
2 de mayo de 2017

47% of workers in Spain earn less than 1,000 euros

Posted on  01 May 2017
About half of the workers, namely 47% of the workforce (8,160,172 people) have salaries below the mileurista, the highest proportion since the crisis began, according to a report by the Union of Technicians of Finance ( Gestha) on the occasion of May Day.
According to information gathered by Gestha,  in the last 8 years has increased the percentage of workers who fail to pay 1,000 euros, from 39.9% assuming the total in 2007 to the maximum of 47% in 2015, year the latest statistics available .
In addition, technicians of Finance warned that, not having other family income,  nearly 6 million workers (34.4%) could be at risk of poverty, receive a salary below the minimum wage (SMI) , which was 9,080.40 euros in 2015, considering 8,010.90 euros was the threshold of risk of poverty in households of one person in that year, without considering that the poverty in households of 2 adults and 2 children it was 16,823 euros.
"The improvement in economic activity and corporate profits in 2014 and 2015 will not be moved to the most precarious salaries" point Hacienda technicians. 
Instead, this spiral of mileurista contrasta with the situation of managers who have continued toincrease its immune to the economic crisis salary . 
In the last two years the number of these workers with higher wages has increased to the 136,502 people, 0.8% of the total of 17,349,558 employees.
Gestha qualifies retributive precarious situation of workers as unfair if one considers that these 136,502 managers enter exactly the same as the 5,754,174 workers with lower wages, 96.5% of the 5,960,597 workers salaries by SMI below.
For Gestha, "the inevitable consequence of this disparate situation is that wage inequality workers increased by 3.8% since 2007", being especially intense in the last three years, they conclude. 
In fact, it claims that pay equity has lost ground to settle at 2005 levels, before the economic crisis.
Thus, wage inequality was cut until 2007, he worsened in the worst years of the crisis in 2008 and 2009, and improved again between 2010 and 2012, to start in 2013 a negative path towards greater inequality.

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