancelleries and governments and have our private banking, best companies and the mainstream media.

They are plundering our wealth and leaving rights and impoverishing, slowly, our people ... that numbed walks between party and reality, fearful and rueful without wanting to know anythin what happens after seeing the wolf ears of the crisis .

Now we go as our rulers, on tiptoe and without raising his voice, for fear that the truth is uncovered and awakening suppose that the reality is even worse than all this nightmare that we are stuck and drugged because of greed endless world usurers.

They have it all. But even they want more. They want to complete our total slavery and servitude. We are going to give if you fight?

For better or worse, have no one to free themselves from the Zionist yoke ... once and for all. 

If we continue to consider us as individuals or kill one or as a pet, the luckiest more or less thinking Subrace animal cargo.

And this will happen, like it or not ... because it is written.

God's elect are said 

but act as if possessed by the devil himself.

Armak of Odelot

Libya:  Unanswered questions

Libya is a country fragmented by hundreds of armed organizations of all stripes, without clear leadership, and lacerations of all kinds, produced by the invasion perpetrated by NATO in 2011; almost like an irony now the former Colonel Gadaffi country, seems to have the chance to avenge many insults somehow.

This is where the European Union (EU) needs desperately to close the fissure opened in the central Mediterranean, where thousands of refugees continue seeping from Libyan ports. And not only for security but for their very existence as a community.

Still, more than three years after the outbreak of the crisis of refugees without being able to resolve fees received with each of the 27 EU nations will have to bear the bell of Brexit, and threats from various countries to continue to London, adding to the expectant electoral situation in France, this groundswell European organization leads to the point of sinking.

Unable to replicate in Libya, what's done with Turkey, which continued beyond rispideces and threats Recep Erdogan President, over a year ago have managed to dramatically reduce the flow to Greece from the Turkish coast.

That blocked out, Libya and its ports have become the Mecca of hundreds of thousands of refugees trying to reach different paths south of Italy.

This desperate pilgrimage has become a monumental business between traffickers, craft patterns, Western NGOs and politicians of the two bands of the old Mare Nostrum.

Just to review the numbers drowned in the attempt the crossing, give the idea of ​​the magnitude of the humanitarian disaster and the hundreds of thousands who struggle to reach European soil. 

Last year there were about 5 thousand drowned, nearly 2,000 so far this, which carry the figure almost 25 thousand since the crisis escalated four years ago. 

Libya currently more than one million people arrived from all corners of Africa and Asia, somehow tried to cross the Mediterranean.

To stem this human tide, the EU sought to establish refugee camps in Libya, but the project has foundered, as seems destined everything in that region.

There are three routes used by traffickers to bring their "customers" Libyan port of Misrata, Sirte, al-Juma, Benghazi and Zouara: 

the first comes directly from Algeria, and the other two from Niger and Sudan, or yes, must enter through Fezzan, the border with Egypt, Sudan, Chad, Niger and Algeria, where precisely the post Gadaffi anarchy is even more uncertain and difficult to decode than the rest of the country. 

A multiplicity of conflict, must be added which can carry 5,000 kilometers of border without any control.

In the region of Fezzan operating bands of smugglers, traffickers, weapons and drugs, as well as two ancient tribes Tuareg and TEBUS now dispute the possession of a territory extremely rich in hydrocarbons, where plants of the Spanish Respsol and Italian ENI have just been taken.

Despite this Libyan anarchy persists EU desperate behind any kind of agreement, to have an interlocutor as happened in Turkey, close the spill threatening soulless.

Earlier this week in Rome, encouraged by the EU, about 60 chieftains of the Libyan south, apparently agreed to a peace agreement for the region.

While encouraged by United Arab Emirates (UAE), Egypt and Russia, with the head of the Mission to Support United Nations in Libya (UNSMIL), Martin Kobler have organized a summit in Abu Dhabi, between the two leaders over relevant to the West: 

Prime Minister of the Libyan government, Fayez Serraj no other precedent that have been chosen arbitrarily by the United Nations to take something like a chair with head in Tripoli that more than a year after its introduction has not been able to extend its influence more than a couple of blocks from the headquarters of "government."

The other characters is much darker and controversial, emerged from the war against Colonel Gaddafi, the former Libyan general and CIA Khalifa Haftar, commands the most poderos military force in the country known as the Libyan National Army (LNA) supporting the government based in the city of Tobruk.

According to reports the talks have advanced positively. Even it mentioned that you could call presidential and legislative elections before March 2018. 

In addition the agreement includes the integration of the various armed factions under unified by a fortuitous "Presidential Council" command.

Other points of the document, which still concerned have not signed, it refers to the need to generate a process of national reconciliation that hundreds of thousands of internally displaced persons to return to their hometowns and face a struggle to fund terrorism. 

A rather vacuous term in Libya, since all factions involved in such a deal their rivals.

The agreement would come into operation Serraj and Haftar just sign it but so far the company seems quite distant. 

Beyond the illusions of the EU to find a figure with some semblance of legality with whom agree on the refugee issue, it would be interesting to ask how this agreement would harmonize with hundreds of heavily armed gangs with their own projects, some more fundamentalist, others simply who they have managed to live anarchic looting, kidnapping and extortion.

Boxed put this multitude of organizations means adding a new front of armed conflict to the many that already exist in Libya.

So or the prospect of an agreement between two (Tripoli-Tobruk) of the three (Benghazi) virtual capital of the country is either naive or ill-intentioned. 

Generate an agreement with a puppet government mode Afghanistan or Iraq, with whom to negotiate the issue of refugees and military support if necessary to sweep any outbreak "terrorist".

In that unlikely, winding road to the Libyan reconciliation attempt to start the EU, seem to forget to play powerful political and military factors in the country as the force led by former Prime Minister Khalifah Gwell, who has attempted a coup against Serraj in Tripoli which continues accumulated the support of various armed gangs operating in the west and the capital itself Tripolitana.

Among the groups supporting Gwell the Operating Room Revolutionaries Libya (SORL) group and linked to the Grand Mufti of the country militia, Sadek al-Ghariani, the accompanying armed groups in the city of Misrata and brigades is Benghazi defense.

Al-Ghariani has decreed a fatwa ten years of jihad against the government of Serraj, so it is unlikely to be part of the eventual agreement Abu Dhabi. 

While in Tripoli, beyond the formal European support, we live miserably lacking all kinds: uninhabitable houses, cuts electric power up to 18 hours without running water, little food and a degree of insecurity so alarming that almost there is no kind of activity. 

Most schools are closed; both children and women avoid taking to the streets for fear of being kidnapped.

Missing supplies in hospitals and banks are barely functioning, with little money and less commercial activity.

Both shots and explosions are heard permanently in the city without ever knowing which groups are being faced. 

While the warlords digitan all, hogging the few economic resources generated by the ancient capital of Libya.

The South also exists

If the issue as we have seen in the north and the coveted coastal strip is not at all clear, much more anarchic Libya is so far south.

Fezzan, the region inhabited by two ancient and mythical nomadic tribes of warriors and traders Tebu and Tuareg, is crossed by the Sahel belt, where today pass various fundamentalist movements linked to al-Qaeda and Daesh, as the last great Wahhabi training, Jamaat Nasr al Islam wa al Mouslimin (Support Against Islam and Muslims). The region has large oil deposits, while numerous and rich oasis.

During the last week of April, Hafter bombed the prison and Tamanhit military base in the city of Sebha, causing at least a hundred dead. 

The tribes of Fezzan have resisted the onslaught of the forces of Hafter, aided by militias arrivals from Tripoli (pro UN) and the city, quasi independent of Misrata, the main commercial port of the country and the most heavily facing Hafter force.

This latest attack army Tobruk city of Sebha was in order to strengthen their positions in the discussion that would just hours later with Serraj ally Sabha.

Hafter and armed controls about half the country and maintains open two war fronts, one in Benghazi, the second largest city in Libya, and the other against the city of Derna, near the border with Egypt, a key stronghold Wahhabi fundamentalists.

One of the questions that float in the air without anyone answer is that it has made thousands of fighters Daesh, which several months ago had to leave their enclave in Sirte. 

If you open a new front or sell their services to a warlord.

So hard to do as a question to answer, much less to imagine for the bureaucrats of the European Union.

Guadi Calvo  is a writer and journalist. International analyst specializing in  Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia.

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