
3 de mayo de 2017

Almagro was declared personanon grata in his country ... Uruguay

Almagro was declared persona non grata in Uruguay
The Federation of University of Uruguay (FEUU) Students declared persona non grata Almagro for its interventionist stance against Venezuela
Openly neo - liberal and right - wing positions of the OAS and especially its Secretary General  Luis Almagro , are making the Latin American peoples begin to rise again.
The Federation of University Students of Uruguay ( FEUU ) raised his voice in protest to the positions of several Latin American governments, including Uruguay, supporting the intervention promoted by the OAS against Venezuela.
This organization of young Uruguayans  declared persona non grata  to  the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS),  Luis Almagro, through a statement, expressing that the OAS  "destabilizes" on the continent  and labeled Luis Almagro as the "sepoy most notorious of recent times. (...) 
Seeks to restore to that body as the ministry of colonies, being faithful to the conception that gave rise ".
FEUU demonstrated its "full support" to the Venezuelan people, it is their "right to resolve their differences, legitimate channels and institutional spaces".
Since the OAS Secretary General, Luis Almagro, to become the agency in a center of anti-democratic campaign against our country, becoming blind eye really important cases, such as acts of civil disobedience in Paraguay, the social situation in Argentina and de facto government in Brazil, to name a few cases.
They qualify him as the worst of the sepoys who has given birth the continent ....
It calls attention CLUBBING saved the greatest silences that press against students from Uruguay, clear (clarified) exaggerate when we say that we express surprise at it, but not at all that we are surprised at all ... !!!, demonstrating that silence is that page and working to the right and front ago, uncovered nothing ... !!!
What a shame...! and there are accompanying this silence a small group, supposedly revolutionary, who were next to the Commander as his immediate advisors and greater confidence, as were his minister:   Anaelisa Osorio, Navarro, and so on ....   
They qualify him as the worst of the sepoys who has given birth the continent ....
It calls attention CLUBBING saved the greatest silences that press against students from Uruguay, clear (clarified) exaggerate when we say that we express surprise at it, but not at all that we are surprised at all ... !!!, demonstrating that silence is that page and working to the right and front ago, uncovered nothing ... !!!
What a shame...! and there are accompanying this silence a small group, supposedly revolutionary, who were next to the Commander as his immediate advisors and greater confidence, as were his minister:   Anaelisa Osorio, Navarro, and so on ....  
Result image ALL WITH CHAVEZ

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