
12 de mayo de 2017

The Swarm satellites establish that accelerated variation of the magnetic field of the Earth

Adriana reports  

It is changing its orientation and weakened at a faster rate than expected

The earth 's magnetic field is the magnetic field which extends around the entire Earth (from core to magnetosphere), and its existence is known (in either direction) for centuries, by using compasses as guidance method . 
Earth 's magnetic field that protects us from solar radiation and cosmic rays is changing its direction and weaken at a faster rate than expected, the data revealed trio Swarm satellites of the European Space Agency (ESA). If this field strength were reduced, charged particles from the sun and cosmic rays could penetrate the Earth 's atmosphere.
Computer simulation of Earth's field lines in a standard period between investment (blue when the field points toward the center and yellow when pointed out); the axis of rotation of the earth is centered on the vertical; the dense clustering of lines corresponding to the inner core of the earth.
This magnetic field is generated by the temperature difference between the outer core of the earth (mainly composed of liquid iron and a weak magnetic field), and the mantle.
Comment: We should not forget the factor of the electric universe, our sun as an electrical capacitor interacts with other planets and their magnetic field, changing its shape, intensity and orientation. In addition it would also consider the hypothesis of brown star twin sun, which charge and discharge the solar capacitor and therefore to the other planets of the solar system. 
Electric Universe model 
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Added to this is the Earth rotation creates electrical currents continuously changing the electromagnetic field (known as due to the dynamo effect).
A 'magnet' whose poles move
We can imagine the Earth's magnetic field as the field that produces a magnetic dipole, ie, a magnet with a positive pole and a negative pole.
These poles are currently correspond, with a difference of a few degrees, with the North Pole and the South Pole of our planet.
But these poles have not always been there and will be there forever, as they move over time. The cause of this shift is that the magnetic field is not static, and there are different effects that can alter. Thus, they vary their strength, their orientation and polarity.
It may even be the case that the poles are reversed, as has happened in the past. It is estimated that this happens at irregular intervals of about 300.00 years on average, 780,000 years ago although we have the same configuration, in which the magnetic south pole is near the geographic North Pole, and vice versa.
The magnetic field protects Earth
One effect of the existence of Earth's magnetic field is that this moderates the climate and protects us from certain types of external radiation.
Around our planet, there is an area called the magnetosphere, which is formed by the interaction of the Earth's magnetic field and solar wind.
This layer protects the earth radiation, solar wind mainly that (formed by electrically charged particles with high energies), but also of cosmic rays impinging on the planet.
Also, when the magnetosphere shifts the incident solar radiation, the phenomenon of, striking auroral occurs.
If the strength of Earth's magnetic field were reduced, all these types of charged particles from the sun and cosmic rays could penetrate the Earth's atmosphere.
accelerated change
The fact is that, in recent years, it seems that the movement of the Earth's magnetic field has accelerated, while its strength is reduced.
Experts believe that these changes are related to changes in the way the liquid iron flowing in the outer core of the earth.
The trio Swarm satellites of the European Space Agency (ESA) sent into space to study the magnetic field of the Earth (not just on the surface) precisely two and a half years has shown that these changes are happening faster than previously thought.
The analyzed data indicate, reports the ESA, in which places the field is getting weaker and stronger in what and also how quickly these changes are occurring.
On the one hand, you can see that the magnetic North Pole is shifting towards Asia. On the other hand, that since 1999 has reduced the magnetic field intensity around a 3'5% in North America and has increased approximately 2% in Asia.
The region where the field is weakest (and energetic particles come more easily), is the South Atlantic, further wherein the field has moved westward and reduced by about 2%. These effects also appear to have an increase in the incidence of cosmic rays on California.
Scientists are expecting more accurate results from data collected on natural phenomena from the magnetic field of the depths of the Earth and of the upper layers of the atmosphere to help understand why the s magnetic field and is weakening globally and particularly in certain regions.

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