
3 de mayo de 2017

Letter to a Spanish with catalanofobia

urban tragedy isolated in the Barcelona metro not know Catalan

Estimated or not:
I feel the need to help regret because you're in that situation as catastrophic. Failure to understand the Catalan subway panels must be very hard (by the way, I understand that you mean to Catalan. "Catalan pussy" is no language spoken in Catalonia).
As I said, the difficulties expressed with the use of Catalan in the information panels Barcelona metro you should avoid leaving their facilities.Do the following: 112. call the emergency number. This is a free service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. With a single call you will have a response from the Catalan police, medical emergencies, firefighters, police, civil protection agents and rural. Above all, do not get nervous. Try breathing slowly not to hyperventilate and do not marees. If necessary, grab a paper bag or plastic and breathe into it a few seconds until you regain normal breathing. Once you have contacted the operator or operator 112, say your full name, phone number, where you are and what happens. For your geolocation tries to read the panels report the name of the station. I know you are in Catalan but make an effort. If for example you read Urgell, quiet.You can try to pronounce it in Castilian and I am sure that the operator or operator understand you. Then answer the questions that make you and follow your instructions. Above all, do not hang up until they tell you what. It is very important, I repeat, VERY IMPORTANT that you stay where you are.If you want, you can find a seat and be entertained watching people who do know how to get out of the underground installations. I know it is difficult to understand when one is attacked by the virus catalanofobia but there are thousands of foreign tourists who know how to properly use public transport in Catalonia. Really. Know how to find the Pedrera, Park Guell and the beach without problems. But if your case is impossible, do not worry. I am sure that with your 112 call, someone will come to your rescue and you return to the surface.
If you run out of food or drink, make use of the vending machines distributed around the platforms or concourses. I hope they are not written in Catalan. In any case, the water bottles are those which are normally made of plastic and transparent. But also you will distinguish the sandwiches are labeled in Catalan. Usually they look like sandwiches (well, depends on whether they have expired a long time or does not).
Nothing, I say goodbye with the hope that Spielberg not you make a movie like The Terminal, in which Tom Hanks could not leave the airport terminal.Spirits, those who live on the surface are with you.
Alex Ribes

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