
6 de mayo de 2017

The ANC gives green light to the declaration of unilateral independence


More than 3,000 members of the  ANC voting have decided this Saturday at its V General Assembly support unanimously a unilateral declaration of independence (Dui) if the state does not allow the referendum which provides the Govern, after the roadmap has been put to a vote without amendment.
The roadmap, in particular, has been endorsed by  2,355 votes in favor, 4 against and 11 abstentions.  Among the innovations introduced by updating the roadmap highlights the proposal to create a "national coordinating body"  made up ofparties, organizations and institutions to ensure "unity of action" at the height of the process, and passing through above partisan differences.

The results of the vote, a total of follows three futuribles scenarios  regarding the independence process in Catalonia: a first stage in which it would hold a  referendum; a second which is expected to "interference" of the central government in the Catalan institutions before the referendum, and a third where such interference would occur  afterwards .
In the event that produced the second or third stage, the ANC would trigger the Assemblea d'Electes de Catalunya (Aecat)  if a member of Govern is disabled and would this entity in charge of proclaiming independence and take "maximum representation legitimate, sovereign and institutional de Catalunya "according to its roadmap.
Dui has returned to the discussion of the Assemblea after the  Vice President of the Government ,  Oriol Junqueras , contemplating the declaration if the State prohibits the referendum, which for Sànchez is "a common absolute sense".
panoramic image of the assembly of the ANC.  (EFE)
panoramic image of the assembly of the ANC. (EFE)
Consequently, the ANC  provides two ways to declare independence , the first is to win the other in an eventual referendum and the new republic is proclaimed "immediately" and the second is that the referendum can not take place and then the proclamation takes place through Parlament or AECAT.
The V Assembly of the ANC have attended as guests the president of the Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont , the president of the Parliament,  Carme Forcadell , its senior vice president,  Lluís Corominas , the Minister of Health,  Toni Comin , deputies JxSí  Jordi Turull, Lluís Llach ,  which has been met with vítores-,  Ferran Civit and Assumpció Lailla  and the deputy of the CUP  Gabriela Serra . Puigdemont and Forcadell have been greeted with a standing ovation from the ANC militants shouting "independence"; and they have also received applause  Francesc Homs, Joana Ortega and Irene Rigau,

Undated question of the request

During his participation at the closing, Puigdemont  has asked the state to "listen and to feel challenged"  by the last "Catalan proposal" that will soon reach the National Pact for the Referendum . The 'president', which suspended the joint to Morocco that it planned to make to the minister-president of Flanders, Geert Bourgeois trade mission, because local authorities would not be able to receive them , has insisted that the 'proces' is "at the end "the way. Catalan leader asked the Government to forget "their laziness and prejudices" and listen to a part "of their fellow citizens who call the door for dialogue."
"Do not tell the date and the referendum question"  has begun by targeting Puigdemont after hinted that, in this respect, had made minutes before the president of the ANC,  Jordi Sánchez , "but there will be a referendum, because it is a democratic commitment , "he underlined

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