
15 de mayo de 2017

They are loaded on public coffers at the expense of aid to banks,

Insidious dichotomy

viewsBefore I write what I want to expose believe that an observation aimed at all fans of this blog is needed. What surprises me, when I start these lines I see that I have 25 days without posting anything, and yet the flow of visitors is maintained. I am the first surprised, something must have the archives to keep entertained thousands of people. I can only thank the enthusiastic visitors and deference they deserve provide the reason for this "slowdown" in new posts. The last published title referred to:  Prepare to taste the pushovers Catalan. He was referring to the late Caja de Ahorros de Catalunya to its transformation into Bank and the vicissitudes of intervention by the Bank of Spain and recipe applied as a balm of Gilead to break off of the bank's portfolio of home equity loans that put in the hands of the group  Blackstone  and the banking business fell to  BBVA . The post ended with these words: "a delicious dessert will be served in a couple of weeks" I was wrong, this issue is not the end, it is a collection of first courses such as those seen in movies with scenes of  medieval binges with  one  pig  enterito  on the tray .
balmI think I'm on the track where he has gone to the thousands and thousands of millions of euros that all of a sudden  are loaded on public coffers  at the expense of aid to banks , or what is the same about our shoulders and pockets. We are talking about 60,000 million officially recognized once were 40,000, however, the Court of Auditors raises the amount to 100,000 million and  if we turn away from the official figures vary between 200 and 300 billion,  my bills exceed 400,000 millions.See  the "hole" Banking: more than 476,000 million euros . The assault case to state this in view, all of a sudden we've gone from being one of the best countries in relation to sovereign debt settling among the most problematic, we have gone from a debt of 340,000 million to exceed one trillion, three times. Debt can never be paid and the interest each year exceed 30,000 million euros.
tyrantsWe live to pay taxes that support shebang  designed by  an oligarchy that  enriches into the stratosphere,  it is  a criminal gang that was installed in power by  manipulating the electoral process to perpetuate impunity pervert the democratic system and control media. This is what is already apparent from the facade,  however, it begins  to see some shadows on  the inside of the shed:  the empire of corruption. and about trifles, little things, day to day political parties. Politicians have invented the command to fall back all the cash and power has been and is divided between the old guard where flowers "you more than I do " . So far, internal wars between fractions allows the balls uncover some of the others. The chain of explosions of corruption cases in recent months is related to the vicissitudes of the Pujol family. During the 23 years of domination by Jordi Pujol in Catalonia and with a meaning number of representatives in the Congress of Deputies allowed CDC to act hinge party and remove or put the PP or PSOE as a party in power,  it was to change perquisites that some were for Pujol,
applauseSinecures to Pujol was held in  "you give me, I give you"  (hence the origin of  "you more than me" when angry) until things are TorciEron  and  lGreat Power  has been jeopardized part of your business with the secession of a fruitful territory as Catalonia, from the time an entire underground war breaks out . Pujol issue has entered a dangerous phase and is known as war starts but not how it ends.  Corruption is uncovered ends up affecting the State Budget since all the money that some take handfuls have to replace it with more taxes. For many millions of euros that represents this widespread corruption has nothing to do with the large - scale corruption that has been applied  worldwide under the guise of aid to banks.  Spain has been one of the countries hardest hit by the banking crisis because there was a huge disproportion between the share capital of its banks and the astronomical level of off-balance sheet debt. The imbalance of Spanish banks, was such that dragged into bankruptcy to a string of foreign banks. The Great Power  decided that the "party" the pay Spaniards and were willing, for that brought them to endure the unrest was needed. Spain has been one of the countries hardest hit by the banking crisis because there was a huge disproportion between the share capital of its banks and the astronomical level of off-balance sheet debt. The imbalance of Spanish banks, was such that dragged into bankruptcy to a string of foreign banks. The Great Powerdecided that the "party" the pay Spaniards and were willing, for that brought them to endure the unrest was needed. Spain has been one of the countries hardest hit by the banking crisis because there was a huge disproportion between the share capital of its banks and the astronomical level of off-balance sheet debt. The imbalance of Spanish banks, was such that dragged into bankruptcy to a string of foreign banks. The  Great Power decided that the "party" the pay Spaniards and were willing, for that brought them to endure the unrest was needed.
pujolI think I discovered (I put on probation to avoid boast)  is the mother of all mothers of corruption, one that requires high international spheres perched on the power of the back room.  Descubrir the method, plan the assault, made me remember when "discovered" as sat Pujol and family  despoiling the Catalans dear and left written in  Jaque the Viceroy. Vender books sold but  to no fiscal interest will investigate whether what was said was something of certainty. What I got is that I put the label "anti-Catalan",  with the consequent  ostracism and marginalization. Now, years later, when you have interested upend business of Pujol, one of those who put the label me remember the bitch that made me. They now destrip to n against Pujol were the collaborators necessary s defending, a swashbuckling reputation, by then  president of the Generalitat de Catalunya. I wonder the same thing happen to me with the discovery of the method of assault to the state coffers? They now destrip to n against Pujol were the collaborators necessary s defending, a swashbuckling reputation, by then president of the Generalitat de Catalunya. I wonder the same thing happen to me with the discovery of the method of assault to the state coffers? They  now destrip to n against Pujol  were the collaborators necessary s defending, a swashbuckling reputation,  by then president of the Generalitat de Catalunya. I wonder the same thing happen to me with the discovery of the method of assault to the state coffers?
doctorAnswering this question makes me insidiously relativize the matter, I still have very present another recent "discovery" securitization. I thought I had found an effective method to curb the plague of evictions that plagued us, demonstrating, with official documents before  the court that the banks were not the rightful owners of the debt they claimed.For one reason or another securitization he has not had the success it should have had, incomprehensibly PHAs, erre que erre, that it was better payment in kind (give the house to the bank without presenting opposition) remained to fight to defend living place. To be precise and say what corresponds: PAHs MADRID, 500 × 20 and some other association are a glorious exception. Another reason that evictions are difficult to extinguish internal struggles to defend the "territory" by those who believe they have a monopoly  and  others seeking  to be granted "the paternity of the invention". These and other reasons have made me make the decision to dedicate myself to other collateral issues of securitization without having to be in the crosshairs of a crowd, without having the necessary knowledge, fight to exhaustion.
BeachDIC or tom to is served, a part of my brain tells me:  "Novoa, You have not had enough! Go for a walk along the beach in front of you home and stop asking for trouble "  and elsewhere tells me  "? Novoa, you've been a rebel since you were a kid Are you going to stop being now "  have come to the conclusion of the celebrated each has a part of the reason. Inkling  that there will I  have cer  need to take take sides with any of them. I mean, is shall  the Capitalis tas which  carg arán e l capitalism, I keep explaining: that some event that triggers a "nuclear" reaction to precipitate  such as  the secession of Catalonia and its involvement with sovereign debt  if it is now unpayable without Catalonia will be even more. It can also be a reason for this reaction "nuclear" trigger of  the insolvency of Banco Popular  and the method used for recovery,  or both together. Those who know the blog know that I am not given to telepathic or esoteric speculation, but now when they say, that has emerged from the crisis is when there is more risk of bursting. 

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