
17 de abril de 2018

Roger Torrent will travel tomorrow to Geneva to meet with members of the United Nations

The president of Parliament, Roger Torrent, at the meeting of the Bureau this Tuesday, February 20

El president del Parlament, Roger Torrent, a la reunió de la Mesa d'aquest dimarts 20 de febrer
The President of the Parliament of Catalonia, Roger Torrent | CATALUNYADIARI.CAT

The president of the Parliament of Catalonia, Roger Torrent, has confirmed on Tuesday that he will travel tomorrow to Geneva to meet with members of the United Nations, and denounced the "violation of fundamental rights" of the members of the Catalan chamber in the Spanish State.

Torrent's decision comes after Judge Pablo Llarena has repeatedly prevented Carles Puigdemont and Jordi Sànchez from being invested as presidents of the Generalitat, despite the precautionary measures specified in the resolution issued by the Human Rights Committee of the UN

A trip to defend the political rights of the deputies
Roger Torrent has indicated that his objective is "to defend the political rights of all the deputies and denounce the illegitimate interference" of the Spanish State in the Parliament. In this regard, he has also indicated that he will maintain contacts with several elected officials of the Swiss country during his stay in Geneva.

And it is necessary to remember that this trip of the president of the House takes place six days after the Supreme Court judge, Pablo Llarena, again prevented the investiture of Jordi Sánchez. A decision that, according to Torrent, contravenes the resolution of the Human Rights Committee of the UN, which urges the State to guarantee its political rights.

In its decision to admit Sanchez's complaint, the Human Rights Committee of the UN urged the Spanish State to "take the necessary measures to ensure that Jordi Sánchez can exercise his political rights." As published by 'El Nacional', the Committee did so under Article 25 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Llarena denies Sanchez's freedom
On April 12, the judge of the Supreme Court again rejected the release or the granting of a prison permit so that Jordi Sánchez could go to the investiture session scheduled for last Friday, April 13.

The magistrate thus opposed the petition filed by the defense of the candidate of Juntos por Cataluña on April 10, reiterating that there is a risk of criminal reiteration. The judge of the high court also rejected the possibility proposed by Sanchez to be invested by videoconference

Posted by mystery 1963

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