
11 de mayo de 2017

An American exmilitar explains that the THAAD missiles can not stop Russian or Chinese

An American exmilitar explains that the THAAD missiles can not stop Russian or Chinese

The former official Frank Rose believes the missile shield deployed in South Korea is a "theater" defense. 

Frank Rose, a former official of military affairs of the US Government It has called into question the true effectiveness of recently introduced in South Korea THAAD missile defense system. Specifically, he stated that it is a defense of "theatrical" type, since it actually can not intercept ICBMs (acronym of ICBM) from China, according to informacón recently published in Sputinik. 

Frank Rose, who served as assistant secretary of State for Arms Control, Verification and Compliance under President Barack Obama, this and other statements made during a meeting of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS, for its acronym in English). He specified that both China and Russia have sophisticated counter-measures to evade ballistic missiles fired to intercept intercontinental missiles. 

It is not the first criticism that receives the THAAD in this regard. Less than a year ago, another former official US military admitted the limited effectiveness of missile shields in their own country, even claiming (also in statements collected by Sputnik) that it could not be expected from a really useful missile shield defense. 

THAAD installation has been involved in disputes of all kinds, from international conflicts over funding to protests and legal action of local peace groups in South Korea, through strong opposition from China. In fact, the issue remains controversial: recently, the new leader of South Korea, Moon Jae-in has promised to reconsider the deployment of US missile defense system THAAD in South Korean territory, considering that negatively affects its relations with the rest countries in the region. RT considering that negatively affects its relations with other countries in the region. RT considering that negatively affects its relations with other countries in the region. 


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