
2 de junio de 2017

You are the creators of patterns; All they have to do is have the intention that is so and we are there to answer everything they want to know.

Monthly Message  Connection Hilarión  © (June 2017)

I come on the wings of love! As the world continues to change in all areas of human life, many people find it difficult to sustain, feeling a base around and under them, so to speak. Everything is changing, everything is changing and as it happens, also human consciousness fluctuates and changes. This change that humanity is experiencing is difficult for most of humanity understand and consciously experience it. For those who have been doing the job, following his inner guidance, spiritual guidance in their spiritual journey, it is a time of acclimation to the higher frequencies that are coming now.

Is a time to expand beyond the above limitations, to understand and understand that they now have a great opportunity to experience life on Earth in a much larger scale than you ever dreamed was possible. This is something that most of you still find it difficult to understand and comprehend, what a manifestors you are now!You can create a wonderful new reality for yourself, for your loved ones and, in doing so, for the world in general. You are the creators of patterns; You are the ones who are creating the new reality by being willing to expand beyond previous limitations, to expand into new horizons following the inner impulses of his heart, doing what comes to you, being willing to follow and complete projects. 

We, from the spiritual realms of existence, we can now communicate more easily with many, many of you, and those of you who are not accustomed to hear and receive our thoughts and communications, are finding that this is an amazing phenomenon. It's time! The veils have thinned. Now we can communicate at all times. We can answer your questions as they arise in you. All they have to do is have the intention that is so and we are there to answer everything they want to know.

The ancient knowledge of previous civilizations touchingly expects to be harnessed and returned to humanity in these modern times. Much can be of immense benefit to all those who are lucky enough to find this knowledge. When you see that this knowledge is available immediately ensure that they benefit from it. Many of you still stand between two worlds, one foot in each, but this is becoming more difficult to sustain. As you grow closer to the higher dimensions, naturally let go of everything that held them before.

They are moving, they are moving up, but  in doing so are finding that really do not have to go anywhere, do or be anything, that the answers come to you from within your own being. Each of you is your own guru, you are the ones who have all the answers within themselves; it's time to let those answers arise. They can do this bysitting still and quiet, no hassles, opening a clean page in a notebook or new daily and allowing the words to flow through you. Then you can leave this information aside for a later time, making sure to note the date and see as far as time progresses that what they have been getting is highly relevant, not only for you but for humanity in general.

Then we ask them to consider sharing this information in the form of physical or electronic books, publications on blogs or whatever. They share what comes. No need to hand over everything you get them for free, because those who are required to make the effort of a small payment for the information coming through you, invariably and inevitably value and appreciate more than those who are he has given freely. There are many people seeking information to find answers to your questions about why things are happening in the world as they are happening and this is where those of you who have prepared and shared in a position to be helpful for them.

This has to be a personal help of one on one, because many of you, as is the case of our escribana, have become service to higher levels and greater numbers of people, rather than working one on one with people and this is perfectly acceptable and perfectly good. It is to joyfully received with joy, to share with joy, everything that comes into and through you. Each of you comes with a special gift to give to others, to share with others and it is up to each begin to appreciate those who also provide information, knowledge and wisdom important for these modern times.

Each of these offerings is intertwined in the cosmic realm of consciousness in gold thread, helping each person to pick them golden threads of truth for your own journey. Always seek the path inward; This is where you will find everything you wanted and need to know: within your own being. They have all the answers within you, within your higher consciousness and divine mind. They have the wealth of information that all aspects of their Souls have contributed through the ages.

You, as the ancients have experienced this world many, many times, in many different roles from highest to lowest. They chose the path of personal experience to be teachers of the challenges and obstacles encountered in the world of duality and have done! Most of you have moved beyond that stage, they are now at the stage of challenge accept yourself as masters of this world and this reality, as they move towards the creation of the new world. You all are doing this so well! They are letting go of the 'should' and 'have to' and just stick with joy what they are doing. If they feel joy and feel good - continue, dear!

If you are doing something that goes back to the cycles that have worked before and who produced them fear, doubt or low self-esteem, then quickly stop what they started to do. Again attempting to do anything with joy in their hearts. When they feel joy, all energies flow together and it all comes together with grace and ease.This is another barometer to measure how they are. Keep up on this! Yes, the world is changing, the outside world. His inner world is based on a solid foundation of the Spirit, of the Divine and this is what we always take the new millennium.

We are always with you, it is easier for us now come to you when we call - and why is that? Because you are like pillars of Light on your planet, that's why!
Until next month, Be blessed!

I AM Hilarion

© 2009-2017 Marlene Swetlishoff / Tsu'tana.
All rights to the author / website escribana and reserve . It does not allow videos of these messages in any language.

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