
11 de mayo de 2017


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According explains Michael Snyder in his blog The Economic Collapse, the victory of Donald Trump in the US presidential election, has shown that no longer need to be a career politician to become president of the US, which has led to a whole series of celebrities are seriously thinking of taking to the polls in 2020.
In politics, timing is everything, and for celebrities at the peak of its popularity, the election of 2020 may be your best option for UNCA and the presidency.
The name has been ringing louder and stronger way about it, it is the CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg.
As we explained in the  article Microlector ...
The founder of Facebook is making a tour of all states in the US, a journey that according to some media, presents characteristics of the start of an election campaign.
On January 4, Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook said his personal challenge for 2017 was to visit and meet several people in each US state.
According to NBC estimated from the time the employer has already visited more than ten states, a tour that, according to the middle, reminiscent of preparing for an election campaign.
As part of his trip, Zuckerberg see all kinds of places in various US cities, from small farms meetings help addicts opioids.
According to the newspaper that Zuckerberg takes on his Facebook account, almost every day is a different place.
In addition, the founder of the social network also meets with local politicians.
One of the families that Facebook founder met NBC has assured that if Zuckerberg launches election campaign, vote for him because they see a man who has many plans and aspirations to make the world a better place.
It seems therefore already launched a propaganda campaign to turn image Zuckerberg in a possible political leader who was present at the upcoming US elections.
David Plouffe, who served as campaign manager for Barack Obama,  "joined the philanthropic initiative Chan-Zuckerberg. Other politicians from both parties have also joined the organization. "
Zuckerberg also recently stepped back in his stance as an atheist, an important time to run for president in such a religious country like the US step.
"I grew up Jewish and then went through a period when questioned things, but now I think that religion is very important" , Zuckerberg said.
And in the US it is very difficult to run for president and not believe in a God.
Zuckerberg or some other famous entrepreneur is submitted to the election falls within the expected.
It turns out that real stars of the show (do not talk about failed actorzuelos second type Ronald Reagan), are also postulating, with really baffling names.
One that is receiving considerable attention at the moment is "The Rock" Dwayne Johnson.
During a recent interview with GQ, she said a race to become president was "a real possibility" ...
So, after all this consideration, Johnson did not hesitate when asked if he could someday give up his life as a film star rather paid for the land (which is certainly easier, more fun and more lucrative than being president United States), to run for office.
"I think it's a real possibility , " he says solemnly.

And most surprising is that it is not the first time you make such a statement.
Even before the elections in 2016, Johnson was already talking openly about starting a political career ...

Last summer, Johnson, who was the highest paid actor in 2016, took home about $ 64.5 million. However, he said in the ABC program Good Morning America, to start a political career was something  "very real"  for him.
The star of "Baywatch" said the idea of ​​becoming commander in chief "has become legitimate for some people." He said it will take the "temperature of the American people" as time passes.
"If what I see is something very real, overwhelming, positive and strong, if they say 'We want you postules for president', and if I feel I can take the plunge and become a tremendous leader for our country and make a real difference and bring aboutchange, then I would , " he said at the time.
The famous music star Katy Perry is another name that Democrats are launching at this time.
Perry became involved more than any other celebrity in the campaign of Hillary Clinton and a message published in Instagram has many fans wondering if Perry could try for herself in 2020 ...

Perry was a constant presence in the election campaign of Hillary Clinton, campaigning for the eventual Democratic candidate before the primaries began.
And maybe all this political talk made her think, why I'm not running for president? In July 2015, he posted a message on Instagram with Bill Clinton and George W. Bush with the title "42, 43, 46!"
Many progressive Democratic Party would love to see  "the first woman president"  in 2020, and many of them are suggesting that Oprah Winfrey would be an ideal candidate. In fact, Michael Moore suggested it would be an excellent candidate one week after the election.
"Democrats would be better if Oprah or Tom Hanks lead ... why do not we support this beloved people?"  Moore said on CNN.
"We have a lot of them. Republicans have already done, with Reagan and Terminator and others ".
"Why do not you introduce someone who loves the American people and that is really attracted, and be smart and have a good policy and all that?"Moore said.
In fact, Oprah made the remarks during an interview with David Rubenstein, the Bloomberg chain, and came to suggest this possibility by 2020 ...
RUBENSTEIN: Have you ever thought that given the popularity you have, could actually be presidential candidate and be elected?
WINFREY: I actually never thought ... I never considered the question, not even the possibility. I just thought, oh, oh.
RUBENSTEIN: Because it is clear that the experience of government to be elected President of the United States is required.
WINFREY: That's what I thought. I thought, 'Oh, gee, I have no experience, do not know enough.' Now I think oh, oh.
On the Republican side, there are also actors who follow similar paths. For example, actor Antonio Sabato Jr. has decided to run for Congress for the GOP, after stating that it had been included blacklisted by Hollywood producers for their public support for President Donald Trump.
Sabato, 45, will challenge the representative of the United States House of Representatives, Julia Brownley, a Democrat who represents the area of ​​Westlake Village, California, in the elections of 2018 according to documents filed with the Federal electroal Commission.
His choice to run was confirmed by Republican strategist Charles Moran, according to the Los Angeles Times.
Other celebrity names that also sound as possible candidates for 2020 in this kind of fever "presidenciables celebrities" are the rapper, singer and designer Kanye West (husband of another celebrity, Kim Kardashian), who once publicly supported Donald Trump and after his election as president withdrew his support for a ban on entry into the country of people of Muslim religion, the wall in Mexico and intend to take the country to all illegal Latinos Trump started (at seen, this eminence did not know what Trump said during the campaign).
Also insinuated another possible accession to the presidency was actor Will Smith, although he did not seem to do too seriously.
Entrepreneurs like Bob Iger, CEO of Disney, or howard Schultz, Starbucks CEO, have also made insinuations about it.

This we see should not surprise anyone, and every time we shall reproduce more in other countries.
In fact, what should be the norm in a real democracy, it is that "normal" citizens had real access to high public office, if they were able to present ideas and solid projects. And obviously, if they were able to pass a psychological test and knowledge about politics, history, languages, economics, science, geography, law, etc ... as indeed they should spend all people who want access to such high responsibilities.
But if we're seeing with the actors, celebrities and entrepreneurs, not going down that road.
What we are here watching and as the Trump himself has shown us (not to mention Idiot Rajoy and Zapatero, among others), it is that no need to be not specially trained or be well prepared to be president of a nation.
Why? For the reason we all already know: in fact, they do not govern, are only puppets dominated by the highest economic powers and obscure groups that just intuit his shadow.
As we have noted in previous articles, what will end up happening is that the high financial, senior executives and business leaders will be those who exercised rulers, introducing himself as "brilliant manager".
But in the meantime, we will live situations where actors and famosillos have clear options to reach presidencies.
Overall, it's not that hard: as Trump has shown, everything is to tell people what they want to hear and then do whatever you want.
So do not be surprised that we begin to see famosetes, actors, singers and people like that as presidents of more and more nations.
Perhaps most terrifying of this idea is what we might get to see in some countries.
US elect people like Trump and perhaps in the future a Zuckerberg or Dwayne Johnson.
In Spain, it would be strange to see as president a Paquirrrín, a Belén Esteban ...
Or who knows if cocoons as Javier Cárdenas or Risto Mejide, seen the level of supreme folly of the population ...
At the end of the day, if they were inept complete or even be part of a mafia of crooks and criminals, would they be so different from Mariano Rajoy?

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