
8 de abril de 2018

¿Treacherously Judge Llarenas?

Before you comment on this issue I want to contextualize why this question. Like every morning, today I been listening to the talk show RNE. Because it is a good thermometer to measure the shock of "stablisment of the serious press" and analyze directly his miserable role to keep the rabble, (in which I include myself), in the state of confusing information, or misinformation , absolute. 
The shocking thing for which you are not prepared for deception is witnessing the failure matrix, (years ago I swallowed the red pill) that is, when the reality is determined to crush the world of parallel fiction assembled daily "media sensible communication "tendentiously to influence the opinion of those reported from them.
And why choose RNE and no other means of communication clearly more fertile in creating imaginary worlds such as OKDiario, for example? 
First, because I pay my taxes and I think I have the right to be well informed.Second, because in the second case the clumsiness of manipulation is so gross and so obvious that unless citizens boto thought, do not fool anyone.
Must hear the news and witness the talk shows of playing in the first division of manipulation. 
To play in that league must be used subtleties that must be handled perfectly times the dosage of news, focus and intensity on irrelevant issues that are to magnify the precise administration of half-truths, the feints of what I say but not really say when I say it, the interpretation of the events mixed with own facts and countless strategies that only dominate with mastery and primor those who handle at the top of the fourth.
Today, one of the participants in the chain tertulianos we all pay our taxes has confessed to feel in shock by the failure of German judges. 
It was something that, according to him, could not be expected (for my part I thought, I do not expect you "so collaborationist merluzo" you have come to believe your own lies).
It must be hard to fit a host on the lips, suddenly and without having waited, the size of a layer of salted codfish those hanging in the old grocery stores. 
A setback with clenched knuckles well without anesthetic and so scathing. Not content to confess his state of shock Tertullian has attempted to subtly discredit the ruling of the German court. 
In his pride not to accept fair and square what could be a more than likely, for non-lobotomized by the media trash possibility has insisted that failed in its assessment of no crime has been a minor judge. 
Have you ever seen? A regional judge of a federal states  German against the argument used by an entire Supreme Court of a sovereign state such as Spain. 
In his description little less than a German bumpkin, dressed in the toga of judge dared to put into question the decisions of the flower and cream of our justice system.
You have to be idiot for even sow more doubts a good listener of where the shots go in the separation of powers in this country. 
A separation rather than the schism that should mediate between the two powers seems a conspiracy that demuda dangerously and increasingly fast in the vices of political regimes associated with the most corrupt banana republics.
The degree of self-deception and group self-affirmation that is occurring in many sectors and institutions of our country, including the Supreme, is clouding worryingly individual target members that form and nothing better than a third thought (not involved and away from the problem and analyze it with the necessary distance) to introduce a minimum of objectivity in resolving them.
An entire Supreme Court to agree in a situation of self-affirmation group does not mean you do not make misjudgments than just a regional judge, a fan consistent consumption of sausages foreign country can detect.
But back to Llanera judge. I remember being left in a state of extreme confusion having read some of the arguments he used in his order the judge to substantiate the crime of rebellion, as it made me vividly remember the science fiction movie Minority Report.
In the film a dystopian world in which some cyber-police unit arrested precrime just in time to those most likely commit crimes in the future before they could do was staged. 
For it had the extraordinary ability of some psychics who envisioned the future in a state of torpor induced and previously warned the police of the unit.
It was as if this judge, according to his writings, had the prodigious capacity to envision in the future with absolute clairvoyance. 
A judge with the sublime ability to alert the State of the possibility of additional violence crimes in the future to justify in the present, even more were committed, the crime of rebellion. 
A kind of preventive judge's ruling divining the future. Judge Llarena certainly would be a serious candidate for one of these psychic pre-crime unit.
And I do not think has yet invented the means of transport to travel through wormholes, in order to witness the future back to the present with evidence of facts that may occur in futurible, or that the judge Llarena induces in extarños states of lethargy in salt baths given in the bathtub of her home, I think it is more logical to use the logic of Occam's razor and conclude that it is more likely that the judge prevarique to have access to a technology undeveloped or some superhuman powers themselves.
Therefore, I conclude, leaving the question of "bad blood" for those who believe know. Why the transgressors have always been uncomfortable judges to the legislature?

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