
4 de mayo de 2017

Spanish policemen, the first to want to leave Catalonia

The news has a surreal point. The first Spaniards who want to leave Catalonia are ... the national police. The third-world scandal that has occurred in recent days in the Prat Airport, one of the main trenches where there is the pulse between independentistas and dependentistas, has highlighted a reality that not by known, is not very symptomatic. Let's go in parts.

Since April 7, the Spanish National Police, who has the competence to control passengers entering and leaving Catalonia by Prat, must obey a European provision that orders, for safety reasons, the agents to look one for One all passports of travelers. This measure, by itself, is nothing special. But if two situations coincide in space and time, it can lead to a real mess, like the one that has been happening in the last few days at the airport. These two situations are: the arrival or departure of many flights - many of them transoceanic - in a short space of time, and above all, a totally insufficient number of police officers in charge of supervising the corresponding documents. Specifically, only two agents did this task at times. Logically, the tails fired, nerves unleashed and monumental scandal was served. Multiplied by the fact that many of the travelers saw how slow the control made them lose their air connections.

Then, all eyes have been on the brand new Government Delegate in Catalonia, Enric Millo, a politician who since taking office a few months ago, has not stopped going through all the means of communication available - which are many - and Has achieved enormous visibility as a result of implementing the so-called Operation Dialogue which, under the leadership of Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, basically consists of bridging the Catalan government and directing directly to Catalan civil society in its offensive against the independence process . The demands of explanation, logically, soon arose, and in this case, the fastest was the Councilor Josep Rull. After a few days of almost monastic silence, Millo promised that he would implement measures to avoid these situations. And indeed, on Wednesday it was announced that 20 police officers of the police station of Cornellà de Llobregrat, will be transferred to the Prat to reinforce the service of passports.

the reasons

However, how do you explain that these problems only happen to the Prat, and not in any of the major airports of the state, such as Barajas, Palma de Mallorca and Malaga?

The answer is very clear, the shortage of agents of the Spanish National Police in Catalonia. And is that a large part of the Spanish police contingent, made up of just over 3,000 agents, are forcibly deployed. But when they start to get points, so they can, they ask for the transfer outside Catalonia, where the relationship between the net salary and the cost of living, is much more advantageous. So you can very well say, that they are the first to leave our country. Another element to take into account is that the so-called plus territoriality they receive (about 54 euros) does not pay for anything. And it must be taken into account that this plus is much lower than the agents destined in Madrid (200 euros) and the Basque Country (about 100 euros), reason why few choose to remain in Catalonia.

This episode shows an example of the dysfunctionalities produced by the Spanish obsession to prevent the increase of the number of independentistas in our country.

There is, however, that they think that the episode is not fortuitous and that it is the result of a perfectly orchestrated operation that gives a third world vision of the Logistical referent par excellence of Catalonia and delegitimizes the eyes of the passengers and their governments, the image of Catalonia, especially now that the decisive moment of the referendum is approaching.

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