
2 de abril de 2018

Germany can not afford to extradite Puigdemont like it or not, it's "star of the Catalan crisis

Merkel alert! Germany can not afford to extradite Puigdemont

Extraditing Puigdemont
In an article posted on its website, the Stiftung Wissenschaft advisory group und Politik (SWP) warns the government of Angela Merkel about the possible consequences of Puigdemont extradition and has called for evaluation. The alert SWP now no longer a conflict affecting a particular region, but Germany, like it or not, it's "star of the Catalan crisis". As stated in the portal, the advisory group would try to push for a negotiated solution between Barcelona and Madrid. 
On its website, the SWP Merkel warns that you should not act upon the decisions taken by the German courts. Doing "is interpreted as an element of political persecution against independence movements" and Germany can not afford this lack of recognition of freedoms and democratic rights as the core of the union of states of the European Union.  
The SWP recognizes that the task of internationalization of Catalan process have conducted exiled members and the same President Puigdemont is giving positive results for the independence group. European states have been unwilling to intervene in the conflict between Catalonia and Spain and now have no choice but to participate.

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