
2 de mayo de 2017


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

All people with high levels of power in this world and all senior leaders, without exception, are conspirators, liars, manipulative and selfish.
Each and every one of them.
Many seem to them that this is an exaggerated and even reckless statement and can not be generalized.
But despite appearances, this is not a visceral and thoughtless outburst of rage against the establishment.
This conclusion is based on the most basic logic and it seems incredible that most people still refuse to see it.
One of the phrases that has become fashionable lately is: "I do not believe in conspiracy theories"
It is a little phrase that many people pronounce unsmiling, also by coating a certain tone of intellectual superiority that is frankly pathetic.
Because they believe in "conspiracy theories" per se, it reflects a touching naivety ... not to say anything else.
And that conspiracy and collusion are the natural state of political activity
They are inherent in the exercise of power.
At the end of the day, for the emergence of conspiracy or collusion, it only takes a group of people with common interests inside information and sufficient resources to carry out the necessary operations.
Interests, information, resources . Three factors found naturally in the circles formed by powerful people.
Making the combination of these three factors "conspiracy" or "plot" is the concealment of information and maneuvers to achieve the objectives.
That is, the secrecy .
And secrecy is the logical attitude that turns information into power: the only way to convert information from which you only have something that is only advantageous for you, is to keep it hidden from the eyes of others.
That falls under its own weight.
Then it is easy to deduce that the conspiracy and conspiracy, ie the agreed and coordinated action by a group of people with common interests acting in secrecy, should be the most normal thing in the world.
Much more common groups of powerful people giving to espuertas the information available to them and making public their intentions and goals and thus losing all advantage gained thanks to its position.
Believing that's laughable.
So, someone can say he does not believe in "this" or "what" conspiracy theory in particular, case by case.
But do you have any rationale to say, generally speaking, "I do not believe in conspiracies"?
How you can drop so great memez without blushing?
From the above, we can draw a disturbing conclusion.
We have seen that exercise power necessarily involves withholding information. And hide information, in turn implies not tell the truth about the activities and intentions, in order not to lose the advantage gained.
From what we can deduce that necessarily involves exercising power lie.
As a person accumulates more power, more insider available and therefore, more efforts should be done to conceal others, leading to more lies must make to maintain safe advantageous position.
Thus, the exercise of power, always and systematically, is associated with lying.
And as more power, more lies are needed to keep the pole.
Therefore, believe in the words of someone powerful is ridiculous, because logically, the chances are not telling the truth.
Remember when you see the president of your government, whoever and foremost remember when you observe the stupid candor with which people listen to their leaders ...
Some people bothered the insistence with which we brand of "psychological manipulators" to the ruling elite. They believe that we have a vision of reality itself paranoid.
But if we use again the most basic logic, we realize, again, that the psychological manipulation also an inherent part of the exercise of power.
For starters, people who cherish the privileged positions in society, are a tiny minority who fully depend for their livelihood subordinated majority.
This elite benefited by the operation of system and structures and therefore keep its main interest standing to their advantage.
That's obvious.
But the survival of the system is based, basically most people subordinate abide by its rules and conventions.
As we have said before, the system lives inside the minds of individuals and social, economic and external political structures are just a reflection of those psychic structures
If a significant percentage of subordinate people stopped believing in the system, the external structure would collapse completely.
With a sufficient number of people failing to abide by the laws, rules, beliefs and social conventions, this small elite would lose its privileged position and would be forced to use direct repressive force to force them to obey their dictates.
But direct and explicit repression involves major disadvantages: first involves a huge expenditure of resources and energy and also all applied force generates an opposing force to be controlled by applying a new force even greater. In short, it is an inefficient and potentially unstable dynamics, which eventually ends up becoming a bad deal.
Therefore, the best way to keep the system up is to prevent individuals come to conceive embryonic ideas that lead them to question the structures of the system itself.
And that can only be achieved by programming the minds of the population .
This is undoubtedly the most efficient method of repression, cheap and effective. A great method in which the chains and truncheons are replaced by concepts and beliefs, ie pure psychic software, once installed on the minds, molded in perpetuity.
Understand this, what is more logical to think? What people occupying positions of power spend much of their efforts to manipulate the minds of his subordinates or on the contrary do not and let them think freely for themselves with the risk that this entails?
Is there any logical reason to think that people who directly or indirectly control the media, the entertainment or education will not use these items for their interests?
Let us not be so naive ...
We know what we will say next will not like many people, it is not a popular view and offers typical positive message loaded "good vibes".
But we believe that the natural state of all living beings, tend to violence and selfishness.
This natural tendency is due to a universal physical principle: "the energy is neither created nor destroyed. Is preserved"
This physical law reflected a biological scale in all its rawness. Living things can not create matter and energy from nothing. For the organic matter and energy necessary for their subsistence, they must wrest other living beings.
For that reason, all living things we eat, devour and digest each other.
It is a painful and cruel, inherent dynamic operation of the universe itself, like it or not and that just drifting essentially selfish and violent attitudes.
Selfish because all living beings put their biological responses to others' needs and violent why all living puts its own survival to the other and makes use of force at their disposal in order to ensure it.
We talked about this in a previous article entitled: THE TRUTH ABOUT VIOLENCE
This view of the universe can be daunting and cruel, yet it houses an absolutely wonderful message of beauty.
And it is that our mind is so extraordinary, that despite this universal from biological substrate so selfish and violent, allows us to create opposing concepts such as solidarity and empathy.
Solidarity and empathy, basically are manifestations of selfless love for the people around us and are part of a higher level of evolutionary consciousness. Something that seems to transcend beyond the pure and to which we are all subject biology.
But unfortunately, these very noble sentiments are not necessarily linked to intellectual development. It seems that can not be learned or condition: they feel or do not feel.
A person may have a high intellectual level and a good education and yet not feel any attachment or love for the people around him.
Powerful people and rulers are a clear example.
They are characterized by deeply selfish and harboring very weak (if not null) feelings of solidarity and empathy toward others.
The proof of this is fairly obvious: If harbored these feelings, not accumulate wealth or unnecessary luxuries knowing that there are so many people in the world who can not or just survive.
If you move the solidarity and love for his fellow man instead of selfishness, they devote its resources to actively transform the structures of the system so that such injustices do not occur, although this was at the expense of their privileges.
It is true that many rich people made generous donations of money through the most diverse foundations, helping the poor or needy. But they do absolutely nothing to change the system that generates injustice, because that would hurt them. Only give part of his fortune and thereby get tax breaks and obvious benefits in the face of public opinion. His, then, it is not a profound act of love and solidarity, but somewhat interested.
Now many will say that what we say is nonsense and that no one would ever do such a sacrifice. But that does nothing but reinforce what we are trying to say is that selfishness reigns over solidarity and the ruling classes are the most obvious exponent of that.
But this is not the worst.
The elites are not satisfied with being deeply selfish and have a low level of consciousness, becoming a large selection of the most abject of the human species.
Furthermore they promote as much as possible that other people are like them and that the masses are composed of selfish, unsupportive and little empathetic people.
There is a practical reason for this attitude: people with a high level of awareness, represent the greatest danger to their interests.
Each time an individual evolves to achieve a high level of self-awareness, the environment formed by the selfish and unsupportive mass tends to neutralize it as if it were a foreign body, in order to avoid a "contagion effect".
And sadly, one person harboring feelings of solidarity and love for others turns out to be very inefficient when immersed in a system based on selfishness and competitive environment that makes it easily removable.
However, a sufficient mass of conscious and supportive individuals can create more powerful and efficient than forming a set of structures selfish individuals.
And these structures "revolutionary" (by going against the mental level) actually endanger the survival of the system and the interests of those who benefit from it.
Therefore, to avoid the appearance of a critical mass of conscious individuals, elites promoted, much as they can, selfishness and division in their subordinates in order to exercise antibodies against their natural enemies.
And they are not only conspirators, liars and manipulators, but also strive to corrupt the rest of society with its sickly selfishness.
They have become literally a hotbed of psychological infection.
Certainly, these statements can be very hard.
It is most likely that many people will accept cost these views.
Most prefer to think that the conspiracies, the lies and manipulations are specific and extraordinary events that only occur when the capricious fate meets by chance a few bad apples.
They want to believe that the system basically works, that laws are equal for all and that only some corrupt elements minority reach positions of power and flout.
Most governments have noble intentions and that some are lost along the way, crushed by the weight of responsibility or bad company.
And they can fix everything voting for the right party at the polls and an honest leader who will clean up and serve as an example to all someday appear.
His innocence would be funny if it were not so damaging ...

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