
10 de mayo de 2017

USA It has become public enemy No. 1 in the world

"Sauron reigns in Washington 

and takes his vassals to total destruction "

Former undersecretary of the US Treasury  Paul Craig Roberts,  explains in his new article why the actions of the current US authorities make the country a real Mordor.

With this comparison with the fictional country of the saga of  Tolkien, Roberts  recalls  that one of your readers asked why the neoconservatives promote nuclear war as this kind of armed conflict will not leave anyone alive. 

According to political scientist, US neoconservatives believe they can win a war without suffering any damage.

His "insane plan" is to surround Russia and China  with bases  antiballistic missile  to establish  a shield against the reciprocal measures that could undertake Moscow and Beijing. 

In addition,  these US military installations  could be equipped  with nuclear missiles, Russia and China without knowing it .

"This will reduce the warning time five minutes,  leaving victims to Washington  shortly to make a decision , " continues  Roberts.

The neocons are convinced that  the first attack of Washington  cause  much damage to the capabilities of Russian and Chinese retaliation  that both governments  will surrender instead of launching attacks in response.

 Thus, leaders in Moscow and Beijing  will conclude that they have little chance that s US ICBMs are able to overcome the US shield.

Moreover,  a weak retaliation simply  cause  a second wave of nuclear attack from Washington to erase Russian and Chinese cities , kill millions of people, leaving both countries in ruins.

"In short,  the warmongering Americans are betting that the Russian and Chinese authorities hand over their weapons rather than run the risk of being completely destroyed",  he says.

According to the expert,  the neoconservatives are "wicked enough to launch a preemptive nuclear attack." 

However, it could also be that your plan has the objective of creating such conditions for  Russia and China , the authorities of both countries  begin to believe that "the fate gives them back" and, therefore, must accept the dominance of  Washington .

So, to feel secure its hegemony,  Washington will have to order Moscow and Beijing disarm, highlights  Roberts. 

However , this plan "is full of risks"  as  "miscalculations are always a feature of the war."

" It is reckless and irresponsible risk life on the planet just to the hegemony of Washington ," he admits.

Thus, the neocon plan puts them at high risk for  Europe, UK, Japan, South Korea and Australia in the event that  Russia and China  decide to retaliate. 

The Seal of Washington will  not be  able to protect Europe from nuclear cruise missiles from Russia  and its Air Force, therefore  "Europe will cease to exist." 

The response from  Beijing hit Japan, South Korea and Australia.

Russians, like all sensible people have the hope that " the vassals of Washington understand that it is they who are at risk -  a risk which have nothing to gain and everything to lose - , disavow their vassalage and US bases eliminate "says  Roberts.

"We should be clear to European politicians who are being dragged into a conflict with Russia," he stresses.

In addition, the author recalls that recently the NATO commander told the US Congress that it needs more funds for the military presence in Europe in order to contain the 'resurgent Russia'.

According  to Roberts, the 'resurgent Russia' implies  that the Slavic country  is strong enough and confident to defend their interests and those of its allies.

 For example,  Moscow  was able to  "block the planned invasion in Syria Barack Obama  and the bombing of Iran as well as allowing Syrian forces defeated Daesh terrorist - organization banned in Russia and other countries, which was sent by Obama and Hillary Clinton to overthrow Assad.

"The 'resurgent Russia'  is that the country can block  unilateral US actions  against other countries , " he says.

This ability to Moscow  is a challenge to the neo - conservative doctrine, proposed by former Undersecretary of Defense,  Paul Wolfowitz,  that is the idea of  the global US supremacy  and preventing the resurgence of a new rival able to exercise control over Washington's unilateral actions.

While neoconservatives  "were engrossed in wars style 'cakewalk'  (referring to a dance developed by American slaves who mimicked the behavior of their masters), which have already lasted 16 years , " his rivals - Moscow and Beijing - emerged  as drivers unilateralism that Washington  had enjoyed since the disintegration of the USSR.

"What Washington is trying to do is regain its capacity to act worldwide without any restriction of any other country . This requires that  Russia and China are withdrawn , " delves Roberts.

The governments of both countries have a "moral conscience that lacks entirely to Washington , " he says. 

Also,  "neither intimidated by Western propaganda". 

The author quotes the words of Foreign Minister  Sergey Lavrov, who said that  "endless hysterical accusations against Russia are always empty of any evidence heard."

It is likely that Russia and China  to sacrifice its sovereignty by  the good of life on Earth. 

However, while  the "moral conscience of the two drive them to oppose evil played by Washington in order not to succumb to this evil , "  he expresses the author.

"I think the evil that governs in Washington is carrying US and its vassals to the total destruction countries," he says.

Having convinced the Russians and Chinese leaders that Washington intends to bomb their countries in a surprise attack, the question is: how will Russia and China respond? 

Will they sit and wait for an attack? Or prevent the attack Washington with an own attack?

Roberts  reminds readers that  their name is on the list of 'Russian agents'. 

For him,  being ' Russian agent' is "respect international law and life" , which does not respect the self  Washington. 

It also means "to respond to provocations with diplomacy and requests for cooperation, which Washington can not do."

"Clearly a 'Russian agent ' is a moral person who wants to preserve life and national identity and dignity of other people , " he stresses.

Thus,  Roberts  appears as  "agent of all people who disapprove of Washington's willingness to use nuclear war to establish its hegemony over the world."

According to the author,  Washington  wants to "put human morality and become the master of the planet."

"Washington is no doubt Sauron.  The only important question is whether there well enough in the world to resist and overcome evil of Washington , " he concludes.

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