
3 de mayo de 2017


Wednesday unveiled a Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba in which the intent of the Secretary General of the Organization of American States, OAS, Luís Almagro, visiting Havana to receive an award invented by a counterrevolutionary group denounced .

Colombia image result of state crimes and paramilitarism

The diplomat would also be accompanied by the criminal and former Mexican President Felipe Calderón, along with a daughter of former Chilean President Patricio Alwyn.

The power centers that govern the OAS and almost all journalistic Mafia global right, tried to use this fact to discredit Cuba.

Let us remember and consider:

 What has been the work of Almagro since taking office as secretary general of the OAS?

Provoking  Almagro, Fecal and Aylwin

Muddying the renewed diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States, particularly with the new government in that country, is the desire of Fascist century parasites they have subverted by governments, on behalf of democracy and human rights.

Just days ago, the cerril plan failed to mount an "opposition" with foreign figures show, to corner the Government of the planet's most prestigious Revolution.

They wanted to give a pretext to the new tenant of the House Blancapara turn against the island, but were foiled when Havana denied entry to these "guests" legitimizing domestic violence.


In this chapter, the Secretary General of the infamous Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro Lemes, was an avid serve the narrow interests protagonist, not only found that the group had decided to dishonor, but agonizes .

To be paid to receive a prize from dissidents express disturbing assumptions and coarseness of the Cuban government, Almagro decided to violence, confrontation and incitement, on the contrary to the requirements of his position as regional diplomat.

So devalued is the Uruguayan former foreign minister who urged him to receive a slip of paper fascist? His aggressive expressions seem to forget that in 2009 the OAS members raised their voices to demand the reinstatement of Cuba.

And also remember that it was the Cubans who refused to return to the OAS, they do not forget the dark history of betrayals, double standards and vileness of Washington endorsed by the regional body against Nicaragua, Chile, Guatemala, Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela peoples, Bolivia, Ecuador and Cuba, among many others.

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Fewer still want to remember that in July 2014 he argued that Cuba "should reoccupy an armchair in the body"

Corporate press reported on February 10 when their opinion on the plan to build a wall between the US and Mexico were asked, he replied: "I had border wall and deportations before arrival" of Donald Trump.

That response contrasts with the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) of the OAS, which urged the new US government to "set aside" executive orders on immigration and refuge, considering that carry a high degree of discrimination of communities migrants and minorities, particularly Latinos and Muslims.

Honduras image result of state crimes and murder journalists
HUY !!! How strange is not the dictatorship of Venezuela

That is, the man whose investiture forces him to act according to the best interests of the peoples of the Americas, sees no problem in separating families.

The president surprised not just explained why he did not take the picture with a small group of provocateurs trasnochados, whose ideological vacuum replaced with endless fondling of concepts such as "democracy", "freedom" and "openness".

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In his arrogant unawareness, Fecal believe your hosts unaware that his blood was a six-year period (2006-2012) with a balance of ungovernability, which left a country with more violence on how you received: 300% more kidnappings (in 2006 there were 620 a year and in 2011 there were almost 3,000) and deployed the army to the street.

A decade after the drug war Fecal, 150 000 dead and 28 000 missing, hence his promise has been "bombastic and strategy, simplistic" estimated last September José Luis Pardo Veiras in The New York Times they are recorded.

With the black balance in tow, the legitimizing of violent Cuban dissidents do not want to know that their government was subjected to an unprecedented US by signing agreements the largest number of security and intelligence.

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Expoliador favoring the corporate capital, he disappeared Fecal state-owned Luz y Fuerza del Centro benefit of private firms and left a lackluster economic growth lower than 2%.

Therefore, Fecal ended the year with a lower percentage of his two predecessors preferences: Vicente Fox and Ernesto Zedillo.

The daughter of Chilean president Patricio Aylwin was gustosa to Havana to receive a slip of violent provocateurs "in homage" to her dad.

She knew that the act had been declared illegal by the Cuban authorities and yet he "was excited" to play Democrat.

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What the former minister refuses to recognize is the painful testimony of hundreds of Chileans tortured, who stated that more had tortured "democracy" Aylwin the dictatorship.

With absolute lack of shame, respect and sensitivity, she asked his government to condemn the sovereign act of Cuba, "that reminds me of the Pinochet dictatorship."

Honduras image result of state crimes and murder journalists

As with the networks of transnational organized crime, nodes "opponents" in the host country - Cuba - are only visible part of a multidimensional structure.

The groups, which ostentanpretensiosos names such as Democracy Center and Community or Center for Studies and Development Management in Latin America (although they have never lifted a finger towards that goal), operate subordinated to economic resources, technical and media that put available subversive agency programs such as the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) or the baleful US Agency for International Development (USAID).

None is transparent (unaccountable) nor is democratic. His courses include tactics, techniques and strategies to subvert the legal order in the Latin American progressive governments.

Honduras image result of state crimes and murder journalists

To prevent violent acts of provocation, which incite hatred between brothers, Cuban authorities denied entry to the country to these "guests" mano dura apologists, partners and friends mercenaries false victims.

OAS result image: Exhausted brothel

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