
2 de mayo de 2017

The proclamation Independence according Roadmap ANC

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

By  Unilateral Writing

-2 May 2017 Proclamation of Independence of Catalonia may be made, depending on the scenarios, either as a result of a majority vote in favor of the "Yes" in the referendum, either directly from the legitimate power Catalonia, which may be the Parliament, if coercively prevents celebrate either elect the Assembly of Catalonia (AECAT), if Parliament -and Catalan- other institutions is suppressed. In this regard, the ANC will focus its actions on three pillars: recognition of Catalan law and its institutions. Citizen mobilization The internationalization of the proclamation of the new state. Once proclaimed independence, the ANC issued only recognize the legality of the Parliament of Catalonia, and will be faithful to the institutions of the new state: legal framework, new institutional and territorial organization, etc. Citizen mobilization will be key, and will promote all kinds of civil society associations adhere to this recognition. Mobilizing the Catalans residing abroad will also be asked. The international spread of the process and emphasis on the role of society, will be essential in the face of global media, social networks and centers of public opinion. Despite this emphasis, it must be said that, for example, the use of English was nonexistent in the parliament of the Ordinary General Meeting (AGO) held last Saturday in Granollers. Nor he is present in the advertising materials that were distributed. Yes, the International Committee of the ANC, and the External Assemblies were repeatedly mentioned. The post-proclamaciónUna after Phase of the proclamation, and when it becomes effective complete control of the country by the government, the ANC will focus its efforts on: Consolidate the new State Catalan promote citizen participation in the constituyentePromover process participation in constituent elections the ANC does not preclude the adoption of a provisional constitution, purely instrumental, before the constituent elections as a tool for consolidating the new Catalan administration. According to the ANC, we must ensure that the entire process be peaceful and non-confrontational. we must also make every effort to achieve maximum recognition, European and international. The constituent process work to energize the ANC maximum constituent process,which provides a great public debate on the new Catalan Constitution. A debate that should be civic and cohesive. Phase citizen participatory democracy, which already is promoting for some time, by a group of associations and entities Phase participatory democracy with institutional support: four phases are planned phase in which citizens debates are made with a tacit agreement with the institutions, which should led to conclusions that should be the starting point for drawing up the final Constitution. Phase representative democracy in which the Parliament will draw up a constitution taking into account the above conclusions. Phase direct democracy: a democratic referendum to ratify the final constitutional text. Finally, following the conclusion of the constituent elections, the ANC will work to achieve maximum citizen participation. The roadmap also includes a final section refers to the Catalan Countries. The ANC believes that the independence of the Principality will be an incentive for the rest of the Catalan nation and announces that work within the framework of the Confederation of Organizations Sobiranistas to also reach sovereignty.

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